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Redskins | Green With the First Team - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)

9:10 PT: According to the Washington Times, Washington Redskins WR Jacquez Green lined up as a starting WR during Friday's mini-camp practices. He joined returning starter Rod Gardner.

Redskins | Talking To Ogbogu - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)

9:09 PT: According to the Washington Times, the Washington Redskins are talking to the agent for free agent DE Eric Ogbogu (Jets).

Redskins | Davis Waiting - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)

9:08 PT: The Washington Times reports Washington Redskins RB Stephen Davis is waiting for a offer from the team concerning a restructured contract he has been told he has to accept or be cut after the 2002 season. "To make ultimatums and stuff like that, I don't think it's good, but the only thing I say is, let's just get it done," Davis said yesterday at mini-camp. Asked whether he might make concessions to stay, Davis replied, "It's hard for me to say. I can't really tell what they want from me, and I can't say what they're willing to give me. I'm willing to sit down and do what's possible because I want to be a Redskin. We've just got to talk about it."

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Ogbogu as I remember was a Maryland product and came into the NFL as a DT. If the Skins are looking at him as an End I trust Lewis that Eric can play that spot.

My concern, though, with Eric and with Larry Webster is that neither really has any starting experience. These are role players.

At End that may be all we need with Wynn, Coleman and Smith.

But at tackle we need more IMHO. I hope we don't pull the trigger on Webster to fill the DT spot so quickly. I would wait until after June 1.

I don't think there is any question the Skins are counting on Jacquez Green as the #2 starter for 2002. His contract is structured to be a one year deal to produce and Green wouldn't have signed here instead of St. Louis or back with Gruden unless he had some assurance from Spurrier he would be in the gameplan.

As far as Davis is concerned, I think he is being somewhat disingenuous. Yes, the Skins shouldn't be printing what amounts to ultimatums in the papers, but I also believe Davis and his agent aren't taking into consideration how important to the team's ability to get HIM a guard and some other complementary players on the roster it is to get a restructured deal done QUICKLY.

It appears Davis wants to drag this thing out for maximum advantage and I think the Skins are basically telling him that they are not going to let him, no matter how valuable he is now, to prevent the team from moving forward under Spurrier.

If Davis doesn't want to play ball, he will be gone in 2003.

I don't want that to happen, but I don't want to see another Trotter situation develop where team and player fight over the course of a season or two over money.

it just isn't worth it.

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I applaud Davis' attitude. He's being real, he's being considerate and he showed up at the camps, unlike a familiar RB in Indy.

The fact he's waiting on the pitch from Mendes and being patient, but willing to get it done, is a huge plus. I like those words

"Wants to be a Redskin" :)

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Originally posted by bulldog

My concern, though, with Eric and with Larry Webster is that neither really has any starting experience. These are role players.

Webster was the starting DT before he was suspended, prompting Baltimore to sign Adams.

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Webster has been an off-again, on-again starter in the NFL with first Miami then Cleveland and then Baltimore. But he has been in and out of the lineup due to injuries and drug problems and has not established himself as a solid starter.

Plus Webster is 33 years old. This guy ain't no spring chicken. On a one year deal he would be an adquate solution to the DT spot for 2002.

If this is the preferred route the Skins want to go I wouldn't give him any more than a one year investment.

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