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Eagle fans want Davis


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Stopped by the Eagle site to catch the lamentations over Bucky and saw two separate threads stating Stephen Davis was the guy they should go after to replace him. They were confused as to WHEN the Skins would release Davis should he not re-work his contract, thinking that might be this year.

A sampling:

eaglejames20 - "and I believe if we don't feel confident Duce can get the job done, then STEPHEN DAVIS may be the best way to go. "

(Someone did come along and correct this guy)

upstatenyEagle - "I would love to now get Stephen Davis to bad the Skins wouldnt cut him now to make cap room since he really doesnt want to re-do his contract he would be a excellent back for the Eagles in my book he is a top five RB in the league. Pick up Levens now and if Stephen becomes available latter on down the road sign him!"

eaglejames20 - "If were going to sign Davis then we don't need Levens. "

upstatenyEagle - "Right i know, but the Skins could drag this out all offseason we need someone now in case we cant find anyone latter down the road and if Davis does become available grab him."

(I was kind enough to straighten "upstate" out) :)

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Well they're certainly not going to get him THIS year, which was their line of thinking. Come to think of it, that could factor into negotiations for next year, though. Davis' agent could play the "well, he'll just go to Philly" card ... Naaaah! Never happen.


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This is LOL funny. :laugh:

So what's the trade proposal, Davis and Ramsey for Corey Simon and McNabb? ;)

Those guys can keep dreaming. Plus, as there are always 2-3 good RB's drafted each year anyway, they'd be foolish to trade for or sign an expensive veteran like Davis anyway. Oh well, they're despondent so I shouldn't be so hard on them.

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killa, his salary for the 2003 season will be around $11M because of how many escalator clauses in his contract have kicked in due to his excellent performances over the last couple of seasons. We simply can't afford to pay him that, so he'll have to renegotiate before the 2003 season, or else we'll release him. However, this won't be a pressing issue before next offseason, and although things don't look promising right now, we may be able to renegotiate with him this year. Right now it's all speculation as to us, and doubly so for the despondent Iggles fans.

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I understand about his contract and whatnot, but damn. We're talking Stephen Davis. He is one constant that we take for granted. I mean, I think he's the most valuable player on our team by far. Without him, we have nothing. It showed last season when good old jimmy raye abandoned him and we lost because of it. I would hope they would make the biggest effort possible to make sure he's a skin. I'd rather have him than arrington to tell you the truth. I know thats a bold statement, but hey. He's a constant 1,000 yard guy. Guaranteed.

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Brains and Eagles fans are terms seldom used in the same sentence.

tommy, to be honest, I have no idea of what his market value would be in a trade, but I'm pretty sure we would not be able to take the cap hit that such trade would inflict on us. Furthermore, unlike New England, we're not dumb enough to trade a pro-bowler within the division.

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Originally posted by tommy-the-greek

This has me thinking what is SD's fair market value in a trade? What is he worth in Draft picks? And what players in the league would be an even trade for him?

Don't let PC see this, one of his pet peeves is the trade Stephen Davis talk because apparently trading Stephen Davis would accelerate his signing bonus and be murder of the Skins salary cap...apparently it is impossible to trade him and remain in compliance with the salary cap limit, but I could be wrong on the details.

As for keeping Davis next year, obviously Dan Snyder is interested in re-working the deal and I expect he will continue to discuss it with Davis's agent through the off-season, but ultimately the ball is in Davis's court, because he knows that if he wants to, he can force the Skins to release him and make him an unrestricted free agent. Both the Giants and the Eagles will have a ton of cap space next year and he knows that if he becomes a FA, both those teams will show a lot of interest in him, as well as any other team without a RB and some salary cap space (Dallas?). So he can, if he wants, see what is behind door #3 and go for broke. There would be very little the Redskins could do in that situation but suck it up and go forward. What goes around comes around in this system, so if Davis makes it purely business, he can hold the Redskins for ransom, thats in part why they drafted Betts, but for all his onerous behavior, Dan Snyder is an owner who has made it clear that winning is of the upmost importance and you know that if he could, he would outbid any of those teams for Davis, but the cap just doesn't make it prudent, so is Davis willing to compromise a little and accept some sort of re-worked contract beginning this season that would make him among, if not the highest paid running backs in the NFL? And are the Skins able to make such an offer with enough up front money to make it appealing to Davis, or does the current salary cap situation make it impossible?

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Just heard on 610 WIP that the Birds have contacted Levens and he will be in for a visit Monday.

This is actually a pretty big hit for the Birds. I am not sure if many of you know that Buckhalter was being groomed to take the starting job from Duce this year. He showed promise last year enough for Reid to comit to him. Meanwhile, Duce was mishandled a bit this offseason and apparently was grumbling at one point. Since his injury, he has just been a decent back, nothing more or less. Now the Birds are forced to go with Duce as the #1 this season again, with no upside at all.

Since McNabb will most likely get better, it's nice to know that they at least won't be getting any better in the run department.

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I still maintain that if we do well this year and the players have fun that could change things tremendously. Let's see hwo things pan out this year and then talk about SD's status. Right now any speculation is beyond premature. Sheesh you'd think Eagle fans would have enough brains to realize if Snyder wants to keep him we'll find a way.

What am I thinking...using Brains and Eaglefans in the same sentence?

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I'm with cowboy killa. Seems everyone is being really cavalier about the prospect of losing Stephen over a contract dispute. This guy is a *gem* of a running back, and that is the most thin position by far in the NFL. One can also argue that it's more important than QB: you can win a championship without relying on the pass but not without relying on the run. So the mere idea that we don't have #48 is, to this fan, heresy.

Of course, Stephen will go nowhere because he isn't the type of guy who feels he needs to prove himself witha contract's size. It'll get done; last time was just as dramatic. Just remember, guys, it's the agents who are the jerks, not the players.

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As to the cap numbers: Yes, if SD gets traded (or cut, or retires. . . ) right now, his cap number for this year actually goes up. (If he leaves, we actually have to cut somebody else, in addition to him, just to stay under the cap). Therefore, the only way he leaves right now is if somebody offers us enough (draft picks, other players) to make up for losing him and the other guy. Not bloody likely.

If he leaves after June 1st, then we save some money this year, but all we save is his salary. (This year's share of his bonus still counts. And his salary is smaller than his bonus). Any hypothetical offer could be smaller, but I still think the odds of someone dangling something that's worth trading Steven Davis for is real slim.

No way he's going to Philly, this year or next year, 'cause they're too cheap to pay him what he's worth. (I'd be worried that Jerry might be able to come up with some cash, though: Emmitt ain't getting any younger).

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