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Trotter Press Conference at 2 PM Today


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Trotter is a very good player, I am just getting a little concerned about the cap money we will have available if Davis refuses to restructure and Coleman balks.

then we will have to find TWO starting defensive linemen before training camp.

Adams alone wants $6 million. Coleman only frees up $3.5 M and we need $2.7M or thereabouts for the rookie pool.

This could get dicey.

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If we release Coleman after June 1, we clear $3.5 million in cap space . . . we can clear an additional $1.2 million by cutting Albright and Greer . . . that will give us around $5.2 million . . . we can sign rookies and an OG for around $3.5 million . . . then we can sign Adams for a Trotter-like contract that has very little cap ramifications in the first couple of years . . . if he does sign for something like that, we'll have a line of Wynn, Wilky, Adams, and Smith . . . if he doesn't, we may just have to make do with Carl Powell (who apparently was well thought of in Chicago) and/or Del Cowsette . . . under this scenario, by signing Adams, we'll have nearly no cap space left . . . without Adams, we'll have around $1.7 million to work with . . .

As to Davis, after all the gnashing of teeth and sabre-rattling is done, we'll be able to restructure him to create more cap space . . . if we're truly thinking about negotiating a new deal from scracth, however, that may get really tough . . . if we really need more space, we can either restructure or cut Sam Shade after June 1 . . . with that extra cap space, we outta to extend Jon Jansen . . .

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I think the 3.5 number for what it will take to sign the rookies is a bit high. Usually the 1st rounders are slotted salaries, and we have the lowest first round pick. That was an additional advantage to trading down that nobody talks about. For all of our picks from the 3rd round on, we should be able to get them at contracts that either don't effct the cap under the rule of 51 or tat affect it minimally. If I had to guess, I would think we could get all of our rookies signed for somewhere in the 2.5 to 27 range in terms of cap hit.

Anybody here know what the 31st pick signed for last year?

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I would cut Bruce Smith before Marco. I think its a production issue there. I hate to say this but I have no issue dropping Bruce, Signing Sam and have our D look like this.

DL- Wynn, Wilky, Adams, Colrman

LB- Arrington, Trotter, Armstead

DB's- Champ, Smoot (Darrell), Shade, Terrell

I know you guys aren't crazy about the safeties but I think that is one solid D that Tampa would be jealous of.

Can somebody who sees the press conference give us an update around 2:30pm?

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Without knowing the numbers, I'm pretty sure that cutting Smith would not give us the same amount of cap relief that cutting Coleman would give us. For the record, I think Coleman is important to the team because of his locker room presence, and I think he's still got some productive football in him, so I would like to keep him.

Back to the original topic, does anybody know if any of the local stations will broadcast the press conference?

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On Bruce, he signed a $4 million bonus when he came here and last year, he rolled about $3 million into a new bonus. I don't think many places have his hit totally factored in. Earlier in the offseason I thought we had worked it out so that, essentially, cutting Smith was about an even swap. With the additional bonus dollars from last year accelerated in negating his base cap I don't think we save with Bruce like we do with Marco, but, I'll defer to Buddha on that, or to PC.

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Yomar's numbers are close to correct, but he has them backwards.

Cutting Smith saves us more now, but costs us more in 2003 as well.

Straight from PC's post on CPND:

Bruce Smith DE

2002 Cap Hit $5.168m

SB Penalty (cut prior June 1) $5.004m (save $164k)

SB Penalty (cut after June 1) $1.668m (save $3.5m in 2002, cap hit of $3.336m in 2003)

Marco Coleman DE

2002 Cap Hit $5.295m

SB Penalty (cut prior June 1) $3.780m (save $164k)

SB Penalty (cut after June 1) $0.942m (save $3.0m in 2002, cap hit of $2.835m in 2003)

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Yeah, that sounds about right Rat.

I think if you cut Smith, you do so and get rid of what you'd have to owe him rather than waiting until June 1, but, those numbers are what I recall discussing before.

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see all the pain the signing of Deion caused?

those of us that didn't like the move in the first place were drowned out by those that thought this guy could walk on water.

I guess we all found out that he couldn't when he fell crossing that first lily pad into the lake :laugh:

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Hmm. That's a long way to go for an attaboy, brother.

So, who here thought Deion "walked on water" and shouted down the skeptics? I believe that was before I stumbled in this door. Anyone I know?


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Then that is even more reason to cut Bruce Smith instead of Coleman, cutting Smith saves us more against this years cap (although ultimately we don't really "save" with cutting either player...more like defer, but in the spirit of tax cuts that count against future earnings, "save" works for me), I think most would agree that Marco has a little more left in his tank, not to mention the difference in Marco's blue collar attitude to Bruce's seemingly soft and pampered attitude makes me wonder why all the talk has centered on Coleman and not on Bruce...

As for Deion, I had never been to a message board when that occured, but I certainly wasn't shy about regailing my Giant fan friends with tales of the mighty Prime Time and the inevitable path to glory he was going to help lead the Redskins down...so while I wasn't trumpeting his arrival around here, if today was yesterday I would be...sadly I was very very wrong.

Kind of reminds me when I put a Heath candy bar wrapper on my dorm room door...

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"Then that is even more reason to cut Bruce Smith instead of Coleman, cutting Smith saves us more against this years cap (although ultimately we don't really "save" with cutting either player...more like defer, but in the spirit of tax cuts that count against future earnings, "save" works for me), "

Sounds like a former econ major to me ;)

This is the same reason I don't like restructuring contracts on older players. All it does is delay the inevitable and make it an even tougher pill to swallow when you finally release him. Restructuring Bruce Smith last year allowed him to have an additional 3 million in signing bonus, which will hurt come next year :mad:

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Bruce is well liked around the league. That said and done, Bruce is no more than a second stringer at best. He can deliver more punch coming off the bench, MAYBE. See, to me he was at that point last year. We were just used to seeing our team in slow motion, so we could tell, until his motor slowed and corner turning was an easy feat, after that, with him on his back.

No offense, but if I made a cut, Bruce, you're it. I know, I know, the affectionate ones will yell and scream. LET THEM!

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