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Well, doesn't look like Spurrier helped too much :).


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I love this, you know how much this is pissing off Spurrier? He is going to unleash holy hell on this league

...either that or be the next Lou Holtz...

I'm feeling pretty good its the first one though

What I like about Spurrier being somewhat removed is that it reminds me of Joe Gibbs. The problem is I have no reason to believe Bobby Beathard of the early 80s is currently in the front office, none the less, somewhat distancing himself from upper management might have given Gibbs an edge in relating with his players. Through two strikes, he remained staunchly neutral. I think that could serve him well in dealing with the politics of team chemistry.

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Per Paul Woody: "Spurrier promised he wasn't going to take the lead or even play a big role in the Redskins' draft. It appears he made good on that promise."

So, S.O.S. said what he meant and meant what he said, yes? Yawn. Thanks for the breaking news there, Woodrow.

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Guest Goatroper


One of us is probably in for a rude awakening regarding your rookie coach. Spurrier may be the rage of the age, or he may struggle winless until fans start screaming for his head. Time will tell, amigo.

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Originally posted by TheChosenOne

Why on earth would anyone trade Gonzalez for a 2nd round draft pick?

The only possible reason I could think of is risk. Does Tony Gonzalez have an injury we don't know about (not a career ender but one that may reduce his effectiveness)? What's his TRUE contract status? What about his interest in b-ball? But most likely, if there is any veracity to such a rumor, its a threshold value someone within one of the teams talked about.

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