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What is the depth chart on OL right now?


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I ask because of all the whining and complaining about not having taken a guard in the first half of the draft (I think that REggie Coleman will be playing there by the time training camp hits).

My take is:

LT: Samuels, Tucker

LG: Brandt, Coleman

C: Moore, Fischer

RG: R. Jones, Loverne, Sulfsted

RT: Jansen,

Looks to me that there's a lot of youth on the team with decent potential. If you ask me, there's not a lot of need for a draft pick on the line, provided that either:

1) a solid veteran is signed for a 2 to 3 year period, OR

2) Brandt is the real deal and his troubles as a starter last year can be overcome.

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we don't have a starting LG, don't have Fischer signed as listed and have 3 others in Sulfsted, Loverne and Coleman whom none of us have really ever see play a down of football.

to me the line is far from settled, at least in terms of depth and the LG spot.

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I agree Left Guard is still swinging in the breeze. June cutdowns may provide an answer but I was expecting some O and D linemen earlier then they were picked.

Same again on the D line, one DT and one young B/U DE in the wings.

I am biased to geting linemen first though and this was a deep draft for O-linemen. Should be a lot of FAs floating aftere the draft also. Last year Dallas had a record crop of undrafted FAs at camp and we still have several.

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OK I forgot Loverne, that will be fixed.

I included Fischer because I just think that he will be back. No reason for him not to be. If not, no matter.

As for there not being a starting LG, maybe that was my point. the veteran or Brandt fills that job.

Besides, what are the chances that a third rounder starts? pretty slim if you ask me. Gurode, Simmons or Fonoti maybe, but not anyone else in the draft. And in that case we're back to drafting for depth.

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Joe, we ended up with the most picks we have had in 10 years and yet managed to close the draft without addressing three of our four critical needs: LG, DT and S.

we did take Ramsey and that pick may very well turn out to be the one that is remembered down the line.

but until I see some of these guys contributing in training camp and holding their own, I will believe we failed in our mission at this draft.

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Fischer is unsigned and did not give me that warm and fuzzy feeling when he was the starting center two years back and he was injured last year as well the year prior so durabilty is a question.

Brandt is a natural Center who was tried at RG and had limited success.

LG should still be address IMHO

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I fully agree with you Dave. LG is still an open spot. I guess that all I'm saying is that coming out of the draft without a guard may not be a REALLY bad thing, provided that we have a plan to address the position with 1 quality free agent signing.

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What happened to all you people that said "develop our own players" from Spares list there are at least ten or eleven linemen listed and if worse comes to wores then use brandt at center and moore at guard:) :D

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yes, but we addressed the spot fairly late and the more I am reading about Lott the more I sense that he didn't fair well at safety and is more instinctive at corner, the position he WANTS to play in the NFL.

so, this pick may be like the one for Darryl Pounds, remember him?

Casserly took Pounds, he of the 4.4 40, who was a safety in school but whom the Skins projected to corner. He never acquired the man cover skills to be effective.

I am concerned that Lott may fall into the same category as a confused player playing out of position.

And we didn't address the other need areas at all, really.

when you have a need for a starter and there are players on the board, you need to get them in rounds 2 and 3, not wait for long-shot development players such as Reggie Coleman in round 6 or 7.

Cerrato seems to feel that guards are easy to find. And I agree they are easier to find than franchise quarterbacks, so I am not criticizing the Ramsey pick.

However, I do believe that players such as Heath Irwin whom the Redskins have contacted is a subpar performer in the mold of Matt Campbell and feel this won't be a solution.

Hallen is likely to cost 3 times more under the cap than a pick in the second or third round would have cost.

After taking Ramsey I thought it would be reasonable to then trade up in round 2 and take a lineman like Gurode, Fonoti or Weaver that fell out of the first round.

The players were there, we just decided not to take them or make the moves.

The reason why I am not so confident about free agency is that you have to compete to sign these guys and if Hallen or Adams is good enough to be considered a solution here he likely will have other offers.

So, then the Skins are stuck negotiating against themselves to get these guys signed.

the cost of using free agency to pick up a DT is something that should not be underestimated.

DT's come at a fairly stiff price as positions go. Even guys like Steve Martin, who have played well for only a season or so, get solid offers with bonus dollars.

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