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We will continue to lose until..


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A leader steps up for this team and assumes responsibility. Look at all the great teams of past and present. They have a guy you know is the unquestioned leader. I ask who is that player for our team? You probably can't tell me, and that's is because nobody has stepped up. We will continue to mire in this mediocrity until somebody on this team finally gets so sick of the feeling that they take it upon themselves to motivate their teammates, get on them for their boneheaded mistakes, and lift this team to victory every week. Right now we do not have an emotional leader, we have a buch of guys. Someone needs to seperate themselves from the pack and determine that they will not stand for this anymore.

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Originally posted by steveskins

A leader steps up for this team and assumes responsibility. Look at all the great teams of past and present. They have a guy you know is the unquestioned leader. I ask who is that player for our team? You probably can't tell me, and that's is because nobody has stepped up. We will continue to mire in this mediocrity until somebody on this team finally gets so sick of the feeling that they take it upon themselves to motivate their teammates, get on them for their boneheaded mistakes, and lift this team to victory every week. Right now we do not have an emotional leader, we have a buch of guys. Someone needs to seperate themselves from the pack and determine that they will not stand for this anymore.

The leaders were Jansen and Lavar.

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Go easy, man. We will continue to lose until Joe Gibbs gets another offseason to build HIS team and refine his outdated offense. He's a bit of a relic right now, but smart enough to mutate and get with the modern game.

Also, it was Ramsey's FIRST start this season. Let him shake off some rust as well.

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Originally posted by steveskins

If that's the case then maybe that's why we've been so pitiful and fallen apart every game.

No doubt those injuries have a lot to do with it. Jansen was the leader of our now laughing-stock o-line. Lavar was the leader on defense that could create turnovers and sacks like that. They are both surely missed.

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And to think Samuels was drafted 3rd in the draft and been responsible for a large portion of the false starts the last two years. Anyone notice his silence? He's not a leader... and he's not a top tier LOT. His salary next year his mind numbing.

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