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I've finally decided what I want.....Trotter on the brain


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I've kept pretty quiet leading up to the draft because I really wasn't sure which direction I wanted the team to go. But I think I've made up my mind. I was Spurrier/Snyder/Mendes/Cerrato here's what I'd do:

-- Get Trotter. Yes, this goes against the "keep it cheap" off-season so for, but perhaps the off-season leading up to this enables us to snag Trotter. This is not "just another" over-hyped free agent. The Eagles made a boo-boo here and everyone knows it. Maybe Trotter was being a baby, but the guy is a very, very, good player and is still quite young. This signing will not come back to haunt us as the Deion and Bruce signings have because there is no age factor involved here. The guy is in his prime and should have at least 5 years or so of top notch play left in him.

Signing Trotter would create a ferocious back 7-- just unreal. I mean, give me a break, Lavar, Trotter, Armstead, Champ, and Smoot? That's crazy. Add Marvin Lewis to the mix and we've got the makings of a juggernaunt. Now, the D line is still a question, but we'll get to that later......

So yes, I desperately want Trotter. When you can add a 25 year old pro bowl MLB and steal from your main opponent at the same time-- you do it, even if you have to overpay a bit.

Ok, now to the draft.........:

-- First things first, I do whatever we can to get Harrington. I DO NOT want to cut corners at QB. If we got Harrington, then I would be fine with a guy like Matthews or even Rosenfels holding down the fort for a season, but I don't want QB to be a yearly question. It's always a risk with young QB's, but Harrington was a winner in college and he isn't physical limited, even though some of his physical skills don't blow you away. I would be willing to give up next year's #1 to move up for him. I view first round picks as chances to get impact/star players-- if we get Harrington this year, we won't have much need for a star next year with Lavar, Champ, Samuels, Smoot, possibly Trotter, etc.... in the mix. I wouldn't mortgage the future to get him, but if the price is fairly reasonable, I'd do it.

-- If landing Harrington isn't in the cards, then I would definitley look to the DL. I want a DL with one of our first two picks. Honestly, I don't care who we take along the line, although a DT seems more likely. But I would simply take the best DL available at 18.

-- I do NOT want a guard in the first round. We have 4 opf 5 linemen set for next year and I believe we could create a good competition for the last spot with Fischer, Brandt, a low-level free agent, and a mid range draft pick. I will be disappointed in we go OG in round 1.

-- The only way I want a WR in round 1 is if he truly has "star" potential. I would see the logic in drafting Gaffney, but I doubt he'll be there. Anyone else seems like a bit of a stretch to me.

Basically, I want QB and DT settled in round 1-2. If we get Harrington, then I will be less demanding about our 2nd pick. Later in the draft, I'd go the "best player available" route, but I would select an OG at some point. Wouldn't mind seeing a safety taken in the 3rd round.

If we get Trotter and a first or second round DT, then our defense is totally set. No worries there. The offense is a bit more in doubt and I imagine there will be a lot of competition in camp, but that's where I trust Spurrier to get the best crew possible out there and find some diamonds in the rough.

Overall, I've been very pleased with what the team has done since hiring Spurrier and if we sign Trotter, I will consider the off-season nearly perfect.

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I agree with you to some extent. We already have and will have a lot of cash tied up in the OL with Samuels and Jansen, adding another high priced guard to play in the trenches simply doesn't make any sense to me.

Now regarding Trotter I initially was favoring picking up somebody like Sam Adams. Considering our recent history with free agent defensive tackles however, I think we're better served by commiting to fill that area of need through the draft.

As for Harrington, I don't think we should overpay to move up and get him. Moving into the top ten simply would be to pricey. If he's still there at let's say 13 though, I'm not sure if it wouldn't make sense to explore some trade possibilities. Giving away next years first rounder is out of the question though. I say we package next years second rounder and maybe throw in this years 7th round pick.


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I'd pass on

Harrington is overrated.

This is a poor draft for QBs Harrington is no. 2 in a 2 QB draft.

Wait til next year to get a super QB if needed and use this year to solidify the O and D lines while allowing Matthews,Waffle and age prove whether or not they can lead the team a Harrington wouldnt be on the field anyway and thus he'd be occupying a spot on the bench that could have wento a starting Guard or D lineman.

Grossman, Dorsey, Leftwich, Eli Manning, Ragone, Simms all big strong arms QBs with mobility and size in the 2k3 draft

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Of those QB's you listed, who do you put above and who on par with Harrington. Also, Harrington will have a year under his belt and under Spurrier's tutalage if he is taken this year.

Personally, I'd put Eli Manning above (significantly above) Harrington. But he still has two years of eligibility left and may follow his brothers example and stay in school. Plus he will be the first pick and unless the skins can move down and get multiple first rounders next year, I don't see them making a move to get him. Not with the Raiders sitting there with two #1's and two #2's and in need of a future QB.

Leftwich and Simms on par, maybe a little ahead. Not really sure. No one is.

I'd put Grossman and Dorsey below him and maybe add Simms here.

I'm not advocating taking Harrington, but if you want a QB, next year may not present that much of a better opportunity.

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Grossman will have four years with the offense, Leftwich has the mobility 4.45 size 6'6 and the cannon and he is staying in for his final year to work on his reads.

Eli is hearing he'd be the first pick next year so it may be tempting to leave.

We have too many other needs to take an immobile weak armed QB in the first round when we have 3 QBs already on the roster with similar flaws.

And woudnt it make more sense to see what we have with Sage this year and if we need an upgrade we make the move then

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I don't disagree. I'm not real high on Harrington. I just don't think next years crop is outstanding once you get past Eli.

I've somewhat become anti-QB in the first round. It almost seems that QB's don't blossom until their second club.

The only thing that would probably make me unhappy in this draft is if they select the Tulane QB at #18. But of course Spurrier has more knowledge about being a QB in his thumb than I have in my body.

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Im against trading up to get Harrington or trading next years #1 pick to get him. If he falls to #18 fine, draft him. Even if we take Harrington, he will just be sitting on the bench this year. But we have to leave it up to SS's judgement, as to what he thinks of the various QB's available. If we draft Ramsey at #18, then obviously SS must think that he is the man. In which case I have to give SS the benefit of the doubt here.

I think if we sign Trotter and draft DT Anthony Weaver or maybe even Eddie Freeman at #18, our defense will be great this year. I would only consider a WR in the 2nd round or below. You can always find good unemployed free agent WR's. They are available every year, so why waste a high draft pick on a WR, when you have OL and DL holes to fill.

Im not going to panic on this OL thing. I cautioned patience back in February when we had 3 starting holes to fill. Now we only have one. Even if we dont draft a G, we can still sign G/C Bob Hallen after the draft, who is a fine guard. We do have to get a DT or two out of the draft, however, as they are difficult to find.

Dont worry, however, as come Friday I will have Miss Cleo's draft picks to present. :fortune: :laugh: She says she's got all the answers and not to worry. I know you guys cant wait for her picks, but you have to be patient while she consults her tarot cards :D

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I seriously question the judgement of anyone who things Harrington is weak-armed and immobile. That person has either never seen Harrington play, or is very confused.

None of the potential QB prospects next season, NONE, have the desire and leadership qualities that Harrington does. Manning is the best prospect of the bunch, but he doesn't have the experience or poise that Harrington possesses, yet. Does anyone thing the Skins would ever be in a position to draft Eli Manning, anyway?

You know, I like Leftwhich. He's got great physical tools to work with. That doesn't neccessarily make him the next Dante Culpepper, though. The jury is still out on Culpepper, too. He seemed to actually regress from his first season as a starter to the next. And while Leftwhich might be more physically imposing than Harrington, I'm not convinced he is a better quarterback.

Grossman? C'mon. Grossman doesn't have the tools Harrington does. Harrington is bigger and has a stronger arm. While Harrington has proven he is capable of carrying a team and leading them to come-from-behind victories, Grossman hasn't had to display those qualities. He's more of a question mark.

Look, if the most important qualities in a Spurrier quarterback are accuracy and the ability to see the field and make adjustment on the fly, there isn't a better match than Harrington. He's the smartest, the hardest working, and the most enthusiastic leader in the whole bunch of those QB prospects. Harrington might actually tire Spurrier out with his relentlessness. That's saying something, too.

I will say it again. Joey Harrington is the most NFL-ready college quarterback since Peyton Manning. Heck, does anybody remember those idots who were questioning Peyton's arm strength and mobility come draft time? Obviously, those same idiots are still around.

Open your eyes and see what's really important to playing quarterback.

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From what I'm reading and hearing (Mendes was just on the WTEM sports update saying "it's going to be a fun first day" of the draft), I'm beginning to get the vibe that the Skins are going to try to trade down, get Ramsey later in the first and pick up another choice. I could be way off base though, it's been really tough to pin down the moves coming out of Redskins Park. Oh well, only a few more days until we find out...

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Fitz,I got a feeling something will happen on draft day also, however, its not trading down. I just can't seem to get the thought out of my head that Danny will pull the trigger and somehow make a trade for Bledsoe or Brunell.Maybe its just wishfull thinking.

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Mark this thread and hold me to it. I can't make any guarantees about who the Skins will draft this year, but concerning next year's QB class I can guarantee one thing:

Eli Manning will not be an option in next year's draft!

Trust me on this one. The guy loves college. He's not like Peyton in that he loves to study film and break down an opponent. Eli loves to drink and hang out with all the Ole Miss women (and there's plenty there that would love to hang out with him). What you've seen of him so far is him just relying on raw talent. There were several games even this year that it was rumored he had trouble taking the field because of such a bad hangover. This year he should put up monster numbers because he's been working out like a mad man but he knows he still has tons of work to do before he's ready for the next level. It's going to be two more years before Eli hits the draft scene!

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Spurrier's history indicates that he doesn't usually recruit or acquire top-rated quarterbacks, he develops them himself.

That to me says no Harrington in round 1. Why use your #1 pick and pass up an immediate impact player for another who might not get on the field until 2003 or even 2004 as an everyday player?

If Spurrier is really that good of a teacher and mentor there is no reason he can't take a Ramsey or Kittner and develop them.

There is also no reason to believe he can't do the same for Rosenfels given that the kid has some physical ability and evidently has the intelligence to pick things up quickly from what Steve said after the minicamp.

Certainly the move for Wuerffel and the interest in Matthews mitigates against the idea that Spurrier is anxious about the qb spot or is gunning for a top-shelf acquisition to hit the ground running.

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I go back and forth on Harrington. I know this, I never did think he was worth a major upward move into the Top 10 to get. If we were in the Top 10 that'd be one thing. At No. 18, he represents INCREDIBLE value. Harrington has enough polish to make me wonder what he'd do with Spurrier running the offense. But, at the same time, I remember watching him against Colorado.

I wrote that he was incredible. He was poised and accurate. At the time I recall writing that I also liked Davey, though later in the draft and the one thing I noticed about Harrington is that in the whole Colorado game, he didn't throw one mid-range out pattern. Davey was lasing 25-yard out passes in his Bowl game.

I came away from that game thinking, "Damn, Harrington would be ONE GREAT guy to have around in Marty's offense since Marty won't throw an out, and Harrington doesn't seem to have that pass to throw anyway, he'd be perfect for us." But, with Spurrier, I do worry a little about him overall. Obviously though, if Spurrier is comfortable with Wuerffel at QB, he'd be overjoyed with Harrington who is a far more physically capable QB.

I think it's fair to question Harrington's arm strength a little bit. He was in an offense that was based on precise passes and yards after the catch, much like the Rams and Niners offenses are. Spurrier's offense, though, is different in that it is deep to short in progressions. Again, Harrington has more arm than Wuerffel, so, I can't complain, but, I'd still say it's fair to question Harrington a little in general.

At No. 18, unless Henderson is also there, he's a no-brainer pick and even if Henderson is there he's the likely pick. But, I'm not too hyped on this guy. Remember now, there are teams at No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 who had awful QB play and none of them are showing a huge deal of interest in Harrington. There's a reason he's not a sure-fire Top 5 pick in this draft. Yes, he has positives, but he also has negatives. At No. 18, it would be the best value pick of the draft. Otherwise, I'm not convinced he's the guy we should desperately go out and get.

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