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Bear with me, I am drunk.......


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Well the first comment is my aggravation on that stupid motion call. Did anyone see when the official went to make the call, he didn't even know WTF he was supposed to be calling at the time. Even the Packers fans at the bar didn't see how it was a penalty. Why do calls like these always seem to cost us games. Is it just magnified because all of our games have been close!?!

Secondly. Forget the 2nd half "heroics" of Mark Brunell. Dude needs to be benched, NOW. He missed wide open throws all over the field in the first half. On the opening drive he throws the ball eight feet over Coles's head. We punt. I am tired of having to HOPE that Brunell wakes up after 2 and a half quarters of play. I thought I had a good understanding BEFORE of why Brunell was remaining the starter, but now, I have NO CLUE why Brunell was in there at the start of the 3rd quarter.

Next, Defense, let me be ONE OF MANY to apologize to you. Every game you go out and play your as@es off for the fans, you keep us in every game, and set up us up to win in the fourth quarter. If only you were a part of this team for the previous five seasons, oh how we could have used you then. I am afraid your skills and efforts are being wasted on an inept offense.

Robert Royal. Next time you have the priverlage of starting and getting the ball thrown to you. CATCH IT when it hits you in your hands, please. We have cut about five TE's this season so far, and some of them have done less to get cut then dropping an open pass for a 1st down or TD.

Lastly, I am drunk, angry and probably very stupid at the moment. Don't hold all this aggression against me, please.

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Right there with you Mike. GF has family over for Sunday dinner and I broke out the vino early:D

I'll be honest here and admit that I was cheering when Brunell got up after that one hit holding his arm. I was hoping to see Ramsey in there after that but Brunell went right back in:(. :paranoid:

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