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OT - Danielle Van Dame is found , burned (badly)


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Guys, certainly the person who did this couldn't distinguish right from wrong and must be on some -- or not on some depending on which he is or isn't -- medication that he couldn't metabolize. This guy and Andrea Yates should both be walking the streets soon enough. I just wish the poor guy had the mental illness of the month like Yates had to help him out. <br /><br />Yes, I'm being sarcastic in my disgust with the legal system. Glad you could tell.

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<img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="frown.gif" /> for the little girl. for the individual who did this? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="mad.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[Guns]" title="" src="graemlins/guns.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[cuss]" title="" src="graemlins/cuss.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[puke]" title="" src="graemlins/pukeface.gif" />

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If the neighbor they arrested turns out to indeed be the rat bast@rd that did this, then just put him in the general prison population and wait for him to be Dahmerized...how any man, let alone a father, can do that to helpless child is beyond conception.

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This $hit scares the hell out of me. Ya don't know who to trust with your kids, and it's dam near impossable to keep a constant eye on them.<br />I pray for the family, and pray this guy dies a slow, painful death at the hands of sick and sadistic people.

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Park City, you're being too kind on him. I would<br />kill him then torture him. As a father, I can't<br />read articles like this. I don't understand someone doing this to a child. In cases like this<br />there should be no insanity plea. I know that I'm<br />suppose to pray and forgive the person that did us, but when something like this happens it's hard<br />to do.

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My heart goes out to the parents of this little girl. As A Dad myself, I know what you guys with youngsters worry about when you read sh!t like this. Mine are all grown, but now with the grandkids, the worrying doesn't stop. I also work in an elementary school (grades k-2) and to see the faces of these little tikes every day, it's hard to even imagine anybody doing harm to them. Guess that's the difference between 99.99% of US and .01% of the gutless wonders of this world.

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Pedophiles are brutalized in prison. The death penalty would be a blessing to this guy. I say let him rot in prison and change his cellmate every day or so.<br /><br />With a newborn myself, my heart weeps for the parents. After 6 months I still check on my son every hour or so throughout the night. God help any individual or group that would try to take him from me. My rage would never end.

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