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Name the New Washington Baseball Team Poll


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I'd personally like to see either the 'Senators' come back or the 'Nationals'. The 'Grays' would be a BIG, BIG mistake. But I would not put it past the DC council to endorse it, seeing as they've already chimed in on the Senators (not in favor because of lack of voting representation in congress....BS)

'Grays' would be a mistake because it's instantly polarizing. Why risk alienating a large part of your customer base before the team even hits the field? It's a reminder of and an 'In yo' face' reference to baseballs segregationist past. Why? what purpose would that serve other than to start a fight,...a race fight. And besides, the Homestead Grays were named after a suburb of PITTSBURGH, NOT Washington...

My suggestion for a new name: 'The Washington Veterans'. Pick your reference...A military vet, a political vet, a sports vet...they all fit harmlessly. It pisses no one off, and yet fits for this city.

Let's go Vets!

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I've said it before, if we're going to honor the Homestead Grays, then we can't call the team the Washington Grays, since they played both in Washington and Pittsburgh. It should be something along the lines of the D.C. Grays or call the team the Homestead Grays.

Everything you read prior to getting the Expos said, "bring baseball back to D.C." Therefore, I think any team should be called the D.C. __________ (fill in the blank.)

I like the name Dukes. The minor league team that use to play in Alexandria, was called the Dukes. The later went on to be called the Alexandria Mariners and then they moved to Prince William County where they became the Cannons.

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