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The Eagles are in 1st place and thats all that matters.........LOL

No seriously though, what happened to all that Joe Gibbs discipline that we have had to listen to all freaking pre season. Joe is back so now we will be playing mistake free football.

1. So much for the retired ref that you guys brought in for instant replay, This is why Joe is so good he covers all aspects?????

2. Horrible clock management, weather it was Gibbs or Brunell falls on the coaching staff....

3. Turnovers, not sure how many you had this week but all we have to do is look back to last week.......

So where is the mistake free football I ask you??????

Bottome Line, you guys are one dimensional. Teams are going to drop the 8th man in the box and dare Brunell to beat them.

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Originally posted by tommytd

The Eagles are in 1st place and thats all that matters.........LOL

No seriously though, what happened to all that Joe Gibbs discipline that we have had to listen to all freaking pre season. Joe is back so now we will be playing mistake free football.

1. So much for the retired ref that you guys brought in for instant replay, This is why Joe is so good he covers all aspects?????

2. Horrible clock management, weather it was Gibbs or Brunell falls on the coaching staff....

3. Turnovers, not sure how many you had this week but all we have to do is look back to last week.......

So where is the mistake free football I ask you??????

Bottome Line, you guys are one dimensional. Teams are going to drop the 8th man in the box and dare Brunell to beat them.

We're a BRAND NEW TEAM. The point is that our system is still gelling, our coach is learning a new league after 12 years and we're still right there in it every minute. THAT'S what should worry you instead of inspire you, DOLT. 6 posts and you're already gonna get clowned. F OFF.

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Originally posted by tommytd

The Eagles are in 1st place and thats all that matters.........LOL

No seriously though, what happened to all that Joe Gibbs discipline that we have had to listen to all freaking pre season. Joe is back so now we will be playing mistake free football.

1. So much for the retired ref that you guys brought in for instant replay, This is why Joe is so good he covers all aspects?????

2. Horrible clock management, weather it was Gibbs or Brunell falls on the coaching staff....

3. Turnovers, not sure how many you had this week but all we have to do is look back to last week.......

So where is the mistake free football I ask you??????

Bottome Line, you guys are one dimensional. Teams are going to drop the 8th man in the box and dare Brunell to beat them.

C'mon freak. Language man. Language. --Henry

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Originally posted by tommytd

Well thx for responding TK! Your response to my questions was refreshing and informative!

Unless you can find yourself contributing something usefull here with your next post, your time here is about to come to an abrupt halt. I strongly suggest that you take the time to read the entire Rules & Guidlines. Compliance is not an option and ignorance is no excuse.

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Originally posted by tommytd

The Eagles are in 1st place and thats all that matters.........LOL

No seriously though, what happened to all that Joe Gibbs discipline that we have had to listen to all freaking pre season. Joe is back so now we will be playing mistake free football.

1. So much for the retired ref that you guys brought in for instant replay, This is why Joe is so good he covers all aspects?????

2. Horrible clock management, weather it was Gibbs or Brunell falls on the coaching staff....

3. Turnovers, not sure how many you had this week but all we have to do is look back to last week.......

So where is the mistake free football I ask you??????

Bottome Line, you guys are one dimensional. Teams are going to drop the 8th man in the box and dare Brunell to beat them.

I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for the moment. I'm not sure pointing out what everyone here already knows a) is all that insightful, and B) merits its own thread. Pretty close to just coming here and flaming.

If you want to come here and talk football, great. But if you do any more of 'kicking the dog' type posting (as you did here), you won't be welcome. You could have critiqued Gibb's performance without the mocking tone.

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Originally posted by tommytd

The Eagles are in 1st place and thats all that matters.........LOL

No seriously though, what happened to all that Joe Gibbs discipline that we have had to listen to all freaking pre season. Joe is back so now we will be playing mistake free football.

1. So much for the retired ref that you guys brought in for instant replay, This is why Joe is so good he covers all aspects?????

2. Horrible clock management, weather it was Gibbs or Brunell falls on the coaching staff....

3. Turnovers, not sure how many you had this week but all we have to do is look back to last week.......

So where is the mistake free football I ask you??????

Bottome Line, you guys are one dimensional. Teams are going to drop the 8th man in the box and dare Brunell to beat them.

Hey Tommytd

I think McNiBB's mom is making some chunky soup tonight....go CHOKE on it.

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Originally posted by tommytd

The Eagles are in 1st place and thats all that matters.........LOL

No seriously though, what happened to all that Joe Gibbs discipline that we have had to listen to all freaking pre season. Joe is back so now we will be playing mistake free football.

1. So much for the retired ref that you guys brought in for instant replay, This is why Joe is so good he covers all aspects?????

2. Horrible clock management, weather it was Gibbs or Brunell falls on the coaching staff....

3. Turnovers, not sure how many you had this week but all we have to do is look back to last week.......

So where is the mistake free football I ask you??????

Bottome Line, you guys are one dimensional. Teams are going to drop the 8th man in the box and dare Brunell to beat them.

What is your point. Are you saying that Gibbs is a poor coach? Gibbs has lost it? Last time I checked, Gibbs>Reid. The sad thing is, you actually make some decent point but your tone is clearly to incite.

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