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Biggest Key to Next Game


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I think, as a Cowboys fan, the biggest thing we need to do in order to beat your Redskins is, and it should come as no suprise, contain Clinton Portis.

I think if we can limit him in the run, and the passing game, that that will give us our best opportunity to win.

What would you consider to be the biggest key in beating Dallas this week?

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Originally posted by Bazooka Tooth

Limit our turnovers, spread the field and run portis run.

To build on what BT said, I think that our biggest key to winning this game is our passing game. If we can show a dangerous passing game, then that will make the night easier on Portis. Lately, teams have been able to put 8 men in the box without much worry because we weren't looking down-field. If the passing game can display our receivers explosiveness, especially Coles, then we can win this game as it will also take some of the attention away from Portis, which should never happen.

We also need to limit turnovers, I don't know why we keep having these problems with the snap but it needs to stop. So far we're averaging at least 1 fumble for a touchdown per game. Unacceptable!

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Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

Sacking Vinny Testicels before he gets the chance to throw the long ball. We should have a lot of chances to sack him since you guys like to throw downfield a lot...

Yeah, we have been throwing a lot more than I expected us too . . . but we've also been protecting him real well. I believe we've only surrendered three sacks in over 80 pass attempts.

Our passing game has been very effective.

I don't miss Quincy one bit . . .


But speaking of pressuring the QB . . . I think that is also important for us to re-introduce Roy to Patrick this week.

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I think one of the biggest keys for this Redskin team is to come out and be fired up for the WHOLE game. Recent history in this rivalry has seen the Skins take the field with good intensity only to go into "zombie-mode" once something goes wrong.

On the other side of the field the Cowboys usually show good intensity from beginning to end and it seems to contribute to their success.

Obviously for Washington, limiting mistakes on the field (in the form of turnovers or big plays allowed on defense) is a huge key.

Talent-wise I believe we are equal to or better than Dallas ... but that's been the case in plenty of games over the last 6 years that we haven't managed to win.

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think if we can limit him in the run, and the passing game, that that will give us our best opportunity to win.

This has to be the most profound statement I've ever heard.

Limit the run and the pass and you have a chance to win...Well....Duh?

Serioulsy, if Dallas can stack the line and if the Skins are still unable to hit the medium and long passes with single coverage it will be a long day for the Skins. Hopefully, this will not be the case.

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Originally posted by MarkPSkins

This has to be the most profound statement I've ever heard.

Limit the run and the pass and you have a chance to win...Well....Duh?

I caught that on the opening post and laughed a bit ... but decided to let him get away with it. :laugh:

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I think our defense should stonewall Dallas' offense, as long as our offense does not make mistakes and give Dallas cheap scores, we will win. If we get Portis going, it'll make it that much easier to stonewall Dallas' offense. If Dallas gives us some cheap scores, that'll be great!

Dallas though, probably needs a big play or two from their offense and try to force a few errors that allow them to get cheap scores.

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Effective play-action from Ramsey and accuracy downfield will be all important. If Portis can even be semi-effective running the ball, Dallas will stack the line and it will open things up downfield. Ramsey HAS to hit those passes.

Turnovers should be down this week considering it's almost impossible to go up from seven. As long as Ramsey doesn't throw an INT or fumble at the Skins' end of the field, he'll be in good shape.

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There are any number of football keys to the game.

Being able to establish the run with Portis and hurt the Cowboys with a power running game backed by a speed back. We must be able to continue drives. We must continue to show the excellent halftime adjustments -- or performances in the absence of adjustments -- we've seen the last couple of weeks.

More than anything though, against the Cowboys, we must show we can take a punch and not collapse. Too often against Dallas we get beaten psychologically. We don't really believe we can beat them, so, if things look a little shaky, we tend to force it, and the game gets away from us.

We have to show we can take their punch and respond. Rise through adversity and take the game from them with what is markedly better personnel. If we believe, the Cowboys shouldn't really be able to beat us. Too often though, they beat us because we do not believe and it's hard to say we have a right to believe now.

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Originally posted by Midswat

Yeah, we have been throwing a lot more than I expected us too . . . but we've also been protecting him real well. I believe we've only surrendered three sacks in over 80 pass attempts.

Our passing game has been very effective.

I don't miss Quincy one bit . . .


But speaking of pressuring the QB . . . I think that is also important for us to re-introduce Roy to Patrick this week.

Passing a lot, are ya? In that case...

The key to the game will be...

Sean Taylor. And a breakout performance.;)

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Originally posted by MarkPSkins

This has to be the most profound statement I've ever heard.

Limit the run and the pass and you have a chance to win...Well....Duh?

Serioulsy, if Dallas can stack the line and if the Skins are still unable to hit the medium and long passes with single coverage it will be a long day for the Skins. Hopefully, this will not be the case.

There's nothing wrong with his statement. He said limit Portis' role in the run game and the passing game and they should win. You couldn't tell from watching the 2 games so far but there are other people on the field other than Portis that are allowed by rule to move the football and I think the Cowboy fan was saying if they can control Portis your other weapons couldn't beat the Boys.

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