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Sellars + Dockery = pancake machine


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I was just watching the replay of the game on direct tv, and one thing that I was noticing was that Sellars was just smashing people blocking behind Dockery. Dockery is going to be a very good run blocker, and Sellars is just a monster. Sellars is going to spend a lot of time on the field busting open hole for Portis and Betts. Just an observation...

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Originally posted by laurent

I've been on the Sellers bandwagon ever since we've resigned him early on in the year. We should have never let him leave in the first place so I'm pretty psyched to have him back.

My exact feeling. Mike also looks like he might be a little more pumped up this time around. Portis running in the 3TE formation behind Sellars at HB and Rasby at at TE is going to be brutal.

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I didn't get to see the Falcons game, but I'm not surprised. In Zeb's clip of the first touchdown drive, you can see Sellars not only locking on and getting a push, but pinning his man to the inside against the LT, creating a gaping hole outside.

I'm pretty sure he's going to be the primary "blocking HB". I think you'll see plenty of formations with Rasby and Sellars on the field in short yardage.

And besides, he was crushing people when he was here under Norv, so why should things be different now?

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Originally posted by laurent

I've been on the Sellers bandwagon ever since we've resigned him early on in the year. We should have never let him leave in the first place so I'm pretty psyched to have him back.

I used to focus my binocs on Sellers because where he went so did Davis. He was a pancake machine. The defenses would finally start to key on Sellers, so he would knock two guys out of Davis' way. Finally Norv would let Sellers be the decoy and Davis would rip off a big gain while the defense swarmed to Sellers.

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I don't know if the Falcons were just awful or what, but many of our pulling OLine would get to their position and then "lock-up" their blocks. They weren't just getting in the way of the tacklers, they would engage them and complete the block. --- Excellent!

:cheers: :cheers:

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