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CBS: All-Cut Team just ain't what she used to be


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All-Cut Team just ain't what she used to be


It's just not as fun anymore.

Cut day, that is.

Besides the quarterback, kicker Morten Andersen might be the biggest name on the All-Cut Team.(AP)

Before the salary-cap era, before teams wised up and cleared out their roster of overpaid and under-performing players before the start of camp, the final cut day was once intriguing and exciting. We couldn't wait to see who had to give up that playbook and start looking for a career in sales.

It featured big names and big surprises, not Curome Cox and Vontez Duff.

There were only a handful of name players let go Sunday as teams cut down to the regular-season limit of 53, and most of those were players nearing the end of their careers. Players like Buffalo linebacker Jason Gildon, Redskins defensive end Regan Upshaw and Chargers wide receiver Kevin Dyson, his career shortened by injuries.

The Packers did let go of former top overall pick Tim Couch, making him the big winner of the Name Game for Sunday's cuts -- as if that's a good thing. But his release had something to do with his arm problems as much as his ability, since he never really got a chance to show what he could do for the Packers -- although Browns fans might say there isn't much to see anyway.

Those four players mentioned above go out knowing they help make up the All-Cut Team this year, but 10 years ago it would have featured more players with name recognition, which made it something to look forward to.

The cap has changed that. For the most part, the final eight roster spots are really all that's determined now in camp, with a few exceptions, which makes for a lot less news value on cut day.

It's so bad now that Brock Forsey, with a career total of 191 rushing yards, is a starting running back on the All-Cut Team. Yeah, he beat out 922-year-old Dorsey Levens on this team, so Levens even got cut from the All-Cut Team -- which just might be the ultimate insult.

The All-Cut Team


QB: Tim Couch, Packers

RB: Brock Forsey, Bears

FB: Charles Stackhouse, Giants

T: Melvin Tuten, Panthers

T: Bob Whitfield, Falcons

G: Solomon Page, Giants

G: Marques Sullivan, Bills

C: Jerry Fontenot, Saints

WR: Antonio Freeman, Dolphins

WR: Kevin Dyson, Chargers

TE: Jed Weaver, Broncos

K: Morten Andersen, Chiefs


DE: Regan Upshaw, Redskins

DT: Bryan Robinson, Bears

DT: Kendrick Clancy, Steelers

DE: Kenny Holmes, Packers

LB: Jason Gildon, Bills

LB: Darren Smith, Saints

LB: Adrian Ross, Steelers

CB: Terrance Shaw, Panthers

CB: Terrell Buckley, Patriots

S: Marquand Manual, Bengals

S: Kwaime Lassiter, Chargers

P: Jason Baker, Chiefs

Returner: David Allen, Jaguars

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