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Who is the Turk


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I can not believe there is one piece of Redskins Knowledge that I do not know. I have heard people on this board and Comcast Sports refer to the "Turk". I know that he has something to do with players getting cut.

Rember I was not in D.C. for all but 2 years of the first Joe Gibbs Ear (87 and 88 Seasons). I was in Miliatry School in Front Royal then so did not watch that much television, and that was the days before the Internet and getting regional sports channels on you satalite dish.

Pleas fill me in. Thanks! :whoknows:

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Thanks PCSkins! :thumbsup:

a friend of mine, Michael Ruttenberg is the Turk for the Redskins this year, he is on their scouting staff and has been given the dreaded job this training camp

This explains it, he is a person that is designated for each team to do this. So the "Turk" is just a title. Wonder what the history is behind it.

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I think Fuji's question was about the origin of the name.
I figured as much Todd, but thought that maybe knowing who he just may be this year would also be relevant.

A little of both. Was not sure if that was his name or just a title. I never heard the Truk before.

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Come on guys. I thought everybody knew that Virgil Sollozzo is the Turk. :D

Don't you remember ,

Tom Hagen - "Sollozzo is known as 'The Turk.' He's supposed to be very good with a knife, but only in matters of business or some sort of reasonable complaint. Uh, his business is narcotics. He has fields in Turkey where they grow the poppy. And in Sicily, he has the plants to process them into heroin. Now, he needs cash and he needs protection from the police, for which he gives a piece of the action. I couldn't find out how much. The Tattaglia family is behind him here in New York."




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Originally posted by Lothar of the Hill People

I don't think "The Turk" is a unique term used only by the Skins.

EDIT: Other teams use that term too.

From the North County Times (San Diego)

While the origin of the term is unclear, Turks have been around for decades.

The late Tank Younger, a Rams running back and Chargers assistant general manager, said in a 1987 Pro Football Weekly article the term came about in 1950 from former teammate Don Paul.

It was Paul who noticed the coach would cut players at night, and he said, "The Turk strikes at night."

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