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Turn on ESPN to see how loud FedEx can get :(


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no matter what game i can get to, i'll be loud and boisterous, (that's my word of the day.)

Loudest Football game i've ever been to is hands down Happy Valley, Especially when they had # 11 roving around!!

107,000 of your closest freinds.

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Originally posted by cowboykilla

Chalk it up to youthful exuberance? No way. Try getting off your can at a 'Skins game and cheering.

I'm not trying to call you out bud, honestly. But this is the exact type of thinking that is destroying 'Skins games. I'll be 80 cheering until I can't anymore.

Sheesh!!! I can't even stand up and scream in my clubs seats without getting yelled at by the people behind me. It is ludicrous--to make things worse there is no sense of family at Fed Ex. Blame that on Synder for not creating a good environment for the fans.

They barely even show instant replays on the big screen (not really having to do with my point), tell fans to sit down (the ushers) and so on and so on........

Did you notice that everyone on the lower level was standing up throughout the game and nobody sat down?

Did you guys see all of those tarps with GO USC or BCS Champs posted throughout the stadium? (BY FANS)

Skins fans have changed or has management changed skins fans?

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Originally posted by Stomper90

Sheesh!!! I can't even stand up and scream in my clubs seats without getting yelled at by the people behind me. It is ludicrous--to make things worse there is no sense of family at Fed Ex. Blame that on Synder for not creating a good environment for the fans.

They barely even show instant replays on the big screen (not really having to do with my point), tell fans to sit down (the ushers) and so on and so on........

Did you notice that everyone on the lower level was standing up throughout the game and nobody sat down?

Did you guys see all of those tarps with GO USC or BCS Champs posted throughout the stadium? (BY FANS)

Skins fans have changed or has management changed skins fans?

Blame it on Snyder?:laugh:

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Yes, it was loud. It was loud throughout the game. The only time I can think of when it was that loud for the skins game was when Deion ran that punt back against TB. The camera was shaking. I was at the Detroit game so I can't compare what it was like on TV.

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The crowd definately needs to be rowdier at Fed Ex. I've been to a bunch of games, and I'm always dissapointed with how the crowd reacts. The only time they will get off their butts is when the team scores a touchdown. It could be a 3rd down and inches with the game on the line, we are on defense, and the crowd will still just sit there. People look at you like your the plague when you dare to get up and make noise. I really hope that changes this year. I wish our fans were more like Oakland's. We should have an equivalent to the "black hole" here in D.C. For God's sake the stadium seated 86,000 people prior to this year, and now it seats 91,000! Maybe the crowd, not just the die-hards like us need to drink more prior to the game, maybe that's the answer. :D:cheers:

With that said, I was reading in one of my Fantasy Football mags recently, that the reporters acually ranked Fed Ex as the 10th worst place to play for an opposing team in the N.F.L. To be honest, I was surprised we were that high.

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In all honesty I am going to go to my first REDSKINS game ever this year. You "diehards" better not lemme down. You can guarantee that untill a cop shuts me up I will rant and rave one every [play and encourage others to do the same. Yes college is different, but It shouldn't be. WE FANS MUST STEP OUR GAME UP... We have every opportunity to put a 12th man on the field w/out any penalties so we sure as hell better. When you go to a game look for a short muscular blond head kid standing up going insane I may be the only one, then follow suit. If we can make Fed-ex field ugly we'll beat anyone at home. Thats what makes a dynasty, the TEAM... We are part of that in our house...


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Hopefully everyone will have some attitiude this year.

BTW, I've never, nor have I ever seen anyone been told to sit down or be quiet by security/event staff. - If someone else in attendence does - Hey, you're at a freaking football game. - Go to the library if you want some quiet.

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Bottom line is the team in general has not had anything to yell about in recent years. No one is gonna yell while the team is getting their tail kicked. If the Skins win on the regular they'll yell trust me. We're not like other teams though. At least when our team loses, our fans will still show up 80,000 plus strong.

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