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Preseason means nothing.....

Tom [Giants fan]

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You guys know that. I know that. Sure, it can be a bit deflating at times but in the end, it usually means nothing.

This is why I'm not looking for the Eagles to be run through and McNabb to throw floaters.

The Redskins won't only put up 3 points in a regular season game too often.

And man I hope Eli is better than he showed tonight (Ok, I know he is).

These are meaningless games where most teams don't show much if any of their arsenal.

Now, I don't know if I'm telling you guys this to make you forget what happend to the Redskins or to make me forget what happened to Eli Manning.

Eli Manning 4/14 20 1.43 0 2 plus one fumble which led to the Jets defense scoring the winning TD.

Well, I guess it is only fair since Warner threw the INT last week which led to Carolina winning. :doh:

The regular season has to be better!!

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It is true that Manning didn't receive much protection but neither did Warner. The difference is, with the exception of two plays, Warner made the necessary adjustments. Manning took the blitz most of the time like a rookie would. And he missed some reads throwing the ball to a Giant receiver and not seeing the DB who was close by but not in his sights.

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I noticed the game didn't mean much to Gibbs or else Portis and Washingotn would have played the entire game. The Skins offense went nowhere after Portis and the receviers went goodbye after the first drive. The defense showed no pass rush after Washington was pulled out. Gibbs obviously didn't want to show much either using a conservative game plan while the Rams ran reverses and had receivers tossing passes. One coach wanted to win this game at all costs. Another wanted to decide who to cut.

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Preseason means nothing depending on who you are.

If you're a team in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, whatever, year of a system, the preseason really is meaningless. It's just exercise. If you're a team in the early installation of a system, the preseason is important.

Winning is not. Being blown out isn't. Blowing teams out isn't. What IS important is you see how players respond to what you challenge them with. Like the Redskins responded to the challenge after two bad weeks with a great week, the Redskins now have a bad week.

How will they respond? We'll know when the regular season opens as next week will be meaningless as almost no one of consequence will play much.

The preseason for new coaching staffs is when they learn their team. When they see how they respond to success or failure. How the guys can be manipulated. Which guys respond to what type of work. Who responds to being beat in a positive way versus who sulks when he's beat.

For our teams, Tom, the preseason is important. The results aren't. But, what it tells the coaches is.

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Yeah yeah Art. I know all of that. I was just trying to make myself feel better with the bad outing Manning had and coming to terms with the fact that Kurt Warner is going to be the starter for the Giants against a blitz happy Eagles team.

Well, if Warner survives that game in Philly, that should at least tell me he could be in it for the long haul while Manning learns this year.

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Originally posted by CLiNT0NP0RTiS26

Taylor is a monster! Can you say Def. Rookie of the Year!

Sure. "Defensive rookie of the year." But if other WRs, especially Owens twice this year, make him look like Holt did last night (especially on that one deep circle route that we were lucky Bulger missed him on), someone else will have that lucky tag. It was good for Sean to eat a little humble pie last night. It will make him work harder to better his game.

Don't get me wrong. It think the guy is outstanding. But last night's game proved that he's got a LONG way to go.

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Originally posted by Art

Preseason means nothing depending on who you are.

If you're a team in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, whatever, year of a system, the preseason really is meaningless. It's just exercise. If you're a team in the early installation of a system, the preseason is important.

Winning is not. Being blown out isn't. Blowing teams out isn't. What IS important is you see how players respond to what you challenge them with. Like the Redskins responded to the challenge after two bad weeks with a great week, the Redskins now have a bad week.

How will they respond? We'll know when the regular season opens as next week will be meaningless as almost no one of consequence will play much.

The preseason for new coaching staffs is when they learn their team. When they see how they respond to success or failure. How the guys can be manipulated. Which guys respond to what type of work. Who responds to being beat in a positive way versus who sulks when he's beat.

For our teams, Tom, the preseason is important. The results aren't. But, what it tells the coaches is.

I agree with Art wholeheartedly. The final score is not what you want to look for in preseason. It's how your guys respond to a game like this. Last season we would have continued our downhill path, we'll see how our guys do this time around. Otherwise, the score is not my main concern, what is my main concern, is how we bounce back after this. These guys have something to prove, not to you, not to me and not to anyone, but themselves. We'll see what happens.

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You know what's funny? Is how you guys say preaseason doesn't mean anything but then rave about what Sean Taylor's done in the " PRESEASON"!!!

If these horrible performances by the various players of ours mean nothing, then what Sean Taylor's done means nothing either. You guys can't have it both ways.

The preseason DOES mean something if you know what to look for.

For one, Ramsey isn't ready and won't be ready for sometime. Ramsey is the future of our team but the future isn't now so I want to see Brunnell getting the majority of the snaps from this point on.

Smoot is a # 2 cornerback and so is Springs. Neither guy is big time and that was apparent last night as Holt torched them up. Coverage is coverage and I don't care how some of you try and spin it. If that were a live game, Smoot would have been covering Holt the same way he covered him last night.

The D-line was horrible in pressuring the Qb and stoping the run. No preseason excuses and the absence of Phillip Daniels makes no difference so I don't want to hear it. You guys have to under stand that all these so called "schemes" that are suppose to make up for the least talented D-line in football are a dream. Schemes work with the proper amount of talent. We don't have it. We have average (at best) cornerbacks, a piss poor defensive line and that's too much for good LB's and a supposed great safety to overcome.

If the D-line is bad, doesn't matter what happens in the back 7 on defense. Every one talks about Sean Taylor's interception which was a good one considering the ground he covered to do it but what about the first long pass to Holt when he was beat along with Smoot? Oh yeah. No one remembers that huh?

No one loves the skins more then me but the rose colored glasses being worn by some of you guys is sad. We still have a ton of players who flat out stink. Alot of them on the D-line, we need a real # 1 conerback and a real # 1 WR too because as much as you guys don't want to say it, Coles toe problem is a factor and he doesn't look close to contributing in a major way. We need a # 1 healthy WR.

You guys have to learn to keep it real and stop seeing what you want to see and just state what you see across the board. Period.

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I think for us we always need to keep perspective on what Greg Williams said after the game. After saying we sucked (didn't execute, etc.) he mentioned two important issues. First the number of players that did not make the trip or were sat during this game (can we say preseason game on turf) but more importantly he said they needed to see the guys on the bubble play against the Rams first team so they did that (i.e., they matched our guys like Brown (cornerback) against the first team)

Make no mistakes, we stunk up the place but it was not close to the personnel set that will start against Tampa and the schemes were absolutely plain vanilla. So, as Art said, the coaches are getting a lot more from the game than we are.

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GibbsLives I think you need to realize while our second string players were in... the Rams were torching us with their first core... while it bothers me that we are getting beat... it doesn't matter to me that we were just trying to see all our players and that Mike Martz wanted to win the game... Gregg Williams said he was going to try to let Sean Taylor get beat and that is exactly what he did... this will hopefully help Sean out for the longterm... the guy is a beast in the secondary and was a great pick up for us... the D-line looked decent last night... I thought we did a decent job of plugging up the middle... and I still blame a lot of things on the turf... the important thing here is there are still things to be worked on but the way you negatively put that post is a little harsh

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