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Larry Brown cannot coach OR wants to lose

Ghost of

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Seriously, this man has the worst substitution patterns and lineups I've ever seen.

Marbury is missing shots and in crunch time, when we needed LeBron James, LBJ is nowhere to be found. Lebron is 6-8.5 and as fast as that Jasikevicus dude and could play perimter D. Wade was AMAZING in the game, and what does Larry Brown do?

He goes with 6-2 Marbury who went under screens, left the Liths open for threes, etc.

It isn't on the players, and stop talking about "Thugs" and "Street ball" you racists. They shot well from the perimeter.

Well enough.

Blame Larry Brown whose input was followed on the last spot----and chose Okafor over MICHAEL REDD.

But then, LB would probably let Redd rot on the bench while someone else struggled.

EVERYONE--even foreign basketball fans, is admitting that LB went with Richard Jefferson(who played GREAT today) too long and now ruined the team AGAIN with Marbury.

Why weren't Wade and Lebron in there for D and running?

The fact is, for whatever reason, Larry Brown is schizophrenic. Any two-bit observer was talking about playing Lebron more.

Hubie Brown woulda been a better coach.

And anyone else think it's hilarious that Brown nixed Michael Redd for OKAFOR? Did he not know that it helps to have long-range shooters? That 3 point line for Redd would be like a dunk.

So before they even STEPPED ON THE FLOOR--Brown handicapped them.

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Marbury 2-14.

Bad perimeter D.

The USA had a nine point lead, and not just that, they were STIFLING the perimeter players for Lithuania. But that was when Wade and Lebron were in.

I'm serious when I say this, but I almost think Brown would rather lose than admit he was wrong and he's already blamed his players. Thing is, the US would have won the game had he just stuck with the Lebron in the fourth quarter. And RJ played his way back into some minutes.

Marbury has been a target for knowledgeable fans for several games now. The man just doesn't have confidence and isn't defending well. Get him OUT OF THERE.

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umm about taking Okafor instead of Redd... they play different positions man... they already had plenty of guards and they needed a big body...

anyways i agree with you on most parts.... i am disappointed about the team but also you have to put some blame on the freaking stupid Olympic commitee that put this team together for Brown to coach... yeah they got talent but its talented players that cant shoot... they needed some pure spot up shooters to make this team really work but they dont have that... who on the team now do you consider to be a shooter?.......

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I agree with everything you said Ghost. When Wade was in, he was all over Lithuania's shooter (forgot his name). As soon as he left, they went on a run. Why would you take out a player that shuts down the opposing teams best player? It makes no sense.

Carmelo was doing alright in the first half, but did not really get much time in the second half to get going.

I hope that Greg Popovich gets more involoved in substitions and such because LB is doing a lousy job. With that kind of coaching staff, you would think that the best players would always be on the floor.

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Originally posted by sjinhan

umm about taking Okafor instead of Redd... they play different positions man... they already had plenty of guards and they needed a big body...

anyways i agree with you on most parts.... i am disappointed about the team but also you have to put some blame on the freaking stupid Olympic commitee that put this team together for Brown to coach... yeah they got talent but its talented players that cant shoot... they needed some pure spot up shooters to make this team really work but they dont have that... who on the team now do you consider to be a shooter?.......

Doesn't matter. Okafor hasn't played a lick(well a couple minutes when the game was decided against Australia) and Redd would have been getting burn and making threes.

In fact, Redd would have opened up the zone defense so much, just my himself, that the US could show its true dominance.

Also, it's not just that these guys can't shoot--that's nonsense--they can all make that shot--but they aren't CONFIDENT. I almost think that they should dribble a couple times, the other teams are not getting up on them, dribble it, pick it up in rhythm and shoot it.

These guys are rhythm shooters, not spot-up.

BTW, the last several minutes of the game were horribly officiated. There is major contact on US players around the basket or attempting to drive and no calls. Then, they call touch fouls on the US on bad decision-drives on Stombergas.

But the US should be used to it.

And as much as I don't like him--with Kobe, this team does not lose.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Bilbo Stabbins

Marbury 2-14.

Bad perimeter D.

The USA had a nine point lead, and not just that, they were STIFLING the perimeter players for Lithuania. But that was when Wade and Lebron were in.

I'm serious when I say this, but I almost think Brown would rather lose than admit he was wrong and he's already blamed his players. Thing is, the US would have won the game had he just stuck with the Lebron in the fourth quarter. And RJ played his way back into some minutes.

Marbury has been a target for knowledgeable fans for several games now. The man just doesn't have confidence and isn't defending well. Get him OUT OF THERE.

If this was College, then yes, but since these are pro millionaires losing to people who *MAY* make 20k a year, this is no excuse! Letting these pro,whining cry babies off the hook is not acceptable. Not defending and making open jumpers *is not* Brown's fault! Just look at the Larry Brown coached Pistons. They bought into "hard work" to win. This USA team could care less of hard work or more importantly "pride of representing the USA!" Not Browns fault. He coaches, not pick's the team. This effort is the exact reason that NFL football reigns supreme. Lakers lose to the Bulls again?:doh: Some Genius said "I got a great idea, let's send under achieving NBA players to represent "Real American Basketball." LOL. Whom ever thought of that should be jailed for treason! I'd rather see college kids lose with 100% effort rather than high paid vets slacking off, for what its worth. Its sickening!:puke:

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Why do people keep calling them crybabies? besides Melo, who the hell has "cried" or whined?

Will you criticize Jasikevicus for whining and yelling at refs, giving Odom a look, and throwing the ball off the floor?

These guys all make money and ARE PROS TOO.

Sheesh, that post had no content that related to reality.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Bilbo Stabbins


Why do people keep calling them crybabies? besides Melo, who the hell has "cried" or whined?

Will you criticize Jasikevicus for whining and yelling at refs, giving Odom a look, and throwing the ball off the floor?

These guys all make money and ARE PROS TOO.

Sheesh, that post had no content that related to reality.

Say what you want. The USA squad "IS NOT A TEAM!" They are 12 *INDIVIDUALS." Basketball, last I checked was a "TEAM SPORT!" The NBA to this point is ....isolation, one on one, cross over, slash and dunk. Nothing team oriented. As far as i'm concerned, the USA selection committee is getting what they deserve. Gathering individuals from teams with the biggest names "INSTEAD" of a team. Shooters, role players, mixed with a couple of stars. Instead, they picked 12 unteam like individuals, or ballhogs, and make them play as a team. Question. On their NBA teams, most of those 12 are the ones that take "The Big Shot" not defer to another. Who is the distributer? Rebounder? Role Player? Not many here! Thats not a realistic *TEAM* that's why teams that have played together for years are "pimp slapping" them in their arrogance! They feel that they can just pick 11 or 12 NBA players, practice a couple of weeks, then beat some of the worlds best foreign teams that have been together "FOR YEARS!" If you cannot "See what's going on" then you too "Don't get it." You probably cheered the Lakers loudly and was amazed how easily a team (Detroit) slapped them down. Sound familiar? America believes in "Individuals" and "Big Names," but basketball is a "Team Sport." This will continue as long as the US selection committee continues in "ARROGANCE!":rolleyes:

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