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9/11 Commission: U.S. Terror War has Stymied al Qaida

Brown 43

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Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:52 a.m. EDT

9/11 Commission: U.S. Terror War has Stymied al Qaida

The Sept. 11 Commission has found that the Bush administration's war on terror has severely impaired al Qaida's ability to organize another spectacular attack against the U.S. homeland by capturing or killing the deadly terror group's key leaders, drying up their financial resources and severely limiting their ability to "strategize, plan attacks, and dispatch operatives worldwide."

The bombshell finding, buried at the end of the Commission's Staff Statement No. 15, should have been hailed in the press as evidence that we've at least turned the corner in the war on terror - and may indeed have the enemy on the run. Instead, reporters have ignored this particular Commission finding since its release on June 16.

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Here's the part of Staff Statement 15 that the press decided Americans didn't need to hear about, as reported by the Commission under the heading "Al Qaeda* Today."

"Since the September 11 attacks and the defeat of the Taliban, as Qaeda's funding has decreased significantly. The arrests or deaths of several important financial facilitators have decreased the amount of money al Qaeda has raised and increased the costs and difficulty of raising and moving that money.

"Some entirely corrupt charities are now out of business, with many of their principals killed or captured, although some charities may still be providing support to al Qaeda.

"Moreover, it appears that the al Qaeda attacks within Saudi Arabia in May and November 2003 have reduced - perhaps drastically - at Qaeda's ability to raise funds from Saudi sources. Both an increase in Saudi enforcement and a more negative perception of al Qaeda by potential donors have cut its income." [END OF EXCERPT]

And the good news for America - not to mention the Bush administration - doesn't end there. In the same section, Staff Statement 15 notes:

"Prior to 9/11, al Qaeda was a centralized organization which used Afghanistan as a war room to strategize, plan attacks, and dispatch operatives worldwide." But now, says the Commission, "Bin Ladin's* seclusion [has] forced operational commanders and cell leaders to assume greater authority; they are now making the command decisions previously made by him." [END OF EXCERPT]

In other words, whether dead or alive, the prime mover behind the Sept. 11 attacks has been taken out of commission, with operational authority handed over to allies of convenience like Abu Musab al Zarqawi.

And while Zarqawi has mounted dozens of operations throughout the Middle East in recent months, including a deadly chem-bomb plot foiled by Jordanian authorities in April, his focus these days seems to be pretty much on Iraq - not America.

And even there, Zarqawi seems to be feeling the heat lately. According to the recent communique he sent to bin Laden, published on Islamic web sites earlier this month, he complained about being "squeezed" by U.S. forces.

"The space of movement is starting to get smaller," he told the 9/11 chief. "The [u.S.] grip is starting to be tightened on the holy warriors' necks and, with the spread of soldiers and police, the future [for our side] is becoming frightening."

To be sure, the 9/11 Commission did not attribute any success in the terror war to the president by name, though as its leader and chief strategist, that conclusion is inescapable.

And neither does Staff Statement 15 say that al Qaeda has been completely vanquished, warning instead that the bin Laden network is still able to execute smaller operations and is "striving to attack the U.S. and inflict mass casualties" - using nuclear weapons if possible.

Still, when the 9/11 Commission reports: "Al Qaeda today is more a loose collection of regional networks with a greatly weakened central organization," it's hard not to conclude President Bush's war on terror is making significant progress.

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Originally posted by Brown 43

Jbooma, doesn't it kill ya!

or maybe it just doesn't dawn on them we can fight multiple wars at the same time with the help of our allies, (meaning we don't need US troops everywhere to fight terrorism :) )

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sorry , i don't buy it !!! when i see Bin Ladens and Zarqari's head on a platter along with the other leaders running these attacts against our troops and innocent civilians then and only then i will feel that things are turning the corner .

maybe thats why the press left that part out of the news ,because they know as well as anyone with common sense that until the above mentioned are caught or killed these attaches will continue . :2cents:

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Mark, they said the War on Terror was effective not over........thats the problem with most naysayers on this issue.....they just assume it should be so easy, or over so fast.

One thing that is clear in my mind, is that if we had not waged war on terror, we would have been hit by another terrorist attack in this country before now.

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Originally posted by mark327

sorry , i don't buy it !!! when i see Bin Ladens and Zarqari's head on a platter along with the other leaders running these attacts against our troops and innocent civilians then and only then i will feel that things are turning the corner .

maybe thats why the press left that part out of the news ,because they know as well as anyone with common sense that until the above mentioned are caught or killed these attaches will continue . :2cents:

Bin Laden and Zargari are not the ones we need to worry about right now. Last I checked they are not the ones causing the trouble in Iraq or SA and beheading people. We are so fixated on Bin Laden when we need to look at the members who are active right now. Laden is on the run, we all know that. I thought I read something where have gotten 15 out of the top 30 leaders. How do you think the US army would be after someone taking 15 of our top 30????

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Originally posted by The Wicked Wop

Mark, they said the War on Terror was effective not over........thats the problem with most naysayers on this issue.....they just assume it should be so easy, or over so fast.

One thing that is clear in my mind, is that if we had not waged war on terror, we would have been hit by another terrorist attack in this country before now.

Wicked, i never said or read that the war on terror was over either , i read in that artical as being just another slap in the presses face .

Jbooma ,

how can you say that we need not worry about these 2

whether you want to believe it or not they are still calling most of the shots , from wherever they are hiding out.

if memory serves me right , someone promised they would have bin laden within a year of 9-11 ,

hmmm i don't see it !!! do you ???

you must cut the head off the snake to kill it !!!!!

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Originally posted by mark327

Jbooma ,

how can you say that we need not worry about these 2

whether you want to believe it or not they are still calling most of the shots , from wherever they are hiding out.

if memory serves me right , someone promised they would have bin laden within a year of 9-11 ,

hmmm i don't see it !!! do you ???

you must cut the head off the snake to kill it !!!!!

This is what I hate, sorry if I am blunt about this but first off how do you know they are communicating with the rest of alqueida, do you hear them talking on their cell phones, or do you visit their sites?

And second how do you know we ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING right now to catch them, do you work in the CIA, FBI, ToysRUs, please tell me how you know all of this, inform us, and please very please inform SOME of us who might just know a little bit more then you will ever :)

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Don't disagree that the article is slighted toward support for the war efforts......but the media clearly jumped all over every story from tht 9/11 commission other than this one.

Hell, just in the past few weeks, there have been quite a few articles on CNN and MSNBC just quoting some no-name CIA agent who thinks the whole war on terror has been a failure.......acting as this was proof that the war has failed its purpose.....clearly the 9/11 commission feels otherwise.

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Originally posted by jbooma

This is what I hate, sorry if I am blunt about this but first off how do you know they are communicating with the rest of alqueida, do you hear them talking on their cell phones, or do you visit their sites?

And second how do you know we ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING right now to catch them, do you work in the CIA, FBI, ToysRUs, please tell me how you know all of this, inform us, and please very please inform SOME of us who might just know a little bit more then you will ever :)

can you tell me you know the answer !!!!

i thought not , so we are both assuming that we are right , isn't that what personal opinions are for , or don't people get to have them . :doh:

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The media silence is deafening. And who said there wasn't a media bias. Every front page of the newspapers declared "NO AL-QAEDA LINK TO SADAMM"..... which was clearly misleading. NO clear link to Sadamm in regards to 9-11 and Al-Qaeda... but "contacts" between Sadamm and Al-Qaeda.

Now this... what should be splashed across the newspapers to ease people's minds about the effectiveness of the war on terror on Al-Qaeda's capability to execute another spectacular attack and... and........*chirp.... chirp...* nothing.

The media certainly isn't going to champion the successes of the Bush Doctrine on terrorism. They can't cry wolf with the economy and now this.

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This was probably written after the read the state department's terrorism report which stated terrorism was at a 35 year low. . . No wait, we ment to say we are at a 20 year high, sorry 'bout that :doh:

Actually, just look at the terrorist actions going on now in Iraq and try to convince me that Al Qaeda is crippled. Everyone is saying it's Al Qaeda attacking us in Iraq, well, they don't appear to be crippled, they're bombing us on a daily basis. Not the actions of a sect regrouping.

You can read all of the statement here. . .


It doesn't say we are winning the war on terror, rather that Al Qaeda has transformed into a more spread out orginazation. Something we already knew. It also mentions that we have hurt their money revenue streams, something else we already knew.

The article posted is just an attempt at finding any shred of good for the Bush Administration concerning 9-11.

BTW, what site was this from? Link?

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Originally posted by Cskin

The media silence is deafening. And who said there wasn't a media bias. Every front page of the newspapers declared "NO AL-QAEDA LINK TO SADAMM"..... which was clearly misleading. NO clear link to Sadamm in regards to 9-11 and Al-Qaeda... but "contacts" between Sadamm and Al-Qaeda.

Now this... what should be splashed across the newspapers to ease people's minds about the effectiveness of the war on terror on Al-Qaeda's capability to execute another spectacular attack and... and........*chirp.... chirp...* nothing.

The media certainly isn't going to champion the successes of the Bush Doctrine on terrorism. They can't cry wolf with the economy and now this.

The silence on this is quite amusing...

I think the commission is a joke so I'll not comment on the substance of their findings but your quote above does really point at the media and say...

Hello, you really should be "journalists" first and democratic water boys second....

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Originally posted by chomerics

This was probably written after the read the state department's terrorism report which stated terrorism was at a 35 year low. . . No wait, we ment to say we are at a 20 year high, sorry 'bout that :doh:

Actually, just look at the terrorist actions going on now in Iraq and try to convince me that Al Qaeda is crippled. Everyone is saying it's Al Qaeda attacking us in Iraq, well, they don't appear to be crippled, they're bombing us on a daily basis. Not the actions of a sect regrouping.

Nobody ever said it was crippled EVERYWHERE, only that they have been hurt in their WORLDWIDE organization. If anybody can find the perfect solution to the terrorism problem I'd be surprised. Why don't we accept the "Wins" that come here and there rather than take a "glass half empty" outlook everytime good news is reported, just to advance a protest for the current administration?


Funny, now you conveniently agree that it is Al Qaeda in Iraq attacking the locals and our troops there.

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Originally posted by skin-n-vegas

Nobody ever said it was crippled EVERYWHERE, only that they have been hurt in their WORLDWIDE organization. If anybody can find the perfect solution to the terrorism problem I'd be surprised. Why don't we accept the "Wins" that come here and there rather than take a "glass half empty" outlook everytime good news is reported, just to advance a protest for the current administration?


Funny, now you conveniently agree that it is Al Qaeda in Iraq attacking the locals and our troops there.

Don't try to put words in my mouth, I didn't say that.

As for the "wins" when we win one, I'll post good job, but so far, there has been very little "wins".

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Originally posted by chomerics

Don't try to put words in my mouth, I didn't say that.

As for the "wins" when we win one, I'll post good job, but so far, there has been very little "wins".

"Everyone is saying it's Al Qaeda attacking us in Iraq, well, they don't appear to be crippled, they're bombing us on a daily basis. Not the actions of a sect regrouping. "

What didnt you say that I put into your mouth?

Don't get so worked up man! You only show an irrational anger when you refuse to acknowledge any good strides made in the war on terror. You are better than that. I have personally seen very well thought out threads by you in the past. Keep your cool, take a deep breath and think through your responses. We'll all be able to have intelligent debate over issues after that!


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Originally posted by skin-n-vegas

"Everyone is saying it's Al Qaeda attacking us in Iraq, well, they don't appear to be crippled, they're bombing us on a daily basis. Not the actions of a sect regrouping. "

What didnt you say that I put into your mouth?

Don't get so worked up man! You only show an irrational anger when you refuse to acknowledge any good strides made in the war on terror. You are better than that. I have personally seen very well thought out threads by you in the past. Keep your cool, take a deep breath and think through your responses. We'll all be able to have intelligent debate over issues after that!


Read what I wrote. EVERYONE is saying. . .not I think a big difference.

Personally, I think they ARE in Iraq attacking us (you see, NOW I said it) but I never SAID they were in the previous post.

It's a common tactic to put words in the oppositions mouth, you tried to do it to me and I caught you on it. Just pointing this out to you.

As far as success', I don't buy it as I posted before. I think we are doing the exact thing OBL wanted us to do. We made him into a prophet by invading Iraq, and he is gathering a large number of recruits because of this. We turned our focus away from Al Qaeda and towards Iraq. We had the chance to destroy the orginazation, but we let them out of our grasp.

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Originally posted by chomerics

As far as success', I don't buy it as I posted before. I think we are doing the exact thing OBL wanted us to do. We made him into a prophet by invading Iraq, and he is gathering a large number of recruits because of this. We turned our focus away from Al Qaeda and towards Iraq. We had the chance to destroy the orginazation, but we let them out of our grasp.

:cheers: couldn't of said it better Chrome,

i understand that now that we are in Iraq, that we just can't walk away . don't get me wrong i am glad that Saddam is out of power but i think the master mind of 9-11 should be top priority and i 'm sorry but that hasn't been the case. the 100,000 plus troops that are in iraq should have been in afganistan until Bin Laden is captured or dead. then we could have focus our inteligence and trops toward Iraq :2cents:

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Read what I wrote. EVERYONE is saying. . .not I think a big difference.

Personally, I think they ARE in Iraq attacking us (you see, NOW I said it) but I never SAID they were in the previous post.

So let me get this straight.. You wasted my time in reading all of the back and forth on "Don't put words in my mouth" and then say.. OK see I did just say it but i didnt say it earlier...?

What? why get so vocal about something you actually do agree with.. seems like he correctly guessed what you thought... you argued with him over that point and then agreed with him on it why still argueing not to do that anymore....

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