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Ryan Vows to Stay in Ill. Senate Race

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

CHICAGO — Republican Jack Ryan (search) vowed to stay in the race for U.S. Senate despite embarrassing allegations that he tried to pressure his former wife to perform sex acts in clubs while others watched.

"My intention is to stay in the race," Ryan said Monday after a California judge unsealed records of his divorce from to Jeri Lynn Ryan (search), the actress best known for roles on TV's "Boston Public" and "Star Trek: Voyager."

Calls for Ryan to leave the race came almost immediately after the revelations, but Ryan rejected them.

"I think this is a new low for politics," Ryan said Tuesday on Chicago's WLS-AM. "It seems to me it's just a new standard, and I don't think it's healthy for our democracy."

"There's no breaking of any laws," he said in an interview on WBEZ-FM. "There's no breaking of any marriage laws. There's no breaking of the Ten Commandments anywhere."

Jeri Lynn Ryan charged in a custody hearing that during surprise trips to New Orleans, New York and Paris in 1998, the year before they divorced, Ryan insisted she go to sex clubs.

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

Soooo, if you were married to her, would you want her to perform sex acts in clubs? Hmmmm....

And would you vote for a guy who asked her to do so? (Do you suppose any of these acts included a cigar?)

I'd vote for him as long as he was letting me have sex with his wife :laugh:



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