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Best year for music in 20th century


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What do you think the best year for music was?

For me, it's gotta be 1967. A hefty portion of my favorite albums come from that year...Sgt. Pepper's, Are You Experienced, the Velvet Underground & Nico, Piper at the Gates of Dawn by Pink Floyd, Disraeli Gears by Cream...an incredible year for music.

By the way, I don't see how anybody can dispute that the best MONTH in 20th century music was August 1966. Revolver, Pet Sounds, and Blonde on Blonde all came out over a four week span. Wow.

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I'd say the 12 month period following the release of Nirvana's Nevermind album (September 24, 1991 to September 24, 1992), but only because it marked the time when a voice / stage was given to generation X. In many ways, this period of time was like the late 60's when the baby boomer stood up and told the world what was on their minds.

I'd argue that the next generation is getting close to having their time but who knows. Maybe they won't have anything to say because the world they grew up in is so perfect ;).

OrangeSkin, 1967 was a great year for music and you could be right about it although we're still not sure of the full impact of Sept 1992 to Sept 1993, but in fairness to every generation, each makes it's own mark and changes music forever. Music progresses and if you're open enough, you can almost feel the emotions of an era when you listen to songs that came out during that time and I think I would have loved to be a young man during the late 60's.

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Good post, narc. Seems there's always a period of 4 or 5 years when a generation really leaves their mark, particularly on the music world. The late '20s with jazz, late '60s with rock, and early '90s with grunge and the like. I'm on the fringe of Gen-X and I always feel like I belonged in the previous generation, because I really loathe the grunge scene and love the music of the '60s. Oh well.

I sure as hell hope the next generation is getting close to making their mark, because music has generally sucked since about 1976. We need a band like the Beatles to start a revolution and save music from itself.

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I would have to say from 72 to 75. Can't narrow it down to one. Most of the classic rock bands were at their prime. I can't deny that the period from 67 to 71 was outstanding. We lost some great artists in the early 70's, and bands broke up, but you had bands like the Dead, Zep, The Who, Santana, Allman Brothers, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, The Stones, and more. You also had many that were just begining to gain steam like Springstein, Skynard, and many of the great "hard rock" bands.


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The mid to late 50's saw the most profound change in popular music EVER.

Every solo artist and group named in this thread so far was inspired mostly by the music born, or brought to the masses for the first time, by the entertainers of this period.

You can't put the cart in front of the horse.

Elvis Presley, Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, The Platters, Little Richard, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly & The Crickets, Sam Cooke, The Everly Brothers. Just to name a few.

These guys have influenced every style of music since then. They changed music more than any who came before them, or any that have come after.

History will be hard pressed to ever see such a dramatic change again.


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