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Bucs vs Redskins: Week 1


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How do you all think your 1st game of the year will go? should be a pretty good matchup on paper. having a veteran QB in will make a big difference against us this year. The Bucs tear dem youngins apart.

What is your starting defense looking like? would any of you mind listing your projected starters on defense so I can get a better feel for how we will matchup. here is our projected starters as of june, of course a few things could and probably will change...

QB- Brad Johnson- Believe it or not, Chris Simms could possibly even be our starter by the end of preseason. Not at all because there is something wrong with BJ, just because Simms has been growing so rapidly under Gruden

HB- Charlie Garner- Expect to see Jamel White a lot also, he has great receiving skills along with Garner and as we will not be running a feature back I believe he will rise above Pittman come the August. He should be one of the best and least talks about acquisitions we made this offseason

FB- Mike Alstott- He has been doing everything with the team and has made a full recovery, he will most certainly be ready in week 1 barring any preseason injury.

WR- Joey Galloway

WR- Keenan McCardell

Bench- Charles Lee

Bench- Joe Jurevicius

Bench- Michael Clayton

TE- Ken Dilger

LT- Derrick Deese

LG- Kerry Jenkins

C- John Wade

RG- Whittle/O'Dwyer/Stinchcomb/Coleman- Its a toss up to who our starting guards will be right now but I believe Jenkins will most likely be starting and then RG will be a fight between the other 4 former starters

RT-Todd Steussie/ Roman Oben/ Kenyatta Walker- Deese will be starting on the left side and steussie has the starting job right now but it is subject to change with lots of competition for the position

DE- Greg Spires/Ellis Wyms/ Dewayne White- all 3 have starters ability and Greg Spires solid yet mediocre performance last year will leave this position open to be won in camp

DT- Darrell Russell/ Chartric Darby/ Ellis Wyms- This is the biggest ? on our roster. Darby started at DT next to sapp for the majority of our SB year, the playoffs and SB. Wyms has a great shot at ending up as our starter at either the DT or DE spot. Russell is a wild card right now, I dont expect anything from him so if Marinelli could pull off the impossible and get him playing like he did at USC when Marinelli was his DL coach there then this will have been a huge acquisition for us

DT- Anthony "Booger" McFarland

DE- Simeon Rice

WLB- Derrick Brooks

MLB- Shelton Quarles

SLB- Ian Gold

CB- Brian Kelly

FS- Dwight Smith

SS- Jermaine Phillips

CB- Ronde Barber

NB- Mario Edwards/ Tom Knight/ Torrie Cox/ Will Allen

GL in the opener, thats the last time you will hear that from me:point2sky - Is this Keenan McCardell?

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Originally posted by sean42

How do you all think your 1st game of the year will go? should be a pretty good matchup on paper. having a veteran QB in will make a big difference against us this year. The Bucs tear dem youngins apart.

What is your starting defense looking like? would any of you mind listing your projected starters on defense so I can get a better feel for how we will matchup. here is our projected starters as of june, of course a few things could and probably will change...

Starting Defense looks like this:

DE's: Regan Upshaw/Renaldo Wynn & Philip Daniels

DT's: Cornelius Griffin & Brandon Noble

LB's: LeVar Arrington, Mike Barrow, & Marcus Washington

CB's: Shawn Springs & Fred Smoot

FS: Sean Taylor

SS: Matt Bowen/Iffayante Ohalete (sp?)

I think that we have a better than decent chance to beat the Bucs opening day because our defense should be much better, our offensive line should be dramatically better, and we have a real NFL coach at the helm who will have a lot of time to ready his team for the Bucs. I think that Tampa will be much improved over their record from last year, but Gruden doens't know what to expect from Gibbs - Advantage Gibbs. I think that it will be a very tough game, but I would rather face the Bucs on opening day when there is less film of the new Gibbs offense and a lot of time to have the players get prepared. Later in the season would be much tougher to face the Bucs.

On offense, the bucs will have to contend with one of the most balanced attacks they may face all year ... good speed and posession receivers, very fast RB, decent veteran blockers ... so this will be a good gut check to start off the season.

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Guest Westbrook36

The Bucs are notoriously a slow starting team.

You know, except when they killed us in the opener last year. :D

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I agree for the most part, but you all dont even know how Gibbs offense will do. I mean it is a different era, I wouldnt bet against Gibbs but you never know till they hit the field.

2 offensive geniuses should make for a greatmatchup.

Although i do think Washington has a great offense this year it probably wont be the toughest one for us to matchup against. we have harder times against power backs. there isnt a speed back in the league that our defense cant man handle. we have the fastest group of LBs in the league and always have one of the fastest DLs, as we use speed rather than size in order to get quick penetration. Brunell scares me a lil bit though. if he can be the passer he once was he will be a tough guy to stop if we cant get penetration. it all lays on our DL. I like the way our secondary matches up to your recievers. No knock against your WRs because I like the way ours matchup to everyones WRs. Mario Edwards was a huge pickup. in nickel situations which we run often, Barber can be moved inside over the slot as he is probably the best nickel corner in the league. edwards started for #1 and #3 ranked pass defenses in dallas where their CBs are left oon islands a lot. having him be able to play outside with his big frame gives us a lot of flexibility. barbers not a good man to man corner so this addition of mario edwards is another one that will pay hige dividends for us.

I dont agree that it is best you all are playing us week 1. the 1st 2 weeks last season be4 the big injury bug hit us we absolutely dominated Philthy. With a completely healthy team I promise you we will be comparably as dominate as we were in 2002. you may mock me now as there are a lot of buc haters this offseason, but this will just make Gruden look even better when he proves so many people wrong.

bnac, I know you actually say our team will be improved but most dont say that, so these arre the people im reffering to.

we were notoriously slow starters under dungy but things have really picked up in the beginning of the year with gruden here. It was more to a complete lack of execution on offense under dungy and unfit leadership skills

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Originally posted by sean42

I dont agree that it is best you all are playing us week 1. the 1st 2 weeks last season be4 the big injury bug hit us we absolutely dominated Philthy.

So did my blind sister. Philadelphia was a mess their first six games.

Also, I think the Skins-Bucs game should be a good one, and agree with a lot of what you said, but Mario Edwards is NOT the best NB in the game. Ask Dallas fans about him. He got constantly torched last year, and when he wasn't being burned, he was being flagged.

Anyway, welcome, you have big shoes to fill for a Bucs fan (One Dollar).

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Don't get me wrong ... I don't think your talent level has risen at certain spots ... Safety, DT, and WR, but I do think that the players you acquired are good chemistry people. Your defense the 1st two games last year were based on teams you had seen very close to the end of the year before in the Playoffs (Philadelphia for instance). The Bucs were coming off a SuperBowl win and Gruden had everyone looking to prove that the SB wasn't a fluke and that you own the Eagles. You did that.

Now, however, you are coming off a season in which you massively underperformed (that is why this years team will be better ... they will make a playoff birth - wildcard at least) and did not make the playoffs. They have a lot to prove, but they are also questioning themselves. The personnel control has completely shifted from the F.O. to the Head Coach. This has been disasterous in Cleveland, so time will tell if Gruden is a good talent evaluator on top of being a very good young head coach.

Finally, TB had tons of film and prep hours dedicated towards Philadelphia based on the playoffs from the years before. Gruden has no idea what to expect from Gibbs. He can look at old film, but there isn't a single player on this team that played for Gibbs then. Ironically, Keenan McCardell was drafted by Gibbs but cut because of roster depth at WR in the early 90's. This is clearly an advantage for Gibbs. The Redskins lose that advantage as the regular season goes on. Gibbs is notorious for not showing anything during preseason games. Don't expect to get a good idea of what he will show you from the play in August.

I think the Redskins will lose more of their games early in the season because the team is still coming together. I just hope that the element of surprise is enough to put us over the top in some of these games, such as the season opener vs. the Bucs.

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Geez, I didn't know TB made so many moves this offseason. That's a pretty solid roster.

Given the circumstances... I'd be surprised if the Redskins pull one out in the season opener. Gruden's system is in its 3rd year.... and he's among the best coaches in the NFL. There's a lot of reasons to favor the Bucs in this game.

But I'd be pleasantly surprised to have the Redskins surprise me and beat a quality opponent for once. I expect as much with Gibbs.... but the monkey has gotten big over the years. And what better way to get it off your back than the first game of the season.

I can see the Redskins starting off the season predominantly running the ball until the passing game develops as the season wears on.

And truthfully, I think that gives them the best chance to beat the Bucs.

Should be one of the best games opening weekend.

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wow, im sry its just not everyday that i see objective posters anymore. Ive been on the falcons MB a lto and they are 95% full of ****. nice post, i agree mostly

and i never said edwards is the best NB, I said Ronde Barber is. Ronde Barber has mastered the art of blitzing from the nickel position, he plays a swell in zone coverage as anyone in the league and he is an excellent tackler, which is a must to play in our secondary.

The addition of Mario Edwards allows us to shift Barber inside in those Nickel packages. I would not feel comfortable having Edwards starting at CB but our nickel packages will be very scary for opposing QBs. We have probably the best cover team that weve had ever. gold, brooks, and quarles are all pro bowlers and are all excellent in coverage. jermaine phillips is not an improvement over lynch of '02 but he most certainly is an improvement over lynch of last year. jermaine phillips is another guy who should make a name for himself this year. I may sound biased but just look at his stats and film from the 9 games he started last year. he is a much better coverage safety than lynch ever was and he is also known for stepping down into the run game

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btw, how awful was russell last year?

I hope he can turn his act around. I guess the good thing is he is playing for peanuts and he knows this is his last shot to stay in the league. hopefully that is enough to get him some motivation this year as I feel that is what he lacks most

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He was playing at an "average" level. He wasn't really noticeable at all in the limited playing time he got. Though he looked like a bundle.

The time off didn't help. There's no guarantees.... but he signed for a modest contract did he not?

Decent risk. Though right now... the tradeoff of Russell for Sapp would be a downgrade.

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I'm not a stat-jock and I'm not sure stats would do any good for predicting this game. The Skins are a totally different team (again) and the Bucs had alot of comings and goings since the debacle we suffered last year at their hands.

This is going to be a HUGE event for Fed Ex Field. HUGE. The drama will be high as we welcome back our (and maybe THE) greatest coach ever. The Redskins will want a win so badly that day. This will either carry them to a tremendous blow-out... or they will GET blown out. Feel me?

By all accounts this SHOULD be a close game, but due to the distractions involved I don't think it will be and I don't know who will win.

Oh, fuggit. Washington 31, Tampa Bay 19.


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Originally posted by Die Hard

Geez, I didn't know TB made so many moves this offseason. That's a pretty solid roster.

Die Hard, I said the same thing when I read the roster, Man:( . That's a pretty descent roster there and my thinking has changed a little about us winning this one. Eventhough I have faith in our players and coaching staff. It's like something you mentioned in Gruden being a little more stable with his system and players.

Not saying the skins won't be. But it's the 1st game in a new system for our entire team. Gruden certainly has a jump on this one. Also, with the addition of garner in that backfield. Our DL could have problems controlling the run early on. Hopefully not, but if gruden pounds the ball with Alstott and Garner and our DL don't respond like most guys are concerned about. This opening game could just as well end up being a loss.

Yea! this is gonna be a tough game little Buccaneer man!

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we have a few questions to be answered, like jurevicius being healthy which he is nearly 100% now, alstott has to get back into things after his injury, although he worked out every morning since january with gruden at 5 am and is supposively looking great. we were 7-9.

but its just so weird to hear things that maybe 5 falcon fans are aware of on their board. it is the most active board in the league yet only a few of them have brains. im not talking about a rivalry where they dont like our players which is common. but they have something to say about each one of our players. for ex:

things they say....

Brad Johnson- should be a backup

charlie garner- career is over. he is 32 and coming off injury. although our doctors did the surgery on his knee be4 giving him the contract, it was a minor injury that he was able to play the entire season through. his 1st 5 years in the league with Philthy he started 16 total games and he has the same amount of career carries as warrick dunn, yet they think warrick dunn is far and away better than garner

alstott- his career is over. we will see soon. no way he can come back from the 1st injury of his career.

joe jurevicius- same as alstott

keenan mccardell- his best year was 4 years ago and he has gone downhill since then

ken dilger- if his name is in the same sentence as alge crumpler their board gets flamed for 4 pages.

OL- old has beens

Sapp- he use to suck now our defense will be horrible because hes gone

gold- he is done. this was probably the funniest buc bashing i heard over there. the falcons were after gold too and when we signed them they all laughed that we overpayed for a guy who will never recover from injury. even though bruce allen, 2002 exec of the year, swung a deal paying him like 2 mil each of the nest 2 years. they laughed because they say he is too small now and duckett and crumpler will be too massive for him to tackle.

gruden- worst coach in the league. he is tearing our team apart so he can get his image on the bucs. him and allen are turning us in to the raiders of the east because gruden decides to bring in players that already know his system, as every coach does.

they all think they are winning the south easy and literally 50% of them really think they are gonna skate to the SB. even though they are installing a brand new system on offense. switching from a 3-4 to a 4-3 on defense. they have a new HC who was the defensive coordinator for a team that was 21st in the league in points against. they were 5-11 and we were 7-9 but every one of them think we are spiraling downward and they are the only team headed up to the top and doing good things.

they arent like a regular rival. they arent like saint, panther or Iggles fans that come to the bucs board. they are a different breed. a people that didnt follow the falcons until october 2002( vicks beginning). thank you, i needed to vent

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Guest Westbrook36

I'll say this. If the Bucs won 49-0, I'd fully expect to come here the next day and read veteran posters saying, "Come on guys. It was the first game. You gotta give the players some time to learn Joe's system before you can really judge."

But it's the unbridled and sometime head in the clouds enthusiasm that entertains me and keeps me coming back.

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Leave it to a "DellaFunkia Eagle" fan to tell us what our veteran posters are gonna say. If you've read much of this site you will notice our veteran posters are probably the most level headed people on this site. They know what they are talking about and ain't afraid to say the Skins will have a tough time with certain things or teams. (Like this thread for instance) They bring me back to earth from my Skins Cloud I've been floating on since January.

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Guest Westbrook36
Originally posted by worm

Leave it to a "DellaFunkia Eagle" fan to tell us what our veteran posters are gonna say. If you've read much of this site you will notice our veteran posters are probably the most level headed people on this site. They know what they are talking about and ain't afraid to say the Skins will have a tough time with certain things or teams. (Like this thread for instance) They bring me back to earth from my Skins Cloud I've been floating on since January.

Maybe I've been reading the wrong threads. It seems that any weakness on your team is explained away by the statement, "If Joe Gibbs is ok with (insert perceived weakness) then so am I because he knows more than us and that is A-ok with me."

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Not sure how much you've read beforehand, but considering you only registered 5 days ago, you should probably read more instead of typing words into our Veteran posters mouths. :rolleyes:


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if we can give the QB time to throw (doesn't matter which one) we will win the game. i really think your CB's (and secondary) are the weakest unit on your team. our WR's should be able to match up very well with them.

if you guys had a stud RB i would be more worried about your offense. johnson is not the kind of guy who throws it long that much. he'll look to get the ball to your RB's in the flats and WR's on crossing routes... i really think our LB's will be able to handle them without a problem.

should be a great game, i honestly believe the skins will win it though... around 17-13

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