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Chinese reassessing their military strategy

Johnny Punani2

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U.S.: China reassessing its military strategy

Beijing has taken notice of U.S. military performance in Iraq

The Associated Press Updated: 3:39 a.m. ET May 31, 2004

WASHINGTON - China is reassessing how it would counteract the U.S. military in a potential conflict over Taiwan, based on what it saw in the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the Pentagon says.

Chinese leaders have taken note of the speed with which American ground forces captured Baghdad in April 2003 and the prominent role that was played in Iraq by U.S. special operations commandos.

In its annual report to Congress on developments in the Chinese military, the Defense Department said China is rethinking the concept that American airpower alone is sufficient to prevail in a conflict — a concept it inferred from the 1999 air war over Kosovo, which involved no U.S. ground forces.

“The speed of coalition ground force advances and the role of special forces in (Iraq) have caused the People’s Liberation Army theorists to rethink their assumptions about the value of long-range precision strikes, independent of ground forces, in any Taiwan conflict scenario,” the report said.

The report is an annual assessment to Congress of Chinese military power and strategy and was posted on the Pentagon’s main news Web site late Saturday night.

Other aspects of the Iraq war have reinforced the Chinese belief that the United States’ long-range strategy is to dominate Asia by containing the growth of Chinese power, the report said. These include recent Pentagon decisions to base long-range bombers, cruise missiles and nuclear attack submarines to the Pacific island of Guam — moves related in part to the Iraq conflict.

“China’s leaders appear to have concluded that the net effect of the U.S.-led campaign (against terrorism) has been further encirclement of China,” specifically by placing U.S. military forces in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian nations, and strengthening relations with Pakistan and India, the report said.

U.S. likely to intervene in any Taiwan conflict?

The Chinese also believe, partly from its assessment of the Bush administration’s declared war on terrorism, that the United States is increasingly likely to intervene in a conflict over Taiwan or other Chinese interests, according to the Pentagon analysis.

“Authoritative commentary and speeches by senior officials suggest that U.S. actions over the past decade ... have reinforced fears within the Chinese leadership that the United States would appeal to human rights and humanitarian concerns to intervene, either overtly or covertly,” it said.

'Assassin's mace'

Because China’s leaders believe their military forces are not yet strong enough to compete directly with the American military, they are putting more emphasis on preventing U.S. intervention first. This includes development of what the Chinese call “assassin’s mace” weapons, the Pentagon said.

The report said U.S. officials are not sure what “assassin’s mace” is.

“However,” it said, “the concept appears to include a range of weapon systems and technologies related to information warfare, ballistic and anti-ship cruise missiles, advanced fighters and submarines, counter-space system and air defense.”

While the concept of “assassin’s mace” is not new in China, it has appeared more frequently in Chinese professional journals since 1999, particularly in the context of Taiwan, the U.S.-supported island that split from China after its communist takeover in 1949.

Beijing considers Taiwan to be Chinese territory and has threatened to take it by force.

Bush reassures China

In Beijing on Sunday, officials said President Bush had reassured Chinese officials that Washington will stick to its “one-China policy” toward Taiwan. That long-standing policy says the American government recognizes Beijing as the only legitimate Chinese government, although the United States also has pledged to provide enough defensive equipment to Taiwan to assure its security.

Bush’s comments to Chinese President Hu Jintao, released by China’s Foreign Ministry, appeared to be an attempt to soothe Beijing’s anger over Washington’s decision to permit Taiwanese Vice President Annette Lu to stop in two U.S. cities before and after a Latin America tour.

The Pentagon for several years has expressed concern at China’s military modernization, especially its emphasis on deploying additional shorter-range ballistic missiles that can strike Taiwan.

The new study said that since the Pentagon’s report to Congress a year ago, China’s imports of armaments have increase by 7 percent in value. These include a $1 billion deal for 24 Russian Su-30 fighter aircraft and $500 million for Russian SA-20 surface-to-air missile systems.

If you read between the lines this is a disturbing development.

The Chinese are rethinking their strategy is because I believe they have already made up their minds to take Taiwan by force. This would draw the United States into a war with China because we have defence agreements with Taiwan.

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Thats too funny....

The chinese look at Bush and say:


A Cowboy

A person who will do what he says...

We were gonna just take Taiwan back but that Arrogant go it alone, Segway/Bike falling President would keep his word... Dang.

Every child in Taiwan asks you to vote for Bush ;). heehee...

just kidding... kinda...

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A great lesson on the reasoning behind military spending, among other things, and one Klinton would have done well to learn. You don't spend on the military for what is going on now, you spend for what is going to go down in the future.

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A great lesson on the reasoning behind military spending, among other things, and one Klinton would have done well to learn. You don't spend on the military for what is going on now, you spend for what is going to go down in the future.

while taking money from schools and other social programs soo some people in the country we are trying to pertect are living just as bad as people in 3rd world countries :doh:

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Thats right, the US governments sole function is for entitlements. Lets raise taxes a bit higher, and redistribute a bit of wealth shall we.

The function of government is to protect the property and lives of its citizens. To this end, they built a bad ass military. Invested in R&D for next gen weaponry.

Personally, I'd like the federal government to slash entitlements, increase military spending, and get the hell out of public education. Some things are better handeled at the State level, welfare and education being but two.

Federal perscription drug plan? Scrap it. Welfare, out the window. SS? stop collecting now, and phase it out. PAy down the national debt so we spend fewer dollars on interest and have more for Military spending and lower taxes.

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Originally posted by Brooklynskinsfan

A great lesson on the reasoning behind military spending, among other things, and one Klinton would have done well to learn. You don't spend on the military for what is going on now, you spend for what is going to go down in the future.

while taking money from schools and other social programs soo some people in the country we are trying to pertect are living just as bad as people in 3rd world countries :doh:

Bullsh!t. Ever been to a third world country? No, I didn't think so, or you wouldn't have made that statement. The poorest people in this country live better than people in Third World countries. And if there is no defense, there's no school and/or social programs anyway

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Other aspects of the Iraq war have reinforced the Chinese belief that the United States’ long-range strategy is to dominate Asia by containing the growth of Chinese power, the report said.

Doesn't that sound just like the reasons Japan conferred before it attacked Pearl harbor?

while taking money from schools and other social programs soo some people in the country we are trying to pertect are living just as bad as people in 3rd world countries

These social programs you speak of.... aren't the designed to prevent US citizens from living like people of third world countries? Get rid of the entitlement programs and other social programs that allow people to sit on their rear and NO ONE in the United States would be living in Third World Country conditions.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Thats too funny....

The chinese look at Bush and say:


A Cowboy

A person who will do what he says...

We were gonna just take Taiwan back but that Arrogant go it alone, Segway/Bike falling President would keep his word... Dang.

Every child in Taiwan asks you to vote for Bush ;). heehee...

just kidding... kinda...


China isn't scared of the US, they adjust their military according to the present conditions, just like we do. The fact you think Bush is great for inspiring a chinese arms build up is funny.....no it's sad but whatever.

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