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Ray Lewis just finished up his degree


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It's a shame that an accomplishment such as this provides individuals with the "opportunity" to voice one's negative opinions of the man.

There is a time and place for everything. If the title of the thread was regarding the murder trial he was involved in, I could understand a little better.

The guy got his college degree. Leave it at that.

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Originally posted by GB81

I"m glad you respect Lewis. Your choice. I doubt the families of the two guys that were killed are particularly excited about Ray's degree. He may or may not have been involved in killing them, but he sure as hell tried to cover it up.

Might want to save your indignance and respect for someone who actually deserves some.

People like you truly puzzle me....

So quick to pass judgment before sweeping around their own front door. Scared to open their mouth about their own private life because a giant skeleton bone might fall out!!! Please.... Were you there? Did you witness what actually happened on that tragic night? Probably not...So get over it. Stop believing everything you see on television or read in the paper. You'd probably be bad-mouthing Sean Taylor if he played for another team..why because he had corn-rows in college and he resembles a thug.....? Geez....some people make me wanna


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Originally posted by Gamebreaker

Well speaking as a college student right now, nobody is handing me jack sh!t!!!! :mad:

exactly, I busted my butt to get my degree and when I graduate on Saturday, I will be damn proud of myself.

As far as Ray Ray goes; he has made some mistakes in the past and he will always be viewed in a negative light because of them, but there is no need to knock the man for going back and getting his degree.

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Originally posted by Conrad87

People like you truly puzzle me....

So quick to pass judgment before sweeping around their own front door. Scared to open their mouth about their own private life because a giant skeleton bone might fall out!!! Please.... Were you there? Did you witness what actually happened on that tragic night? Probably not...So get over it. Stop believing everything you see on television or read in the paper. You'd probably be bad-mouthing Sean Taylor if he played for another team..why because he had corn-rows in college and he resembles a thug.....? Geez....some people make me wanna


It is not up for debate as to whether or not Lewis misled the police. It is highly likely that he was in the vicinity when the men were murdered by his friends.

I've never tried to mislead the police, no one I know has ever committed a double homicide, nor do I expect them to. At the least, he was dishonest, unethical and made a very poor choice in picking his friends. At worst, he was an accomplice in a double homicide. I'm not going to break a sweat trying to defend his good name.

As for you trying to draw conclusions about me personally from one post, you seem like a really bright guy.

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Originally posted by GB81

As for you trying to draw conclusions about me personally from one post, you seem like a really bright guy.

Why thank you! I worked very hard for my degree; and I am extremely proud of it. I will be sure to send you an invitation when I receive my MS in Computer Science next Spring :D

Please don't be mistaken buddy. You aren't the only guy around here with a little education.

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When did I profess to being any more educated than anyone else? All I said was that Ray Lewis has done some reprehensible things...which he has.

Feel free to continue exploring your feelings of inadequacy as to your level of education, though.

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Originally posted by GB81

Feel free to continue exploring your feelings of inadequacy as to your level of education, though.

LOL… clever response. I could rebuttal. But, I'd rather not continue arguing such pointless issues with some dude over the internet;)

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I am proud that Ray-Ray went back and got his degree...

I first met him his Sophomore year in the league at a Mobil gas station in Newtown Owings mills... dude was super friendly, invited me to his place to play video games with his buddies... was real nice... and was not surprised that he would run into problems with his acquaintances... he was that very much approachable... and was guilty for not asking for a criminal check on the background of his boys...

…Yeah, I know some of you would be “why would you let someone you don’t know hang out with you”… but dude just wanted to be a regular dude…

That all stopped right after he caught the case... he does not even bother talking to anybody he doesn't know anymore, even the guys he met the first time he came to Bmore he kinda keeps his distance after being burnt by the riff-raffs who are basically male groupies... he was soooo embarrassed that he did not even know one of the guys real name… knew him just by his nickname…

Dude before all the case he caught was a real nice guy... now he wont say more than two words to you on the streets... he has learned to distrust strangers...

But like youall pointed out, that’s the price you pay for hanging out with Riff-raffs… you're forever tainted...

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Originally posted by Gamebreaker

Well speaking as a college student right now, nobody is handing me jack sh!t!!!! :mad:

:laugh: Well my friend, despite the touch of cynicism in my post, your experience is of the majority...it was the same with me and I believe it's a better path in the long run..hang in there and best of luck.

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Sorry if anyone took my comments as distasteful. I know they were. That was the point though.

I'm sure that there are...and will continue to be...plenty of posts about Cowboys and Eagles players that will trump my pathetic attempt at tongue-in-cheek humor. Maybe those of you who took offense live in Virginia and haven't seen how Baltimore-area residents deify a convicted criminal who played a part in a murder.

I for one won't jump into the Ray-Ray lovefest that the NFL has taken on. It makes me sick.

Would you wear an OJ Simpson jersey these days? He was found innocent. Or, how about a "Michael Jackson loves Kids!" T-shirt. He hasn't been found guilty yet either. Please.

Maybe my ideas will change once I kill somebody too. Maybe then I'll "sweep my front own door" and stop picking on poor, sweet, innocent, educated Ray.

Until then....:ravensuck


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Originally posted by GB81

It is not up for debate as to whether or not Lewis misled the police. It is highly likely that he was in the vicinity when the men were murdered by his friends.

I've never tried to mislead the police, no one I know has ever committed a double homicide, nor do I expect them to. At the least, he was dishonest, unethical and made a very poor choice in picking his friends. At worst, he was an accomplice in a double homicide. I'm not going to break a sweat trying to defend his good name.

As for you trying to draw conclusions about me personally from one post, you seem like a really bright guy.

Have you ever been put in a situation before that he was?? How can you question what he did or didn't do? I laugh at peolple like you because you don't understand what is going through someone's mind at the time of such and accident.

What happend if you were with your boys one night, and no matter how it happend one of them got in a fight with someone else and killed a man? You would think to do the right thing but would you? You don't know because you have never experienced anything like it.

The man lied to the police, then he told the truth, he paid his time and was not found guilty because of his help with the incident. I find it very hard for someone to try and think straight when you are put in that type of sitution.

We in the law enforcement business do not get upset if someone misleads us, as long as when they can think straight and are able to help us out to solve the case then we are okay with them. This is why deals are done, all we want is the one responsible for the crime at the end.

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Originally posted by Murdering Purple Turds

Would you wear an OJ Simpson jersey these days? He was found innocent....

Maybe my ideas will change once I kill somebody too. Maybe then I'll "sweep my front own door" and stop picking on poor, sweet, innocent, educated Ray.

Until then....:ravensuck

-MPT [/b]

You are the one that sound stupid (silly)... OJ KILLED two (2) people...and got away with it...

Ray Lewis was not involved in the murder of two people and was charged for hindering a murder investigation... when he wouldn't cooperate with the investigation they threatened him with accessory to murder... which is different from the other two guys you lumped in with him...

Yeah, you can bash someone all you want but at least be sensible... or you can try the Eagles forum...

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Originally posted by Murdering Purple Turds

Would you wear an OJ Simpson jersey these days? He was found innocent. Or, how about a "Michael Jackson loves Kids!" T-shirt. He hasn't been found guilty yet either. Please.

These are different situations. We have and had proof of that person doing the crime. In the Ray case we knew all along he didn't do it but was thinking straight.

OJ was just lucky he had a great law team. Unlike the Ray case we got the murderer, in the OJ case he is out stealing DirecTV now :doh:

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I'm sorry, but I will not accept the premise that this could very well happen to me.

I'm fully prepared to judge someone on their actions. I feel completely comfortable judging what he should have done. If you do not, that's fine. But, regardless of how many people in our society think, there is right and wrong, and judging someone is not an evil thing.

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Ray Lewis lied to the police. He got off. If it were any of us, we would've seen jail time. I don't believe that mentioning this aspect of his past is distasteful, even if it is on a thread about his accomplishment. BFD. The folks posting here who have issue with RL because of his past are entitled to voice their opinions. Last time I checked, this wasn't a Ravens website.

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Originally posted by GB81

I'm sorry, but I will not accept the premise that this could very well happen to me.

I'm fully prepared to judge someone on their actions. I feel completely comfortable judging what he should have done. If you do not, that's fine. But, regardless of how many people in our society think, there is right and wrong, and judging someone is not an evil thing.

I agree but things change when you are in involved in a situation. It is easy to say you will make the right decision now because there is no heat on you.

Here is one example that happens quite a bit. You go out one night and drink a little to much. You drive home and on the way home you hit a car that is parked, and you do quite some damage. Now I would think most people would leave a note to at least give some type of concact info.

Now the question I have for you after the person files a report about the damage and the cop calls you and asks you to explain what happened would you tell him you were drinking??

This is also lying to the police, even though there is no way anyone could ever prove you wrong.

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I see where you are coming from...but...sorry, it is just not the same as watching or being present while two of your friends ended someone's life. In your scenario, you are not hurting anyone if you make financial restitution for the damage to the car. (While I do think drunk driving is idiotic...and yes, I did it a lot too when I was younger...)

If someone lost their life, that changes everything. In this case, two people lost their lives, murdered with a deadly weapon, and the perpetrators went free. Mr. Lewis had a hand in it. This doesn't even seem to merit debate.

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