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Portis on Rap City: The Bassment in a few


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did anyone else notice the insane amount of commericals between the last video they showed and the portis interview... i think it was like 8 minutes of ads.

portis please tell us all that sean taylor is not hiring the postons!

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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

Watching that video makes me think of the Chappelle Show Lil' Jon sketches. What! What! [/quote

:laugh: if all I was able to watch on TV was Chappelle, Crank Yankers, Reno 911, John Stewart, and Redskins games, that would be ok with me. I obviously have yet to properly mature ;)

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Originally posted by Sweet Sassy Molassy

You know, I tired of seeing these commercials for Holiday Heart featuring Ving Rhames in Drag. The mere thought of him in Drag scares me sh!tless. I think seeing him in Drag dropped my sperm count.

How have I missed these visual disasters?! Not enough BET for me, I guess. But then, I miss the old Rap City. Did they get rid of that terribly annoying animated broad who did the video countdown years ago?

Chripes, I still shudder thinking of the first time I saw it in a McDonald's in Ann Arbor.

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Speakin of lil jon.....

Rap City: Portis do you think the skins will be in the superbowl?

Portis: What??!!

RC: will the skins be in the Super Bowl?

CP: WHAT??!!

RC: Will the Redskins win the superbowl this year?

CP: Yeaaaaaaaaaah


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I think Portis wants to be a rapper. He is so funny, he was lobbying Jusblaze to give him a free beat. I wish he would have gone in the booth. He is boys with Pastor Troy, so I went ahead and bought a heavyweight belt to rock DTC-tailgating. This is going to be one hell of a season.

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Clinton Portis was on Rap City today with Big Tigger. He was really excited and kept speaking highly of being a Redskin and donning the Burgandy & Gold. He did not say anything negative about Denver; but his face kept lighting up at the mention of being a Redskin. When asked if he wanted to be traded to Washington by Denver, he said, "I wanted to make more than $300,000.00. He then said he got a healthy raise and playing for Washington has allowed him to play for another championship caliber coach in Joe Gibbs. He said he is a rapper in his spare time and that he really loves playing in DC with Sean Taylor, and in close proximity to Ray Lewis and other Miami players currently in the league. He said the best thing that ever happened to him was being drafted in the second round when he should have been selected in the first round of the draft. He went on to say his selection dictated his pay, and his pay is what led to him now being a member of the Washington Redskins where is being paid at the level he should. I know from the excerpts of the convo I'm telling you about it seems like he's just here for the money, but the full context of his conversation was quite the contrary. He smiled and cracked jokes the whole time. Those of you that watched him hanging with Lavar for the ESPN interview got a glimpse of his whole demeanor during the Rap City visit. I like the way the many players are starting to hang together. It speaks volumes about chemistry. I wish that was Jansen he was hanging' with, but it's still good to say redskin players hanging together in the off-season.

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Originally posted by REDALERT


NOW! WHere's our damn Baseball team:silly:

They have a game in Montreal to play tonight or is it Puerto Rico....what a joke MLB is for tooling around w/ Les' Expo.

The Arizona Cards should play some of their games in Vegas & LA and the Clippers should play some of theirs in San Diego & Mexico City... What a freakin joke MLB is.

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