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NYDN: Strahan says he has his own set of rules


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Strahan says he has his own set of rules


Tom Coughlin's rules for the offseason workout program may be too strict for some of the Giants, but Michael Strahan has found a solution:

Don't follow them.

Strahan, a 12-year veteran and one of the Giants' union representatives, admitted yesterday he's "got my own set" of rules when it comes to working out in the offseason. Technically, Coughlin's program has to be voluntary. And Strahan volunteers to participate only some of the time.

"My offseason workout has been a little different," Strahan said. "A lot of guys have been here every day and they do all the extra stuff and do extra meetings, but I can't sit here and tell you that I've done all that. So I haven't violated any rules (of the Collective Bargaining Agreement) because I've got my own set sometimes."

How does Coughlin feel about that? Strahan was asked that twice, but didn't acknowledge the question. And he didn't address the issue of his personal rules again.

As for Coughlin, he already had held his morning press conference by the time Strahan dropped his little bombshell. When he was asked to comment after the Giants' afternoon practice, the coach said, "I don't have anything to say because I don't have a press conference this afternoon."

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I understand the veteran player thing. I understand that by now Michael knows what workouts are good for him and his body. However, being a team leader, he could at least set an example on the meetings and such. And by all means keep his mouth shut on his own set of rules.

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I'm not sure which side of the fence I sit on. I believe that people should follow their coach... but at the same time, going through the strenuous regimine Coughlin is known for might hurt a guy like Strahan more than it could possibly help. He's a good Defensive End for a reason, beyond just going through workouts. He's obviously had no problem playing well the past few seasons... and conducting his own regimine. Shouldn't mess with a good thing.

Though... turmoil in Giants camp is a good thing for the Redskins.

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In a way,this doesn't remind me of Shotty,it reminds me more of George Allen.

When he was fired by the Skins, he was hired to coach the Rams again. The veteran players on that Rams team objected to the practices and workouts that Allen had them doing and the owner of the Rams subsequentially fired Allen after only two pre-season games.

It is my understanding that the Giants owner supports Coughlin but I wonder, if he gets enough complaints and Upshaw and Co. find some wrong doings,could history repeat itself?

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I would probibly do that too, if your coach has a lot of BS for off season training, just do it your way.

To bad marty had to cut the best offence threat ever to play FB because of that studid crap.

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Originally posted by panel

I would probibly do that too, if your coach has a lot of BS for off season training, just do it your way.

To bad marty had to cut the best offence threat ever to play FB because of that studid crap.

I agree, panel. Larry Centers played well for us and using him as an example was a low-class move. Strahan is one of the leaders of the team so what does it mean that he's already spoken up (twice that I know of) about problems he has with the "new regime." Doesn't seem to bode well for the Giants this season... not that I have a problem with that.


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At the least, this doesn't do well for team unity and cohesiveness.

It's possible that once some of the Giants see/hear this quote, they'll turn around and say "Well, if he doesn't have to follow the rules, then neither do I."

Wonder what ole' Coughlin will do with this guy. He's not helped things one bit since the draft. Looks like a cancer in the making, and it could mean that he'll be gone at the end of the season. Let's see... will it be TC gone or Strahan? Depends on the season record I guess....

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a harsh workout discipline may be a problem yes, but it could also be a solution. George Allen did win games with us. Schottenheimer, I hold against him all the players he let go, especially people like Thrash, Centers, ND Kalu and so on. However, he took our remainder ragtag team to an 8-8 record, after going 0-5. I dont see why people hate him, he had his harsh workout regimen as well, but he also did lead us to a good comeback. Strahan is a bit of a loudmouth, but the Giants would be stupid to cut their leading d-lineman, especially after losing others. I think this will all blow over by training camp.

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