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Portis And Lavar Are Chums


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My wife spent a week in the same hotel the Ravens used during a mini camp. It took her two days to realize they played on a team. She kept thinking there must be a Ravens store nearby and they must be having one heck of a sale.

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Originally posted by jschlesi

My wife spent a week in the same hotel the Ravens used during a mini camp. It took her two days to realize they played on a team. She kept thinking there must be a Ravens store nearby and they must be having one heck of a sale.

LOL -- That is funny as hell.

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Where does your girl work at PF Changs? The one in Tysons II?

It's right across the street from where we live. My wife and I eat there all the time.

I wonder how appropriate it is to ask for an autograph in that context - like, "instead of a tip, could you sign this placemat?"


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Yeah, it's pretty inappropriate at ask for an autograph while they are eating...but Lavar has always been nice, so maybe someone could grab them on their way out.

Yeah, she is the human resources chick at the one at Tysons II and the new one in Fairfax...there at II right now....my girl just called and said she would try to ask Portis on his way out for an autograph...I already have a couple of Lavar's

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Originally posted by jschlesi

My wife spent a week in the same hotel the Ravens used during a mini camp. It took her two days to realize they played on a team. She kept thinking there must be a Ravens store nearby and they must be having one heck of a sale.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Thats pretty cool, hopefully they can develop some chemistry, and bring the whole team together.

I had the great pleasure of serving (waiting on) Bruce Smith four years ago this summer, he was eating w/ Sweet Pea Whitker (the boxer), they both are from this Area. Anyway it was pretty cool, they ran up an $1,500 bill including about $1,000 dollars for the bar tab (they were drinking Louis XIII, at about $125 a shot). They left me an autograph an a $200 tip. Needless to say that was one hell of a party that night at my Fraternity house. :cheers:

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Originally posted by NavyDave

I did hear that Ramsey goes golfing with the competition, Brunell.

Wonder if he will convince Brunell to go hunting with him and Jansen

:laugh: Today in Iowa there was a "freak" hunting accident involving several players from the Washington Redskins....

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Originally posted by WM_Marylander

I'm not sure Lavar's the best guy to have Taylor eating with...

We want both of them to cut down the Freelancing mistakes not get in the act together!

Lavar's not out with Taylor, he's with Portis.

Please read the thread before posting.

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Originally posted by jrfriedm

Lavar's not out with Taylor, he's with Portis.

Please read the thread before posting.

Actually he did read the thread. He was referring to NavyDave's post (post # 8 on this thread) where he said it would be good if they invited Smoot and Taylor.

Please read the thread before correcting people about not reading the thread.

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