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The 5 players the Skins just cut - forget it

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The team roster limit is 80 players, not counting the NFL Europe players who don't count.

With the announcement that the Skins just signed 10 UDFA players, I count 85 players on the current Skins roster, not even counting the NFLE guys. But that can't be with a NFL mandated roster limit of 80 players.

So the Skins must have cut 5 players. But who? I figure at least one of the two rookie punters was cut..... maybe both of them with Tupa now the punter. But that still would leave 3 or 4 players unaccounted for.

Buddha mentioned that Larry Moore is not listed in the NFLPA.org as having a listed salary. Was he one of them? Has Dave Fiore retired yet? Maybe this accounts for all the OL we drafted and signed. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: Well, not that anyone is going to lose any sleep over this....... but I thought that I would bring it up.

After all, what else is there to talk about now?.......... unless someone can find a new trade rumor. :laugh:

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I have 87 players that includes the 10 from yesterday, the 6 in NFL Europe, and Moore (since I can't confirm he's been cut). If you take out Moore and the NFL Europe guys, there is your 80.

If you want to proof me, check the quick view roster on the front of my website. I haven't had the time to completely update the other pages.

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

Yeah but I'm still a tad smarter than you. ;) :laugh:

By the way you look cute in that new dress I bought you. :silly:

You can believe what you want in your little world :)

Must be sad the closest thing you get to a dress is when a man is wearing it on the internet :laugh:

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

What a dummy I am. :laugh:

I just figured out that I am counting Sean Taylor, Chris Cooley, Mark Wilson and Jim Molinaro on our roster already.

But they aint signed yet! :doh1:

I guess the Guru Mock Draft wore me out this weekend.

Maybe I wasn't so dumb after all. The Skins just cut Larry Moore and David Leaverton. :D

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