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Jarrett Payton..


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Sorry, no talent. It took him until his senior season at Miami to get any playing time whatsoever. He is a free agent pickup at best that won't make the NFL in my mind. Like father, not like son. He is no where near what his dad's talent level was.

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Originally posted by [[ghost]]

don't know don't care

If you don't care, why did you open the thread, read the initial post, and post your own reply to it?

There is no way he should go to Chicago. It would be like Jordan's son playing basketball and going to the Bulls.

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did any of you guys see him on "the best damn sports show period"? jamal anderson said he spoke to clinton portis about him and clinton said that he is the best athlete from all the running backs at miami when he was still there....more than himself, more than mcgahee, more than gore. he's gotta be aright if clinton speaks so highly about him

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Originally posted by skns4life

did any of you guys see him on "the best damn sports show period"? jamal anderson said he spoke to clinton portis about him and clinton said that he is the best athlete from all the running backs at miami when he was still there....more than himself, more than mcgahee, more than gore. he's gotta be aright if clinton speaks so highly about him

Every Miami player says every OTHER Miami player is the greatest. It's almost cult-like. However, ask a Hurricane to compare himself to any non-Hurricane player in the country and all of a sudden he'll tell you HE'S the best.

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Originally posted by Jimbo

Every Miami player says every OTHER Miami player is the greatest. It's almost cult-like. However, ask a Hurricane to compare himself to any non-Hurricane player in the country and all of a sudden he'll tell you HE'S the best.

Portis isn't saying Peyton's the greatest or even the best RB, but the best athlete out of all the running backs that were at UM when Portis was there.

By the way, It's pretty much a guarantee that teammates will speak very highly of each other in interviews.

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