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Cap Issues with the Draft?


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Good question I think if we cut Trotter and Samuels restructures we'll be okay, but it's become pretty clear that Samuels won't do that. He turned that scenario down before I believe. Maybe if another big contract player will restructure we could have enough room, but otherwise only Trotter can be our savior for room.

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im sure we probably have enough space, especially since people like Dung and Moore may be released. Trotter wont really save us any this year i dont think, but releasing Samuels supposedly does. Plus, there are all those low key players im sure may not be here as we can only have 53(or 55) players anyways.

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It would be safer to release Trotter before june 1 so he doesn't count 5+ mil on our cap next year.

Yes we'll take a small hit by releasing trotter this year but why overly screw ourselves next year in the process to save a measly 100k or so?

Also we're keeping Samules...plain and simple. Once we make our June 1 cuts we'll be in perfect cap shape. Taylor will also have an incentive laden contract so it should be pretty cap friendly.

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I thought there was a difference with Draft people as opposed to Free agents.

1. You can structure the contract from scratch.

2. There is no over-flow from a previous team.

3. Signing bonus is Snyders middle name.

4. It's not the top 3 positions or the Top 3 spots.

5. Back end the contract is his other middle name.

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It really doesn't matter much what position your draftee plays. All that matters is how much cap space the rookie pool allows for that pick. Last year #5 used about 2M and this year the rookie pool is being increased 5% so you can expect a 2.1M cap hit for that selection. Also when the league starts to count your whole roster instead of just the top 51 salaries and also counts your practice squad you will need an additional 1M of cap space. If you have players on IR at that point you will need even more.

If Trotter is cut after 6/1 you will create 2.7M of extra cap space in 04 and absorb a 4.7M dead player hit in 05. If Trotter is cut before 6/1 or traded at any point during the 04 season his future signing bonus proration will accelerate into 04 and cost 2M more cap space than he is presently counting against the cap but there would be no dead player hit in 05.

If Samuels restructures it could create about 3.4M of extra space in 04 but would raise his 05 hit to 11M and his 06 hit to near 13M.

I think you cut Trot after 6/1 and create the space to sign your draft and pay for your players #52 and 53 and your practice squad and leave some in case of injury replacement during the season. If you want to sign a Barrow to replace him then Moore and/or Candidate will have to go.

BTW....The Eagles are still 11M under the cap and for the 4th straight year will carry a large amount over to 05 via Banner's secret method which will give us an adjusted cap in 05 much higher than the rest of the league.

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