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What Is Larry Centers Doing Right Now


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I know the man is old as old gets, but he was an excellent Redskin for a couple years and should never have been cut. He is an extremely skilled pass-catcher, and a more than capable pass blocker. He isn't quite as fast as he once was, but could be easily placed into that H-back position, in my eyes. Do the Pats still have him under contract? I believe it was a one season deal with them. Maybe he's worth a tryout...

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Originally posted by Posse81

Probably sitting around thinking about who to nail with a cheap shot. Wasn't it Centers who nailed Trotter last season with a cheap shot to his knees?

It was a helmet to helmet. That was mostly accidental too. Thus the no call.

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Originally posted by Larry

Oh, no, you don't!

I was a big Larry Centers fan (nothing to do with his name, or anything), but . . . .

You folks are just trying to get somebody ahead of Rock on the depth chart, right?

Hey hey, Rock is one of my favorite Redskins. I'm not trying to put his opportunity in jeopardy...:D

All I asked is what is Larry Centers doing football-wise this year? A tryout can't hurt, letting Gibbs see if he can play H-back. I didn't even suggest we sign him. I only suggested to have him come in for a visit.

And Madmonkey, Centers is a capable blocker, one of the best FBs in the league at picking up blitzes. In line run blocking, there are a good number better, but Centers picks up the blitz extremely well.

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Larry Centers is probably the best pass catching running back of all-time, argueably. There are others such as Marshall Faulk, Roger Craig, and the list goes on, but Centers is great. I was kind of pissed the way he was let go, thought it was BS. BUT...

Rock was a beast at K-State and played his heart out last year when all of our other backs were down with injuries. He definately has the talent and he wants to play, as far as blocking goes, he can work on that, but Sellars fills the blocking hole at H-Back rather decently.

A tryout wouldn't hurt, but I doubt he would be cheap enough, he would probably demand a high one year contract or two years, considering he is probably going to retire soon. So tryout yes, but signing him, I doubt, and wouldn't push for it. Let's give Rock his fair share and his justdo, he was one of our only bright spots last season along with Coles and Ramsey (before he went down).

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I'd love to give Centers a shot. He played his guts out and had, as he once said. "the best hands in football". For some reason, probably his verstility, he always reminded me of Byner.

I feel almost that by having some of our beloved guys from the recent past - Thrash, Sellers, Raymer, Rasby - that it's validating the last eight years somewhat. Makes me feel like if we can make it with these guys, then maybe those years weren't all for naught.

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Centers always was a great "role" guy...could never be counted on to build an offense guy...but he defintely added a threat that could be difficult for defenses to address. The point is though...that "was" is a very big part of him now. He "was" a solid hardnose player....now he is old....very old....let the Raiders pick him up if he hangs on too long. We have to move on.....

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