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ESPN-Sean Taylor chat


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Thursday, March 25

Chat wrap: Sean Taylor



Welcome to ESPN.com's moderated chat room. On Thursday, March 25, former Miami defensive back and NFL Draft prospect Sean Taylor dropped by to take your questions in chat.

Miami's Sean Taylor may be the best defensive player in the 2004 draft.

The following is a transcript from Sean Taylor's March 25 chat:

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Sean Taylor: Hello everyone.

Andrew (Chicago): Sean, if a team gave you an opportunity to move to WR would you take it?

Sean Taylor: Only if I could also play DB!

Tarek (Daytona Beach, Fl.): Sean "The Freak" how does it feel to know you'll be able to lay the smack on Maurice in the NFL, and get some payback for what was a sure 100+ int. return in the National title game 2 years ago.

Sean Taylor: I think I layed enough smack on him in the national championship game!

Nizar (Emerson): Hey Sean. I just wanted to know if you would love to play for the New York Spotlight, especially the Giants?

Sean Taylor: Why not? Of course, if they pick me!

josh (cleveland): Sean, which teams have been the most interested in you thus far?

Sean Taylor: Redskins, Browns, Lions ..

AKM311 (Potomac, MD): Sean are you close with Clinton Portis? Has he been lobbying for you to come to D.C.?

Sean Taylor: Yes, he has. I'm close with Clinton. We went to Miami together.

Robbie (Foley, AL): Sean I'm an FSU fan and im glad ur leavin Miami im tired of you dominating us. Do you think your gonna be the best safety in the NFL very early in your career? I think you will be.

Sean Taylor: I think so.

Arthur (Chicago): Sean, can you tell us what happened during Pro day? Reports were not very good.

Sean Taylor: I don't listen to writers .. I feel I had a good enough workout.

ThunderCane (Miami): Mr. Taylor, how is the shoulder? I remember the stingers you had durring the season.

Sean Taylor: It feels great now .. that's why I had the surgery. It's not bother me anymore.

Cameron (Ottawa,ON): Sean what's the first thing you'll buy when you sign your first contract?

Sean Taylor: Don't know yet .. no clue. That's a lot of money.

Tim (Columbus, OH): Sean. Who are you looking forward to laying out this year?

Sean Taylor: I just want to play .. just playing for an NFL team will be exciting.

Mike (Champion, OH): a car?

Sean Taylor: Yeah, probably a car. Something different. I like to be different.

Taylor's not picky, he says he'd be happy lending his services to any NFL team.

Keith (Orlando): Are you going to miss Miami and a chance to play in the ACC?

Sean Taylor: I'll miss everything .. mainly just wearing that Hurricane uniform.

Tony (Danbury, CT): Don't you think it is unfair to you to have to hear you are the next Ronnie Lott before your first pro game. Maybe Ronnie Lott will someday want to be the next Sean Taylor.

Sean Taylor: It's no pressure ... that's just people's opinion. I'm just going to keep doing what I do. I have no problem being compared to such a great player like Lott.

Dean Snell (US Navy): Sean., who is the most influencial person you had growing up?

Sean Taylor: My mom.

Bryan (Black River Falls, WI): Do you think you made a wise choice coming out a year early?

Sean Taylor: I was at the top of my game .. what better time?

tim (cleveland, ohio): do you have a favorite NFL team right now?

Sean Taylor: I never really had a favorite NFL team .. I always watched UM-FSU growing up ...

Tom (State College, PA): Having played aginst Larry Fitzgerald how good do you think he is?

Sean Taylor: He's a good player .. I've talked to him a couple times and watched him. I shut him down!

Ryan (Minneapolis, MN): What will be the hardest tranisition from college to pro for you?

Sean Taylor: Probably the schedule ... more games .. but I'll like that. Just a longer season. Especially when you talk about playoffs, Pro Bowl, etc.

Keith (Orlando): Are you looking forward to being in Madden 2005 and will you play as yourself a lot?

Sean Taylor: I play Madden .. I'll use whatever team I go to.

Jeff Manahawkin: How to people treat you on campus now knowing your going pro?

Sean Taylor: It's a lot different now .. something you just get used to though. It's a big step going from college to pro.

Brandon G (Gainesville FL): If you were to make a sales pitch to an NFL team on why they should pick you, what would you say?

Sean Taylor: I'm the best.

Mark (Detroit, MI): What do you think about the value scouts put on safeties?

Sean Taylor: I think safety is just as important as the QB on offense. You have to look at the whole field to know what is going on. I see no reason why safeties should be looked at differently than QBs.

Paul DC: How do the ladies treat you knowing that you are going pro?

Sean Taylor: It's alright! Not bad!

Sean Taylor caught your questions.

Jason (Miami): Would you like to be a Punt Returner and Kickoff Returner in the NFL?

Sean Taylor: Of course, if I get the opportunity. I love returning kicks and punts.

Dover, NH: Would you have a problem with playing free safety instead of strong?

Sean Taylor: No. That's what I want to play, free. But certain packages are different. The Dolphins have two guys that are always moving. It just depends on where I go. I want to cover the majority of the passes.

Keith (Clio, MI): Sean, who's the best WR in the league right now and who would you like to lay the smack down on the most?

Sean Taylor: I guess Moss or TO right now ...

Phil (El Paso): Who's better: Mike or Roy Williams?

Sean Taylor: Sean!

Trey (Alexandria Va.): Are you going to the draft or watching it from home?

Sean Taylor: I can't answer that yet ..

Ken (TO): Do you hate Dallas ?

Sean Taylor: Nothing against Dallas ..

Christian (Columbus, Ohio): If you faced Kellen Winslow Jr in the NFL, would you shut him down? Would you lay him out?

Sean Taylor: I faced him everyday in practice .. I know some of his moves and have them down pat!

Sam San Diego: what do you expect your madden rating to be?

Sean Taylor: I don't really know .. hopefully the fastest safety. Speed is everything in Madden.

Dougie Phresh (Baltimore): Do you plan on wearing your college number or given the opportunity will you choose another?

Sean Taylor: I would like to wear my college number if I can. But if I can't that's alright.

Matt (Dallas): Mo Clarett will be on next - did he really strip that ball? Or did you have posession - tell the truth!

Sean Taylor: I'm going with the refs on that one .. they called it a strip. But I'm sure you know what I would say if I called it.

James (Tallahassee): Hi Sean, what's it like trying to tackle Greg Jones in the open field?

Sean Taylor: I know the play you are talking about ... he won 1 out of the 100 .. I won the other 99!

Dougie Phresh (Baltimore): Whats your projection for next year's NCAA Football champion...other than the 'Canes?

Sean Taylor: The Canes! What kind of question is that! Of course, the Canes.

mark (detroit): Who was your football hero growing up?

Sean Taylor: Not really .. no hero.

Matt (Philadelphia): What's the most interesting question you have been asked at team interviews?

Sean Taylor: When you set down with a team it's alright. They are just trying to see what kind of person you are. They just want to get to know you in a short amount of time before they make that investment.

Christian (Columbus, Ohio): Who's the most famous person or musician you've met so far?

Sean Taylor: At the Super Bowl I saw the Rock .. I would love to meet J.Lo .. but she's at the end of the 'want to meets' .. the top ones are Lara Croft, the Spanish girl from All About the Benjamins ..

Eddie (Saddle River): What got you into football?

Sean Taylor: I just always liked to play since I was about 6 years old.

Kevin (Chicago): What is your thoughts on high school kids going into the NFL?

Sean Taylor: I have no problem with it .. I wish they would have changed the rule last year .. maybe i would have come out then .. if you are young and have the talent, why not.

boston: do you believe the bush administration had enough evidence prior to 9/11 to stop the attacks?

Sean Taylor: Not sure.. I'm not the President. But maybe one day I will be.

Drew (Pensacola, FL): what did the team think of Brock coming into the season knowing he was a traitor, and then watching him throw ya'lls season away?

Sean Taylor: No comment.

Nik (DC) : Do you have any interest in possibly coaching one day?

Sean Taylor: Maybe someday. I like to give back to the kids.

Dougie Phresh (Baltimore): Martha Stewart: Guilty or not guilty?

Sean Taylor: Not guilty. I think she was just ahead of the game.

matt (Cleveland): What did you think about that ridiculous run by West Virginia's HB... that was phenomenal...where were you on that jount?

Sean Taylor: I got blocked.

Dee (Columbus): J-lo, Janet , Beyonce or Halle?

Sean Taylor: All four.

john (toronto, ont): whos got the hops you or Ed Reed?

Sean Taylor: We both do. I don't compare myself to fellow Canes.

Tim (Detroit): Do you plan on working out again after the Miami pro-day? Some were saying that you didn't have a great workout.

Sean Taylor: No reason to .. I ran a 4.4 and did great in my drills. I only dropped 2 balls but they were uncatchable .. no reason to work out again.

sampson (PITT): PITT or OK ST.?

Sean Taylor: Oklahoma State .. I picked them a long time ago.

Will (Lexington): Did you have to take a trash talkin class at miami, It seems like shockey, irvin, and everyone else has???

Sean Taylor: You come with some and have more when you leave. But everybody that comes out of Miami knows how to talk.

Sean Taylor: Hey, I have to run .. it's been fun talking to you all .. take care.

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Phil (El Paso): Who's better: Mike or Roy Williams?


Uh, right....

Dee (Columbus): J-lo, Janet , Beyonce or Halle?

Sean Taylor: All four.

I already think he's a jerk.... answer like that....

Ryan (Minneapolis, MN): What will be the hardest tranisition from college to pro for you?

Sean Taylor: Probably the schedule ... more games .. but I'll like that. Just a longer season. Especially when you talk about playoffs, Pro Bowl, etc.

Kevin (Chicago): What is your thoughts on high school kids going into the NFL?

Sean Taylor: I have no problem with it .. I wish they would have changed the rule last year .. maybe i would have come out then .. if you are young and have the talent, why not

Showing his intelligence there... not to mention his lack of NFL knowledge. Or his arrogance. He's not playing it for the game, he's playing it for the money.

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Don't know bout yall,but, I just want him to hit somebody every game. Never cared bout his IQ. Can he cover Shocky on a fly, come up and stop Tiki on a toss, sack McNab on a Safety Blitz.

Wonderlic has nothing to do with Zone Coverage and breaking ribs

And I'm sure, not many of us are english majors and if how we talk(typed) on boards and chats were judged, we all (most) would'nt live up to any college grad stats...........

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

He is from Miami. What do you expect from those guys? Great players, very confident border line ****y and not the sharpest tools in the shed. But damn good football players

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Originally posted by SkinsHokie Fan

He is from Miami. What do you expect from those guys? Great players, very confident border line ****y and not the sharpest tools in the shed. But damn good football players

my thoughts exactly......:rolleyes:

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I wish I didn't read that interview b/c I have been all for going after Taylor in the draft, but that interview was rough. However, Winslow is worse I'm sure, so I'll stick with Sean. I don't even mind some ****iness, but hopefully he was joking on half the stuff he said, and not serious.

And he better learn to hate Dallas come late April!

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