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Sorta OT: Cool sig flags page


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Originally posted by McNabb2Owens2k4

:doh1: its not working...i read the whole thread, i did what it says, and i cant get it to work, can somebody help me out


you need to put "" at the begining and "" at the very end of the web adresss. No spaces!


understand now? you put that in your signature window in your user control panel or usercp

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Originally posted by McNabb2Owens2k4

:doh1: its not working...i read the whole thread, i did what it says, and i cant get it to work, can somebody help me out



Double Posting. A double post constitutes back-to-back posts by the same member. The second post may be considered spam. If you submit a post and realize that you have made a mistake or would like to elaborate further, please use the "edit" button/function; the button is located at the top right of each post. An exception to the rule applies to a situation where a member wants to address the content of seperate individual posts from different members. For example, the first point addresses the content of member A's post; the subsequent post addresses the content of member B's post.

Posts that serve no purpose other than to increase one's post count are considered spam. For example, if someone asks a question and you reply just to say you don't know the answer or "test", this will be considered spam. If you want to check your signature picture/text all you need to do is go to any thread where you have posted. Every time you edit and save a change... hit the browser "refresh" button in a thread in which you have posted. Your account is updated across every post you have ever written.


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Hmm.... Maybe third time's the charm...



Double Posting. A double post constitutes back-to-back posts by the same member. The second post may be considered spam. If you submit a post and realize that you have made a mistake or would like to elaborate further, please use the "edit" button/function; the button is located at the top right of each post. An exception to the rule applies to a situation where a member wants to address the content of seperate individual posts from different members. For example, the first point addresses the content of member A's post; the subsequent post addresses the content of member B's post.

Posts that serve no purpose other than to increase one's post count are considered spam. For example, if someone asks a question and you reply just to say you don't know the answer or "test", this will be considered spam. If you want to check your signature picture/text all you need to do is go to any thread where you have posted. Every time you edit and save a change... hit the browser "refresh" button in a thread in which you have posted. Your account is updated across every post you have ever written.


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Whoa! :thud: :twitch: Er.....as soon as my ears stop ringing, I'm going to post something about reading the rules again and well said TK. Now, TK. Place the megaphone down, raise your hands, and slowly back away. :silly:

Oh and M202k4, I'd recommend not making him do that again.

TK's got a mic and an amp and knows how to use it. ;)

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