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wanna know who'll win the election?

Ancalagon the Black

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Originally posted by helluvaskinsfan

does this have banything to do with the skins

No. That's why it's on this board and not the other one.

If Kerry make Bob Graham his VP choice he has a great chance of taking Florida since Graham is the most popular politician in the history of my state and it's a very close state to start with. If he takes Florida he wins. If Ohio flips because of lost jobs it could be almost as ugly for dubya as it was for his dad.

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Guest 979guy

So basically, once again MOST Americans will vote for one candidate but in turn receive the other as their president...

I still find it surprising that the race seems so close.

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Originally posted by helluvaskinsfan

does this have banything to do with the skins

:secret: As Redskin fans, we all know we win more games when we have a Republican in the White House. The Cowpukes do better with a Democrat. If you want another Super Bowl, vote for Bush. A vote for Kerry is a vote for the Cowpukes…………..

:rotflmao: :cheers:

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Just for everyones knowledge. Graham is very well liked, but the polls show he wouldnt have an impact in FLA. He's also been pretty adament about not wanting to be VP.

Gephart is the smart choice for Kerry. He would almost DEFINITELY deliver MO.

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all these polls don't reflect well on the race for the white house right now, wait until after the conventions this summer, then they will have more weight. Right now, Kerry just has a big boost because he's been all over the news getting those 'big' wins in the primaries.

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Originally posted by jbooma

So Kerry wins the election in March and Bush wins in November, not bad :silly:

no, it'll be two for two for The Old Drunk Driver Bush

he'll lose the election in November and still be elected, jus like last time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think Kerry will win,

I wonder if the Dem side will have a HUGE hissy fit if Bush wins the Electoral vote, but looses the popular vote again.

That would be funny.

It looks like it may be a close enough election for that to happen again.

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How is he setting the dems up? He's said how much he respects Kerry, but that he probably wouldn't take the VP job if offered (because of their fundamental differences on several issues, I'm sure).

But in a political move, I wouldn't be surprised if Kerry reaches out to McCain in the public -- it will make him see like a uniter, even if knows McCain will definitely say no.

So how will McCain "set Kerry up"? By detailing their differences in a public forum? I don't know about that. Remember, McCain doesn't exactly have lots of love in his heart for Dubya or Karl Rove.

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I thought about that Kilmer my friend, but....I think if Kerry were elected.....McCain would get a VERY high spot in his admin for two reasons. His no-nonsense views on defending this country and to have a token Republican in a very visible spot. I shouldn't say token because these two go way back. Still, I'd feel comfortable McCain as the Secretary of Defense .

As sexy as the idea of McCain running as VP, he would crush Cheney....if they debated. But they won't.....it won't do as much as some think.

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McCain has been campaigning BIG for Bush this past year. He lead the group in NH and SC setting up campaigns.

McCain wants to be president. The only way to do that for him would be to stay in the GOP. He's not liberal enough to win the Dem primary.

I see him accepting the nomination for VP from Kerry, then sometime after the convention coming out and removing him saying how far too liberal Kerry would be and that he would destroy the country.

In one fail swoop he ruins Kerry's chances, and puts himself at the top of the pecking order for 08 GOP nomination.

It's also a signal to Bush that McCain would take a VP slot if Cheney steps down due to "health reasons".

Bush/McCain mops up ANY Dem ticket.

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I guess McCain could do that -- if he got sick and tired of being one of the most respected senators around (by both parties) and decided he'd rather be known as the biggest scumbag in the history of politics. I mean, that would be a new low, even in Washington.

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I wouldn't say he's going BIG for Bush. He's staying out of the mud slinging and just going on the issues that he agrees on with his party.

He wouldn't accept and back out of a VP Nod......that would make him look worse than Kerry would after that. Everybody already knows he's Super Liberal.

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It would make him look that way to you, but to the people he's really targetting (the right and middle america) he'd be a hero.

The Jim Jeffords of Pres politics.

And he's been one of the biggest draws for campaign money this year. He's hosted many dinners etc raising money for Bush

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