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All of this is just making me SICK!!!!!!


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The whole Brunell Bullshiat for our second rounder! Now it's being reported that the 'Skins would entertain offers for Ramsey if they do get the old fart. :mad:

Seriously, I'm getting sick to my stomach. I hope this is just a ploy to drive the Brunell price up for Dallas or to make sure another teams offers up the right package so Dallas doesn't get him, besides either of those...it's absolutely ridiculous IMO!!!! Problem is, this sounds very plausable that we could do this since Danny boy is sitting at the helm. Insane!!!!

Now please excuse me while I go to drive the porcelean bus. :puke:

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I think its the Cowboys who threw their hat into the mix to drive up the price on the Skins. Yes, they could use him, but they know their 2nd rounder is MUCH lower than Skins and by offering it, the Skins have to come back with their 2nd. I think Tuna is playing poker.

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Originally posted by Chief skin

RELAX!!!!!! Gibbs wants to win now and he is thinking the best way is with a veteran QB. In Gibbs we trust

Winning now is great, but not for selling away a high second rounder & your franchise QB for a old QB who's knees are held together w/ dental floss!!!

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I can only hope that San Diego makes a big push for Brunell. They've got pick #36, which would trump our #41.

It's really up to Jacksonville where he goes, and it looks like they're waiting for the best deal (i.e. highest draft pick). Do you think Brunell is going to have any say on where he goes?

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Originally posted by SRBFan

It's really up to Jacksonville where he goes, and it looks like they're waiting for the best deal (i.e. highest draft pick). Do you think Brunell is going to have any say on where he goes?

No its not up to Jacksonville where he goes. Its up to Brunell where he goes. If Brunell refuses to sign a new contract -- teams trade contracts, not players -- Jacksonville can't do anything about it and would probably release him. :)

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I'm going to trust Coach Gibbs on this one. He's done enough with this orginization in the past to more than earn our trust. After that 3 ring circus we had of a coaching staff last year, I'm more than willing to go along with the real professionals. If it takes us to get Brunell in order to win, then I'm all for it.

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i don't think brunell is worth a number 2. i think brunell is a good qb and probably could lead better and make good things happen more than pat can at this point. the league has always favored qbs who know what they doing and what the defense is doing vs. younger qbs with more ability. but i must say i'll be a little disapointed for patrick if he loses his job.

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I am not buying the "win now" argument because I believe we can win now with Patrick Ramsey. The guy was in a horrible system last year and threw 14 TD's to 9 Int's. The thing that I was most excited about Gibbs coming back was that we would make rational decisions. Pastabelly might have been right when he said Gibbs must have inhaled to many exhaust fumes when he came back.

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Originally posted by skinsblitz

I'm going to trust Coach Gibbs on this one. He's done enough with this orginization in the past to more than earn our trust. After that 3 ring circus we had of a coaching staff last year, I'm more than willing to go along with the real professionals. If it takes us to get Brunell in order to win, then I'm all for it.

That's fine if it works for you, but not me. Don't get me wrong, I love Gibbs...but...everyone makes mistakes. Gibbs did make the HUGE mistake before by drafting Desmond Howard and proclaiming that he had no weakness. Of course, Gibbs has done plenty of other good evaluations, but that should not justify making a bonehead move. Getting Brunell is not the bonehead part, the price (if it's a 2nd Rnd'er and then trading away Ramsey) is what I'm talking about.

Brunell is surely servicable, but to trade a high #2, which should be a starter for years to come and then try and trade Ramsey...note to self - if you want to get a high price for a good, then sell before the buyer knows you no longer need it...makes absoluetly no sense to me. Selling that much of your future for right now, while we still have other holes to address. Worst case scenerio, trading a high second rounder for a back-up? That is also insane because Brunell is old and injury prone.

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Very good point NavyDave. I'm just gonna sit back and see how the offseason unfolds, and I'm going to be a little cautious about giving to much praise or to much criticism. This is the offseason, usually the most exciting part of the year for us 'Skins fans. How many times have we heard that this team looks great on paper? So lets all just wait and see how all the upcoming moves translate into the season that really matters, the regular season.

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Ramsey is a young stud ready to break out. He SHOULD be the franchise QB for the Skins for the next 10-12 years. I see no reason in the world that Gibbs would get rid of him in order to obtain a QB that is one smack upside the head from retirement. The fact that Brunell is one good hit from the funny house HAS TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT. There is no way you can sell out the future of the franchise for a player in that condition, ESPECIALLY a QB. I was scared when this "entertain offers for Ramsey" news first hit, but the more I sit back, take deep breaths and look over the situation, the more I realize that there just is no way the team will annex off Ramsey, NO FREAKING WAY.

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Originally posted by SKINZ_DOMIN8


You need to settle down... remove the caplocks from your posts and quit the namecalling. Or you're not going to be here very long.

This is the 2nd time you've been told. I would take the suggestion very seriously.

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Now would someone please explain to me why the phrase "entertaining offers" is newsworthy?

You'd be a fool not to entertain offers for any player on the team.

It doesn't mean anything is imminent.

Not until we know the full parameters of any trade should anybody have any emotional sentiment to this news.

It's amazing how people take a little speculation and just run with it. And 24 hours later it's already old news.

Ain't the internet a wonderful tool?!?! :laugh:

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In the last two years all of the skins personnel moves have made sense. Even when Davis left most of the fans were able to understand it because his cap numbers were to high and he just did not fit in Spurriers system (which at the time we were commited to giving a chance). Therefore, I cannot see this trade going through without other compensation. There seems to be little up side for the Skins and The Dan can deal with the best of them. Until I hear what is really going on I will reserve my judgement. However, if we loose Ramsey I will be very concerned. The kid has alot of talent and one of the best attitudes I have seen in this team since D.Green.

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Trading Ramsey now seems silly and I don't believe there is any reasonable chance that it will happen.

However, getting Brunell is a good move, even at 2nd rounder price. Remember that window they talked about last year for winning with this group of players? Well, a year is already gone from that window. Ramsey has great skill, but he is not a finished QB ready to take this team to the playoffs. If Patrick doesn't progress fast enough or if he gets hurt again and there's no quality vet (read: not Rob Johnson) on hand that window is going to vanish with very little to show for all of Dan Snyder's spending. A 2nd-round pick to avoid that fate seems well worth it.

Brunell has had some injuries, but he also played behind a terrible line for about 3 straight years (I'm talking about worse than the Skins in the first part of 2002) and Fred Taylor missed almost all of one of those years which set Brunell up for a terrible beating. Give Mark some of that famous Gibbs/Bugel protection and he can still be a highly effective NFL QB.

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