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Egyptians & Antigravity


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Physicist Richard Crandall has written us about his studies in antigravity research. "After attending Dr. Steven Greer's first Disclosure Project lecture in mid-year 2000, I set out to explain just how UFO's can actually manage to fly," he writes. He believes ancient Egypt had the secret of Zero Point Energy and antigravity. "The picture (click on for larger) is a copy of a wall-carving found inside an ancient building in Dendera, Egypt. It shows what are apparently two glass bulbs (vacuum tubes), each one resting on top of its own 'djed pillar.' The function and nature of djed pillars in ancient Egypt has remained a mystery…until now."

In Crandall's theory "the pillars generate (from ZPE) a powerful gravitomagnetic and also gravity field, which is then converted into very high voltage electricity by the bulbs. Note the stripes on the 'electrical cables' which connect to the bulbs… this kind of marking was used to designate wiring that carries high-voltage. Also, a djed pillar has antigravity applications."

"The pillar is shown to operate as a 'macroscopic' proton (it contains 3 cone-shaped parts, each one representing one of the 3 quarks in a proton). Its operation can be likened to effects we currently understand, with ordinary physics, of other macroscopic quantum phenomena, such as NMR imaging machines that hospitals use. The entire 3-cone device is kept in a state of non-equilibrium, and thus it begins to oscillate (vibrate) at the natural frequencies of protons. The result is a slow release of a huge amount of energy in the form of a 'zero-frequency shock wave,' and also a large amount of loss of mass (weight) of the device itself can occur." For more on Crandall and his book They All Told the Truth: The Antigravity Papers, check out this page posted on the Disclosure Project's site.

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Does anyone even know where the Egyptians came from? Where is the evidence proving Egyptians transformed themselves from simple nomads to the builders of the Pyramids? It’s like they just popped up out of the burning desert with an advanced civilization ready to hit the ground running. Funny thing is, after the Egyptians faded, human skills seemed to fade with them. Could today’s builders duplicate the great pyramid of Giza?

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Originally posted by tex

Does anyone even know where the Egyptians came from? Where is the evidence proving Egyptians transformed themselves from simple nomads to the builders of the Pyramids? It’s like they just popped up out of the burning desert with an advanced civilization ready to hit the ground running. Funny thing is, after the Egyptians faded, human skills seemed to fade with them. Could today’s builders duplicate the great pyramid of Giza?

Are you kidding? It seems to me that you have an intense desire to believe certain things.

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Either mankind is much older than we think, other beings and civilizations existed on earth or our dating methods are incorrect.

The Coso Artifact

While mineral hunting in the mountains of California near Olancha during the winter of 1961, Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey and Mike Mikesell found a rock, among many others, that they thought was a geode - a good addition for their gem shop. Upon cutting it open, however, Mikesell found an object inside that seemed to be made of white porcelain. In the center was a shaft of shiny metal. Experts estimated that it should have taken about 500,000 years for this fossil-encrusted nodule to form, yet the object inside was obviously of sophisticated human manufacture. Further investigation revealed that the porcelain was surround by a hexagonal casing, and an x-ray revealed a tiny spring at one end. Some who have examined the evidence say it looks very much like a modern-day spark plug. How did it get inside a 500,000-year-old rock?

Ancient Model Aircraft

There are artifacts belonging to ancient Egyptian and Central American cultures that look amazingly like modern-day aircraft. The Egyptian artifact, found in a tomb at Saqquara, Egypt in 1898, is a six-inch wooden object that strongly resembles a model airplane, with fuselage, wings and tail. Experts believe the object is so aerodynamic that it is actually able to glide. The small object discovered in Central America, and estimated to be 1,000 years old, is made of gold and could easily be mistaken for a model of a delta-wing aircraft - or even the Space Shuttle. It even features what looks like a pilot's seat.

Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica

Workmen hacking and burning their way through the dense jungle of Costa Rica to clear an area for banana plantations in the 1930s stumbled upon some incredible objects: dozens of stone balls, many of which were perfectly spherical. They varied in size from as small as a tennis ball to an astonishing 8 feet in diameter and weighing 16 tons! Although the great stone balls are clearly man-made, it is unknown who made them, for what purpose and, most puzzling, how they achieved such spherical precision.

Impossible Fossils

Fossils, as we learned in grade school, appear in rocks that were formed many thousands of years ago. Yet there are a number of fossils that just don't make geological or historical sense. A fossil of a human handprint, for example, was found in limestone estimated to be 110 million years old. What appears to be a fossilized human finger found in the Canadian Arctic also dates back 100 to 110 million years ago. And what appears to be the fossil of a human footprint, possibly wearing a sandal, was found near Delta, Utah in a shale deposit estimated to be 300 million to 600 million years old.

Out-of-Place Metal Objects

Humans were not even around 65 million years ago, never mind people who could work metal. So then how does science explain semi-ovoid metallic tubes dug out of 65-million-year-old Cretaceous chalk in France? In 1885, a block of coal was broken open to find a metal cube obviously worked by intelligent hands. In 1912, employees at an electric plant broke apart a large chunk of coal out of which fell an iron pot! A nail was found embedded in a sandstone block from the Mesozoic Era. And there are many, many more such anomalies.


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Originally posted by SkinInsite

I would say that the Great Wall is equally impressive.

Come now, it's not really a wall for most parts. It's more like a fence, a partition to keep terrorist out. Oh wait, China , not Israel... ;)

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Tex, you are right on! the problem is that if these things are true then it blows religion out the door. as Carl Marx once said

" religion is the opiate of the Masses" now I don't believe in communism but how do we know that mankind has no regenerated it self many times over. Einstein once said" the 3rd world war will be fought with what, I do not know, but the 4th world war will be fought with bows and arrows" thoughts to ponder:2cents:

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The Coso Artifact was indeed a remarkable device. It was a 1920s-era Champion spark plug that likely powered a Ford Model T or Model A engine, modified to possibly serve mining operations in the Coso mountain range of California. To suggest that it was a device belonging to an advanced ancient civilization of the past could be interpreted as true, but is an exaggeration of several thousand years.



(Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica)

Folks, the notion that these are marvelous artifacts fabricated by ancient peoples, can be laid to rest not only by the geological evidence, but by the fact that the balls are found in such widely-separated geographical locations, and they are all made of the same igneous rock! And, if the ancients had chosen to make stone balls, they would, in my opinion, have opted to make them from much softer and more available material, such as limestone. Don't throw at me the fact that various kinds of pyramids (obviously Man-made) are found in widely-separated areas of the world: Egypt, Central and South America, Mexico, Sudan, India, Italy, and Greece. A pyramid is one of the most stable, easily-designed and easily-constructed forms. It is, in effect, almost any other less stable architectural shape that has already fallen down, and is thus not expected to change much over the ages.

Yes, another celebration of Man's ingenuity turns into a mere miracle of Nature. Next, we'll turn to the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, and its marvelous pillars.


Shall I go on, tex?

I see the only link you provided to support the various pseudo-scientific “phenomena” was to a place called paranormal.com. I hope that before you let yourself begin believe some of this stuff, you also make it a point take a look at some actual scientific and/or scholarly discussion on them as well. Unless of course you’re just tying to spice up the conversation here. :)

In not ... if I may be so bold, allow me to respectfully recommend a book I think you really ought to read.

The Demon Haunted World – Carl Sagan

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Just to clarify (this is not an attack),

Do you believe that aliens don't exist because many of the reports are indeed fake?

Do you believe in God/higher being?

Do you believe we are alone in the universe?

Again, not trying to start anything, but I've noticed you have used the same book as a referance in the past and I'm honestly curious as to your beliefs on those questions.

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Om is citing the Demon-Haunted World? Cool, one of the best ones I've ever read, though I probably disagree with Sagan on certain social issues(because he doesn't recognize some of the inherent limits of science when it comes to predicting human interactions and behavior.)

As for the topics here--once I learned of the past recountings of "visions" of demons and angels and connected them to the descriptions of alien adbuctions, and that many things I'd been told about how "impossible" something was that actually had a simple explanation I stopped believing in these things.

Also, if a species was advanced enough to master superluminal space travel, I highly doubt they'd need to do rectal probes of human beings. And the images of these aliens always seems to match some cultural context. In one part of the world they're one thing, then another in another region.

But with the mass media going global, now the "Gray w/big black eye" model is becoming predominant.

Whether we are alone in the universe is actually an irrelevant question when it comes to ancient civilizations and alien visits to the Earth.

There's a somewhat similar debate about near-death experiences, but those have proven to be duplicated via non-death circumstances. And even agnostics who wake up saying "I saw hell---or heaven" still are plugged into our culture enough to have that type of vision.

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Originally posted by Om

[b ... if I may be so bold, allow me to respectfully recommend a book I think you really ought to read.

The Demon Haunted World – Carl Sagan [/b]

Funny this should come up today as just this morning I've received my copy of Demon Haunted World in the mail. (following a recent recommendation by ......


Om.:) )

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Originally posted by codeorama


Just to clarify (this is not an attack),

Do you believe that aliens don't exist because many of the reports are indeed fake?

Do you believe in God/higher being?

Do you believe we are alone in the universe?

Again, not trying to start anything, but I've noticed you have used the same book as a referance in the past and I'm honestly curious as to your beliefs on those questions.

I have indeed recommended the book several times, and I’ll doubtless continue to, because in my estimation it’s as important a work as has been written in the English language in the last 100 years. I think it should be required reading in all public schools. And it WILL be required reading for my three children when they get to be about 15 or 16 and can wrap their minds around it enough. :)

But enough book review.

The short answers to your questions:

1) “Do you believe that aliens don't exist because many of the reports are indeed fake?”

I am 100% convinced there is extraterrestrial life. I am 100% percent convinced some it is “intelligent” by any reasonable human standards. I am probably 95% or so convinced that there is intelligent life in our own modest galaxy of over 100 billion stars. And even if not, I consider it the ultimate human conceit to believe that in the hundreds of billions of galaxies our pedestrian telescopes have been able to see to date, there is not other intelligent life "out there." The odds against it are simply incomprehensible.

Don’t take my word, though. Check out Drake’s Equation just for grins.

What I do NOT believe, however, based on what man has been able to offer to date, is that there credible evidence that the Earth has been visited by intelligent extraterrestrial life. For more reasons than I could begin to give in short answer format. Is it possible? Absolutely. But do I consider it likely, given the “evidence” at hand? No.

But I’m keeping my eyes open.

2) “Do you believe in God/higher being?”

I am an agnostic. I do not believe Man has uncovered sufficient evidence to conclude one way or another whether the observable universe is the result of Intelligent Design or what I like to call a Really Happy Accident. I am utterly, 100% open to either possibility ... or that the reality is something entirely different, and perhaps beyond our current ability to comprehend.

That’s my short answer. Here’s a slightly longer one. :)

3) “Do you believe we are alone in the universe?”

No. See #1 above.


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