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Bush/McCain? Bush/Rudy?


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The past week has brought out a ton of speculation that Bush will replace Cheney on the ticket. Anyone have any thoughts about it?

I'd love to see Guiliani on the ticket, mostly because his views are very close to mine. But I can see Bush adding McCain because he can appeal to the centrist voters while at the same time keeping the base happy.

If Kerry wins the nod (And Im still not convinced he will). Replacing Cheney will certainly help Bush's reelect chances.

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I think he'd be VERY smart to add McCain, but I'd consider it highly unlikely. There's a lot of bad blood between them, and I don't think McCain cares enough about personal advancement to accept it even if offered. Would be a stroke of genius though.

Guiliani is not impossible, and as I predicted in an earlier thread, Condi Rice or Colin Powell are still strong possibilities.

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He has? All I've ever heard is that McCain is not.

If McCain joined up, then I would actually be more likely to vote for Bush just because it gives McCain a good chance in 4 years.

If Kerry is the Dems man...and he picks a guy like Edwards to run with him. The President would be wise to Replace Cheney (maybe just making him part of his staff).

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She's still young politically. I think the GOP wants her to run for something else first (Gov of CA ie).

McCain has been a campaign beast. He led the troups in Iowa and then again in NH. He's been the keynote speaker at almost every major rally.

I will almost GUARENTEE Powell will step down after the election. He has said repeatedly he has no ambition to be in ANY elected office. Who can blame the guy.

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Where will they go? Stay home and let the Dems win? doubtful. Unless a 3rd party candidate comes up on his right, he'll get the same block votes.

The far right makes this threat every four years "We'll go fishing on election day". And it never happens.

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Where will they go? Stay home and let the Dems win? doubtful. Unless a 3rd party candidate comes up on his right, he'll get the same block votes.

They will stay home. I also think there is real potential for a 3rd party candidate to cause some serious problems for Bush. The base let Clinton win.

The far right makes this threat every four years "We'll go fishing on election day". And it never happens.

See his father

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Perot took votes from the center, not the far right.

Bush 41s base did not change. He lost the centrist voters to Perot. And Clinton kept them in 96. They do not stay home. They will be there again.

The 3rd part candidate is interesting. Who do you think it will be?

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Cheney isn't going anywhere, and Bush would never appoint a VP who could upstage him. Bush picked Cheney for a reason - he wants a Bush political dynasty. He wants to see his brother succeed him in the White House. That's why he picked a guy whose health is too fragile to allow him to run after W leaves office.

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