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This past Sunday just made me realize......

Tom [Giants fan]

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That football season is just about over. Back to nothing to do on Sundays until this horrible winter weather leaves. Being trapped inside during the winter is bad enough but now some of us are trapped without football. Man, I hope February and March go quick so we can at least get to some baseball.

Speaking of which, has anyone seen Aaron Boone lately? I've got a couple of things I'd like to say to that Michael Jordan wanna be. :doh:

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I'm not crazy about basketball. I watch the tournament and the NBA playoffs but that is about it. Hockey is pretty much the same thing. I'll watch the playoffs if the Islanders are in it.

Free agency should be very active starting March 3rd so that should ease some of the pain. And once the draft is over, minicamps and the schedule come out. Plus, I'm done teaching at the end of May so by the time I go back, it is football season again. Ok, I feel better. It will come back quick enough. :D

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I have a fun rest of the Sacramento Kings season to look forward too, and probably a lot of heartbreak with the Oakland A's again. Then it is time for the Madden 2005 countdown, and finally kickoff. It always seems long right now, but once baseball season starts, there is usually a lot of news on football happenings.........

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For the past few years the most exciting part of a redskin fans season has been the offseason--Lets face it noone makes a splash like we do and noone signs free agent faster. So it was always fun to look forward to free agency or the draft.

Having said that with Gibbs in town I cant wait to have him put his teams on the field next year against Parcells, Coughlin or Reid.

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I'm thinking that the DVDs of classic skins games that have been offered to extremeskins members are really going to come in handy this offseason. It'll be a good way to combat the withdrawl I will be suffering from starting February 8th. Who knows, the Arena League might help as well.

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

I'm not crazy about basketball. I watch the tournament and the NBA playoffs but that is about it. Hockey is pretty much the same thing. I'll watch the playoffs if the Islanders are in it.

Free agency should be very active starting March 3rd so that should ease some of the pain. And once the draft is over, minicamps and the schedule come out. Plus, I'm done teaching at the end of May so by the time I go back, it is football season again. Ok, I feel better. It will come back quick enough. :D

I don't like basketball at all.

Too squeaky. Gets on my nerves.

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Dear God, there's life after football:doh: The winter X Games have been great, and auto racing starts in a few weeks. Ya ya, I know ya don't like Nascar Tom. There's a zillion things sports related to watch every day that aren't football.

And that whole thing about being traped in the house:rolleyes: Man, I lived most of my life in NY, and worked out in the weather. It never stopped me from having fun. There's hunting and fishing, Ski Hunter, go skating at Bear Mountain, the museam thing in the city, Broadway shows, and a "coolie" always works for me.

There's nothing to watch, and nowhere to go if you make it that way.

Coolie: A quickie in a snow drift ;)

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This extra week between the Conference Championships and the Super Bowl is KILLING ME!!! I don't know what I'm gonna do after the Pro Bowl? I'm gonna be one grumpy S.O.B. to be around until the start of Free Agency. It's the same thing every year. I gotta have my football fix!!! I'm just glad to have you guys and this site to give me my little daily dose. It really does keep me from banging my head into the wall all during the offseason. So for that I say Thank You. :thumbsup:

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