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Philly's potential downfall


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Here's a theory that needs input. The Eagles will be going to there 3rd NFC Championship game in a row as everyone knows. As we dedicated skins fans wish philly all the bad luck in the world let's keep one thing in mind....do the Buffalo Bills ring a bell. I just wanted to get a little feedback as to if philly loses the conf. championship or the Super Bowl will that begin their downfall just as it did the Bills after getting so close but yet so far away so many times. I believe that anything but a Super Bowl victory will be a major set back for the Eagles. I don't see them as a team that will be very determined to get back to the big game if they don't win it all this year. Of course we will be much more of an obstacle to them in the future.

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To me, the Eagles are one or two very good players away from being able to be a dominant NFL team. That would be one very good receiver and one very good DLineman. The funny thing is, they have the cap room. Why they don't spend the money is beyond me. It isn't that they are going to experience a downfall. It is that they are choosing to fall just short.

Well, that is the way I see it.

And by the way, I'll be sending them all the bad luck I can too. :D

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Living in the Philly burbs I hear all the moaning, the season will be considered a success if they get to the Super Bowl if they lose another NFC Championship game the season will be considered a failure. They, the media and the maggot fans just want the Eagles to get over the hump (NFC Championship) of course the ultimate goal is to be world champs but, the NFC game is driving them nuts 0-2 and one loss in your own back yard, if they lose tomorrow (and I hope to he11 they do) the media, the fans, will jump off the bandwagon just as fast as they piled on, they will be screaming to fire Reid, Mcnabb, it will be hilarious.

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Well, arguably, it takes some setbacks in the playoffs and some growing pains before you get things right and reach your ultimate goal. You have to "learn how to win" so to speak. But with teams popping up out of nowhere in the NFL in recent memory and simultaneously succeeding immediately in the playoffs (ie. St. Louis, Baltimore, New England for example) it makes you wonder about the Eagles.

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Say what you want about the Eagles and their fans, but they have paid their dues. They've slowly progressed over the past 4 years and have waited long enough for this opportunity. If they don't win, I doubt they'll implode next year because they are too good coached to and have too many returning players. That being said, tommorrow's game is HUGE. I said I wouldn't be devastated if they lost the SB (unless they basically don't show up and get blown out), but I really think they need tommorrow's game.

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The botom line is the window is closing really fast with Parcells and Gibbs in the house, Reid is a good coach and has built agood team in the 5 seasons he has been there. But, he will be up against 1 hall of fame coach and a future hall famer and I don't think he can play with the big boys

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"I said I wouldn't be devastated if they lost the SB (unless they basically don't show up and get blown out), but I really think they need tommorrow's game." - EAGLES_LEGENDZ

I agree with the fact that from a Eagles fan's standpoint you need to win the NFC Championship tomorrow. It's an absolute must for the organization. But I'm getting the impression that its almost as if the Eagles and their fans might be lowering their standards here. By this I mean that they will consider their season a success just by beating Carolina. To me this is the wrong approach to take. Don't get me wrong Eagles_Legendz, I'm not taking a shot at you or your team here.

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Originally posted by Rejuvenated Canadian Hog

"I said I wouldn't be devastated if they lost the SB (unless they basically don't show up and get blown out), but I really think they need tommorrow's game." - EAGLES_LEGENDZ

I agree with the fact that from a Eagles fan's standpoint you need to win the NFC Championship tomorrow. It's an absolute must for the organization. But I'm getting the impression that its almost as if the Eagles and their fans might be lowering their standards here. By this I mean that they will consider their season a success just by beating Carolina. To me this is the wrong approach to take. Don't get me wrong Eagles_Legendz, I'm not taking a shot at you or your team here.

See, we Eagles fans have low standards to start with. Not being in a SB in 23 years will do that to you. :)

I think it would be a step and at least show progress if they win this and lose the SB. The reason I wouldn't be overly upset is because I view the Colts/Pats as better teams than Philadelphia. Therefore, if they play well and just get beat by a better team I'll be disappointed but not distraught. Carolina is not a better team, and they are playing in Philly.

Chief, we'll see. Eagles fans have been hearing a lot of this window closing business. Yes, it's important that they take the next step now, especially with Parcells/Gibbs, but the Eagles still have one of the youngest teams in the league (average age of under 27). It won't be as easy as it has been recently, but this Eagles team won't just disappear.

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Their path to the next NFCEast crown next year will be much tougher. Cowboys have shown that they can beat them and how to. Unless they improve dramatically in key positions (i.e. WR), I don't think they will repeat in '04.

And after that, we're back, baby!! :coach:

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Originally posted by Duke

Their path to the next NFCEast crown next year will be much tougher. Cowboys have shown that they can beat them and how to. Unless they improve dramatically in key positions (i.e. WR), I don't think they will repeat in '04.

And after that, we're back, baby!! :coach:

With the division virtually on the line, the Eagles beat Dallas 36-10. I'm not quite sure Dallas has "shown" how to beat them. TB would seem to be the only team that has figured them out.

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

To me, the Eagles are one or two very good players away from being able to be a dominant NFL team. That would be one very good receiver and one very good DLineman. The funny thing is, they have the cap room. Why they don't spend the money is beyond me. It isn't that they are going to experience a downfall. It is that they are choosing to fall just short.

Well, that is the way I see it.

And by the way, I'll be sending them all the bad luck I can too. :D

I'm wondering if this is not part of their strategy of staying successful. Oversimplified one might say if you keep salaries equal, then you don't breed $$ envy. Igs that have wanted big paydays seem to end up replaced with another player that keeps things going in a positive direction.

Perhaps the splashy signing are meant to be avoided. They seem to have maintained a strong showing for quite a few years while other teams have rollercoastered.

I see that the 'skins, in trying to keep a core group of players, might learn something from this strategy.

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As devil's advocate (of course I hate the iggles) maybe the best way for the iggles to implode is for them to win the SB. That's tended to implode most other teams for at least a year or two (Ravens, TB, Rams, NE). That also insures they get the worst draft position. Maybe losing the NFC championship just gets them more focussed?

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Originally posted by KC'Dave

I don't know. Eagles go through hard times but I've never seen them just quit. Free Agency might eventually get them but even if they blow the NFC game (they won't) or lose the Super Bowl (they have a good shot at beating either AFC team) I don't think they'll quit. They're too annoying to do that. :)

And I don't want anybody outside of the NFC East holding OUR Lombardi. Keep it close to home. GO EAGLES!!

no no no no no NO!!!!!!

as a redskins fan youir duty is to always root against the Eagles, if they finally win a SB then imagine all the ammunition that those dirty Eagles fans will have.

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I picked the Eagles to win the Super Bowl this year, but I'm going back on my prediction after the way I saw Carolina play last week and the week before against that team from Texas that I refuse to put down on paper. Any team with Stephen Davis and that can beat the, you know, I'm pulling for 'em today. Stephen got a raw deal in DC and I hope he makes it to the Super Bowl. Carolina can do it. Go Panthers, beat those Eagles and let's hope for an underdog Super Bowl with Indy and Carolina.

Today's Picks

Indy 37 Carolina 17

NE 33 Philly 14

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Originally posted by spanishomelette

I'm wondering if this is not part of their strategy of staying successful. Oversimplified one might say if you keep salaries equal, then you don't breed $$ envy. Igs that have wanted big paydays seem to end up replaced with another player that keeps things going in a positive direction.

Perhaps the splashy signing are meant to be avoided. They seem to have maintained a strong showing for quite a few years while other teams have rollercoastered.

I think you're on to something, omlette. Another advantage of keeping the salaries equal is that you don't have lower-paid (and therefore lower-talent) players at any position. That means you don't have any real weak spots on your team for other teams to exploit.

Another thing the Eagles seem to do well is draft well. They drafted 7 of their 11 defensive starters including 3 of 4 DL's, and six of their 11 offensive starters. By contrast, none of the 8 first or second string DL's on the Skins roster were drafted by us.

On every team, players are separated into two salary groups, those that are on their draft contract and those that are on a contract signed when their draft contract expired. Players in the second group (if they are good) are paid much more than players that are on the contract they signed when they were drafted.

Drafting players that will turn out to be good performers keeps the overall cost of salaries down, and allows more money to be available to pick up talent where needed. Of course, the Eagles don't spend up to the salary cap, which is why, IMHO, they don't seem to be able to win the really big games (hopefully this trend will continue this year). :D

I hope Gibbs & co. study how perennial winners like the Eagles and Patriots have done it, and try to do some of the same things for the Skins.

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Funny thing about Philly ... they are setting up to be a classic example of a conundrum I wonder about all the time:

Are they a great team that has underachieved ... or an average team that has overachieved to even get where they are? *

You can look back at NFL history and ask that question about so many clubs. The Marv Levy Bills, to me at least, were a team that, despite the success, in the end underachieved. That was a tremendous accumulation of talent there, that in my mind never recovered from Scott Norwood's missed FG in the NYG game, and then ended up playing tight and afraid to lose against both Washington and then Dallas twice.

Dan Reeves' Bronco teams, on the other hand, to me were classic overachievers; marginally talented, well-coached teams that rode a historically great QB to the big game, but once there, simply met up with much better overall teams in San Francisco and Washington and couldn't close the deal.

I could look at other teams -- the Titans, for example, or the old Bud Grant Vikings -- and draw some conclusions, but that's not really the question at hand. The question as to how history will judge the Andy Reid/Donovan McNabb Eagles remains to be answered ... and today's game, and the potential SB matchup against an arguably better AFC representative, will play a major part in defining how we recall these teams ten years from now.

Big, BIG game in Philly history today.

No pressure, though. :)

* Yeah, I do realize there's a 3rd option - that a team can reflect the Peter Principle and simply rise precisely as far as their abilites allow ... but that's not nearly as much fun to ruminate over, now is it?

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Originally posted by TK421"JACKED"

So, if the Eagles loose today, will the fans pull a WV & start burning everything in sight?

Did they do that last year? No.


I do think your third premise holds the most truth. They are neither great nor average, but simply 'good'- and that is enough in the NFL now.

In this case, I actually think veteran pressure/desperation will help the Eagles instead of hurt them.

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To me Om , You have to put them in the over-achiever/well coached catagory. Even though I hate them, I can't help but admire their ability to find a way to win. The fact that the rest of the NFC East has sucked for the last few years hasn't hurt them either. :laugh:

I think they'll get beat today in a shocker. McNabb will have a hard time getting away from Jenkins and Co. Take away McNabb's scrambles and some bonehead calls by Green Bay last week, and they would have lost.

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