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Edited: Quick, name the coach who just resigned from the Skins.....

Tom [Giants fan]

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who Gibbs took over for.

Man, this is unreal. It seems like you guys have totally forgotten the last two years under that ball coach from Florida. Nothing else matters except for what is in front of you. I guess Giant fans would have had the same reaction had Parcells came back to the Giants before he went to Dallas.

Edited: Can you guys even name the guy who just resigned to make room for Gibbs?

Now, I have felt bad for you guys the last several seasons with you having an awesome offseason which has led to a bad season. It could come off that Snyder is doing it to you guys again with a great offseason only to lead you to a bad 2004 season.

Well, with Gibbs and the staff he is gathering, that is unlikely this time around. Although, the Skins may have one transition year while Gibbs makes this his team. 8-8 or 9-7 would be my guess for you guys for next year but of course, a lot will happen between now and training camp.

I posted this post because I am amazed at the outlook one man can give you guys. Before you had any clue Gibbs would be coaching your team, there was a lot of doom and gloom. There were paper bags. People questioning Snyder and the Skins' FO. And now the turnaround is amazing. And not because you guys signed a stud player or a franchise player. But because of the coach you hired.

The turnaround here the last few days is of record proportions. I have no doubt that Gibbs will return you guys to the playoffs and I would guess that would come in year two of his current tenure.

I just hope Couglin is the answer for the Giants. All of a sudden, there is a lot of competition in the NFC East.

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who Gibbs took over for.

Man, this is unreal. It seems like you guys have totally forgotten the last two years under that ball coach from Florida. Nothing else matters except for what is in front of you. I guess Giant fans would have had the same reaction had Parcells came back to the Giants before he went to Dallas.

Edited: Can you guys even name the guy who just resigned to make room for Gibbs?

Now, I have felt bad for you guys the last several seasons with you having an awesome offseason which has led to a bad season. It could come off that Snyder is doing it to you guys again with a great offseason only to lead you to a bad 2004 season.

Well, with Gibbs and the staff he is gathering, that is unlikely this time around. Although, the Skins may have one transition year while Gibbs makes this his team. 8-8 or 9-7 would be my guess for you guys for next year but of course, a lot will happen between now and training camp.

I posted this post because I am amazed at the outlook one man can give you guys. Before you had any clue Gibbs would be coaching your team, there was a lot of doom and gloom. There were paper bags. People questioning Snyder and the Skins' FO. And now the turnaround is amazing. And not because you guys signed a stud player or a franchise player. But because of the coach you hired.

The turnaround here the last few days is of record proportions. I have no doubt that Gibbs will return you guys to the playoffs and I would guess that would come in year two of his current tenure.

I just hope Couglin is the answer for the Giants. All of a sudden, there is a lot of competition in the NFC East.

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