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Opinion regarding Spurrier and Gibbs


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I don't think its fair to bash Spurrier all that much. I just don't think that Spurrier had the work ethic to make his system (and himself) a success in the NFL.

Comparing the two coaches is totally unfair, but if I had to make a comparison it would be more like Spurrier is a College football coach who has had some success and Gibbs is a Hall of Fame NFL coach.

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I don't think its fair to bash Spurrier all that much. I just don't think that Spurrier had the work ethic to make his system (and himself) a success in the NFL.

Comparing the two coaches is totally unfair, but if I had to make a comparison it would be more like Spurrier is a College football coach who has had some success and Gibbs is a Hall of Fame NFL coach.

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The funny thing with Spurrier and Gibbs is that Spurrier is going to stay in Leesburg while his son finishes high school . Spurrier gets to witness first hand how a real GREAT coach does his job and the dedication it takes to win. Spurrier said when he first came that he wanted to emulate Gibbs and no he is being replaced by Gibbs.

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The funny thing with Spurrier and Gibbs is that Spurrier is going to stay in Leesburg while his son finishes high school . Spurrier gets to witness first hand how a real GREAT coach does his job and the dedication it takes to win. Spurrier said when he first came that he wanted to emulate Gibbs and no he is being replaced by Gibbs.

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Originally posted by lavarleap56

The funny thing with Spurrier and Gibbs is that Spurrier is going to stay in Leesburg while his son finishes high school . Spurrier gets to witness first hand how a real GREAT coach does his job and the dedication it takes to win. Spurrier said when he first came that he wanted to emulate Gibbs and no he is being replaced by Gibbs.

Irony or Justice? :)

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Originally posted by lavarleap56

The funny thing with Spurrier and Gibbs is that Spurrier is going to stay in Leesburg while his son finishes high school . Spurrier gets to witness first hand how a real GREAT coach does his job and the dedication it takes to win. Spurrier said when he first came that he wanted to emulate Gibbs and no he is being replaced by Gibbs.

Irony or Justice? :)

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Originally posted by gridironmike

Better assesment redskin56. Its easy to jump on a guy thats down, but Spurrier had no bad intentions for the Redskins. He spoke in reverence of Joe Gibbs and what he accomplished here.

Finally, a voice of reason.

IMO, Spurrier didn't really have a fair chance to succeed, he was hired with the impression that a GM would be brought in and it never materialized. Vinny just screwed with him constantly.

Spurrier is to blame for not laying the law down, but at least he walked away and took the highroad by not blasting the front office or the players. While some of you don't like the way he left, it was alot classier than firing some parting shots at the organization.

Spurrier is a great football coach, he may not be cut out for life as an NFL coach, but maybe down the road, we'll find out. There is not doubt that if he tries again, he will need to surround himself with talented assistants like Gibbs does.

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