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How long do you think they have been talking?


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Now I am wondering if Spurrier didn't resign as we all think he did. Maybe this was the plan all along. Give Spurrier some money to leave and then drob the bomb on everyone. Who knows maybe it was even Spurrier that talked to Gibbs, I believe they were friends and he did mention his name when he left, hmmmm

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I thought we needed the NFL to step in to help us out?

Look. I don't think Gibbs will return. Until I see him standing at a podium telling me its so, I'll simply refuse to believe it. He's got so much at risk if he returns and can't capture the magic. But, by ALL accounts, Spurrier wasn't planned. George Michaels reported he received very little in severance. The team responded to his departure with an IMMEDIATE flight to the west coast to interview Fassel.

If Gibbs was even a twinkle in Big Danny's eye then, he'd never have even bothered. Something developed with Gibbs over the last few days. My hope is Gibbs called him and said he was feeling an urge rather than Danny calling Gibbs. Why? Because I think Gibbs is the sort of coach who needs to feel the desire burning in him and can't be convinced to come back without it. If he comes back without it, he probably won't be as good.

I won't be able to believe Gibbs is returning until it happens. It's simply too great a dream to embrace and risk the hurt that will come with it failing to happen. But, boy, if there's even a shred of fire behind this smoke, Danny knows what the hell he's doing :).

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Originally posted by Art

I won't be able to believe Gibbs is returning until it happens. It's simply too great a dream to embrace and risk the hurt that will come with it failing to happen. But, boy, if there's even a shred of fire behind this smoke, Danny knows what the hell he's doing :).

I agree with you there. The one thing that looks good though is they would never have leaked something if it isn't going to happen. Imagine the let down alone :(

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Originally posted by Art


I thought we needed the NFL to step in to help us out?

Look. I don't think Gibbs will return. Until I see him standing at a podium telling me its so, I'll simply refuse to believe it. He's got so much at risk if he returns and can't capture the magic. But, by ALL accounts, Spurrier wasn't planned. George Michaels reported he received very little in severance. The team responded to his departure with an IMMEDIATE flight to the west coast to interview Fassel.

If Gibbs was even a twinkle in Big Danny's eye then, he'd never have even bothered. Something developed with Gibbs over the last few days. My hope is Gibbs called him and said he was feeling an urge rather than Danny calling Gibbs. Why? Because I think Gibbs is the sort of coach who needs to feel the desire burning in him and can't be convinced to come back without it. If he comes back without it, he probably won't be as good.

I won't be able to believe Gibbs is returning until it happens. It's simply too great a dream to embrace and risk the hurt that will come with it failing to happen. But, boy, if there's even a shred of fire behind this smoke, Danny knows what the hell he's doing :).

Just to play devil's advocate here...what if Danny has been working on Gibbs for some time now, like say since midseason, but never thought there was much of a chance Gibbs would do it. Snyder had to have a back up plan in place.

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Art stop with the negative karma!!!! WE NEED TGO STICK TOGETHER ON THIS MY FRIEND.

As we speak Gibbs and Snyder are sitting at a table with their lawyers finalizing things. Don't put any thoughts in your head that are not positive.

The universe is a strange and mystical thing. A lone butterfly beats its wings in Madagascar and months later a hurricane tears through the Virgin Islands. What does it mean? Who the fock knows-- but that's precisely why we can't take any chances. Not now not while the deal is still being discussed.

Gibbs will be our coach again. Gibbs will be our coach again. Say it softly...say it often...say it proudly. Just believe...just believe...just believe...

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