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Why all this talk about Snyder hiring a minority head coach?


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In doing research of Snyder Communications. I noticed ONE very important fact that will not and cannot be falsified:

Snyder has never hired a minority for executive staff!!

So therefor it is quite obvious that Snyder won't hire any black head coach. See there is a difference in signing a black athlete and then hiring a black head coach. Sorry Ole Danny Boy won't do it because he never has in the past and I also don't think that Rhodes was ever a real candidate back when Norv was fired. You see Terry Robiskee could have had a fair chance and he was only interim head coach.

The bottom line is this to Snyder it doesn't matter what our record is as long as the mighty dollar keeps rolling in. Snyder doesn't have the hindsight to hire Rhodes or Green regardless there will be some boring white coach on the sidelines next year.


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Originally posted by arringtonhitz

In doing research of Snyder Communications. I noticed ONE very important fact that will not and cannot be falsified:

Snyder has never hired a minority for executive staff!!

So therefor it is quite obvious that Snyder won't hire any black head coach. See there is a difference in signing a black athlete and then hiring a black head coach. Sorry Ole Danny Boy won't do it because he never has in the past and I also don't think that Rhodes was ever a real candidate back when Norv was fired. You see Terry Robiskee could have had a fair chance and he was only interim head coach.

The bottom line is this to Snyder it doesn't matter what our record is as long as the mighty dollar keeps rolling in. Snyder doesn't have the hindsight to hire Rhodes or Green regardless there will be some boring white coach on the sidelines next year.


I don't know if your "boring white coach" was borderline racist or plain ignorant.

Why does it matter what color or next coach is? As long as he's qualified for the job, I could care less. As long as the signing translates to wins, I could care less.

Why even bother posting pointless threads like these? Are you implying Snyder is racist? Owning a team nicknamed the "Redskins" and the diverse group of players and coaches he has now says the exact opposite of that.

If a little green alien lands on Earth, walks up to Snyder and says "Your team sucks, I will lead them to the promised land" and coaches us to the promised land, I could care less. The bottom line is, hire the guy who gives us the best chance to win. don't hire a coach based on color, that would be the absolute WORST thing Snyder could do.

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Originally posted by GGB81

This post really pissed me off, if only because it made me do something I never thought I'd do: Defend Dan Snyder. Snyder is an egomaniacal, selfish, petulant a$$hole (in my opinion)...but he's not a racist.

It pisses me off as well, but how do we know, no one here knows snyder??

It speaks volumes if he never hired a minority executive in his company. I am surprised he never got in trouble for that. There are very strong hiring practices in place in the workforce.

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Originally posted by arringtonhitz

Snyder has never hired a minority for executive staff!!

This is a very strong statement I hope you have something to back your claim. Not only would this be a problem in the NFL but in hiring practices in the US.

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I am not saying anything about a racist I am simply saying that based upon management from Snyder Communications Snyder has a track record of not hiring minorities for upper level management. Also the boring white coach remark was more in line with a yes man. Snyder surrounds himself with yes men case in point Cerrato. Now basically Denny Green creates offensive juggernauts, bring in a qualified DC like Rhodes, or any other one out there and the skins could be in the thick of things. So again I am not saying he is a racist I am simply stating that based upon his past he hasn't hired minorities for upper level management positions and I don't think he will start now.

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Terry Robiskie...if memory serves...was not white.

So Denny Green and Ray Rhodes are good coaches and Jim Fassel is a snivelling yes man? Brilliant.

Someone turn up the heat, I'm getting the stupid chills over here.

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What is this guy talking about. Snyder has hired a bunch of black employees. How could you tell if one executive is black or white. Dan has gone out his way to hire black assistant coaches. Have you looked at the side lines lately. GE-Black, Robisky-black, Marvin Lewis-black, and soon either Denny Green or Rhodes-black.

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Arringtonhitz, you said you did some research...can you state your source or a link?

I did a quick Google search and saw that Snyder Communications had over 2000 employees and other stuff but for some reason I didn't find the "white executives only" section. Can you help me out?

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