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my brother the cowboy fan.


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:silly: i took crap all year long from my brother the cowboy fan, so i really let him have it last night. how i loved listen to him whine ( like jim fassel) all night. he even told me to stop calling because 'the kids were sleeping" so i ask, is anybody as happy today as me?
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Its always a good day when the Poke lose (especially since the Redskins are completely inept at beating them).

Gotta admit that one-n-done in the playoffs is particularly sweet considering thats how they have exited the playoffs everytime since 1996.

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Originally posted by fansince62

but watch...they draft an RB in the 1st rnd and likely sign an FA such as Brunell - they could be tougher next year.

Yes true, but in this day and age with the salary cap, a few ill timed injuries and all of a sudden, they could be worse as well

Just ask Bill Parcells about his season with the '99 NY Jets

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I can't stand the cowgirls. I was so happy last night when Carolina handed them there @ss! Watching Dallas win is like pulling my teeth without novicane. I even hate seeing the highlights. Screw the Parcells, screw Jones and screw that whole organization!!

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Hey bartskins, my sister is a cowpukes fan also.

She's the only one in the family that is not a redskins fan.

The last few years that the crackboys were 5-11, I didn't say anything to her. Then this year, she is calling me all the time saying how great Parcells and the boys are and how the Skins suck.

Then, I desided to call her after the crackboys got there a$$'s handed to them by the Panthers, and when she heard my voice, she hung up on me. When I called her back, all I got was her anwsering machine.

Typical cryboys fan.

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How can a Skins fan have a Cowboys fan for a brother (or sister)? I mean, if your parents aren't related, don't their children automatically get disqualified from being Cowboys fans? Did they get special waivers by dropping out of high school and listening to Garth Brooks CDs?

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I know the feeling bartskins

I have a father and an older brother who are Colts fans(His wife is a Cowboys fan :puke: ), and they give me all the hell and torment these days that Cowboys fans do since the Colts have a good team now, which is why I am rooting AGAINST the Colts to win the Super Bowl with all the zeal I normally save for the Cowboys

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

How can a Skins fan have a Cowboys fan for a brother (or sister)? I mean, if your parents aren't related, don't their children automatically get disqualified from being Cowboys fans? Did they get special waivers by dropping out of high school and listening to Garth Brooks CDs?

It's a genetic defect.

Years ago, my sister had this boyfriend who was a cowpukes fan, and he brainwashed her into liking the crackboys, and even now, after all these years since they broke up, she still is a cryboys fan.

Like I said, a genetic defect.:laugh:

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