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You know what last night's Dallas game reminded me of?


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Our victory over the Lions in the playoffs a few years back (... man, how long ago was that :()

we were a team that had played well all season and the lions were a one-trick pony that had faded towards the end of the season. it was exactly the same last night, with the panthers playing our role and the cowboys that of the lions. we totally dominated the lions. they had no clue what was going on and were exposed for the frauds they were :hump:

of course, another reminder is the fact that stephen davis chewed up the opposing team on the ground :doh:

thoughts? and memories of that game, our last moment of redskin glory?

also, how great was the following game against tampa? to think, we were *that* close to being in the nfc championship game!

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That's the beauty of the NFL. Even with all the Doom and Gloom, circus like atmosphere, coaching changes and the rest, I dont believe we are that far away. Look at "how close" we were to that NFC championship game. One bad snap! I firmly believe we can compete next season with the talent on board. The nice thing is, we'll be adding an impact player at #5 and possibly a second with our second round pick. Say goodbye to Bruuuuce (thank God) and bring in a new coaching staff. Better days are ahead.

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Dallas was well early to the playoff party under Parcells. That team lacks the talent to seriously be considered good right now and Carolina simply went about exposing them in a way very similar to what the better teams Dallas played have done toward the end of the year. I did like watching Henning call plays. I did get glimpses of old style football we used to like :).

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How was Dallas a one-trick pony? There is no trick on the Cowboys. LOL Well, they do have a good defense, but there are no tricks on the offense and if you find them please let me know. I could have told you a few weeks ago that NFL defenses had figured out the Dallas offense. Dallas is what it is. A great defense with one of the league's worst offenses. They play conservative, they avoid the turnovers and stupid penalties, and it was good enough for a 10-6 record. Washington could have done the same thing if they had kept Davis and had a good coach.

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You need a RB or a QB to make the playoffs - preferably both. I don't care who's on Parcells' defense - that he did it with Carter and Hambrick managing to win all the games they were supposed to win is phenomenal.

Dallas: Carter and Hambrick

GB: Favre and Green

Tenn: McNair and George

Indy: Manning and James

StL: Bulger and Faulk

Denver: Plummer and Portis

KC: Green and Priest

NE: Brady and Smith

Bal: Wright and J.Lewis

Phil: McNabb and 3-heads

Car: Delhomme and Davis

Sea: Hasslebeck and Alexander

Next year, he'll bring a QB and/or RB to the party and Dallas will put up some points. How do you think his #1 D with an aggressive style will perform when teams are scrambling to play catch up?

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Sadly, it would be hard to argue against Dallas' chance of significant improvement next year... a better Dallas QB/RB combo + the current Defense could give Philly an even tougher challenge for the division next year.

As I have said before, I dont expect much from the Skins with or without Spurrier.... at least with him gone, we have more reason to hope for improvement in '05 and beyond.

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Originally posted by Blade

Sadly, it would be hard to argue against Dallas' chance of significant improvement next year... a better Dallas QB/RB combo + the current Defense could give Philly an even tougher challenge for the division next year.

I think The Dallas D was exposed for what it is.. a weak D-line just like ours except they blitzed the hell out of the whole season to make up for it while we didn't. But I will say that everyone one of their guys on their D-line is better than Bruce Smith..:laugh:

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Dallas took advantage of a very weak early schedule and got out of the blocks fast. It was enough to carry them thru to last night's game.

While the talent of the Cowboys is questionable, the fact that they got there is a testament to the value of good coaching. The reason they were able to exploit that early part of the year was because Parcells had them believing that they could.

Unfortunately, I think they're going to get much better before they get worse again.


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Originally posted by Blade

Sadly, it would be hard to argue against Dallas' chance of significant improvement next year... a better Dallas QB/RB combo + the current Defense could give Philly an even tougher challenge for the division next year.

As I have said before, I dont expect much from the Skins with or without Spurrier.... at least with him gone, we have more reason to hope for improvement in '05 and beyond.

Don't be too hard on your team. Ya never know. I thought the Cowboys wouldn't be looking at significant improvement until 2004. And I wasn't alone, just about EVERY NFL analyst thought the same thing. Great coaching carries a team far in today's NFL. The Cowboys haven't had a great coach since Landry & Johnson. I didn't realize how much it helped until watching Parcells in the 2003 NFL. The Skins haven't had the greatest coaches lately either. You guys will be amazed what a terrific coach can do with a subpar roster if Snyder hires a truly great one. I think the Skins offense is really only a running back away from being good and the defensive line needs improvement, but if the Skins stay healthy next year, I believe they could put up an 8-8 record at minimum with great coaching.

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