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Mortensen says Fassel is #1 on Snyder's list


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On Sportscenter, Mort just said that Fassel has already been contacted by the Skins... didn't elaborate whether that was just asking for an interview or what.

Of all the former Head Coaches on the market, Fassel appeals the most to me. I think he'd have the best ability to turn this team around quickly. I'm still a fan of Crennel, Weiss, or Mora Jr. if you're going to go the assistant route.


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Im neutral thinking about of Fassell as our HC and that makes me sick. I like to have a reaction to a possible HC and what i get in my geut about Fassell is "meh". I like his offense and he did do wonders with a mediocre Giants team for a while, but im still...



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It's funny. Fassel has had some solid seasons in NY but nobody up there seems to give him much credit :)

my family is all New Yorkers and they live and die with the Giants. they keep telling me that Fassel is what was holding the team back this season and they are pleased the club is going to turn the page.

personally, I think Fassel did a nice job in 1997 and 2000 in getting what I considered to be decent but not overly talented Giants teams into the postseason and Super Bowl.

He had a bad year in '01 and again in '03.

Then again, a lot of the Giants problems stemmed from front office mistakes in not beefing up a suspect offensive line in the offseason with any veteran punch.

The Giants were in trouble from the get go this season on the line and that made their offense vulnerable, just as the DL situation did with the Redskins.

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and you know that much more about Crenel in NE? :)

how's that? you have a relative on the NE coaching staff? :laugh:

we see Fassel twice a year in division and get probably another several Giants games on the doubleheader broadcast.

we should have a somewhat better handle on Fassel than some of the other coaches being mentioned.

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I think more than Sargeant York, the Skins need a cerebral coach that knows personnel and schemes in the NFL :)

I remember when Bobby Beathard said he first interviewed Joe Gibbs in 1981 that he was astounded at the fact Gibbs had a list of assistant coaches he would hire for each position with a reason as to why that person was the best fit for the job. None of the other interviewees thought to give Beathard such a list or rate their choices.

In other words, he left no stones unturned in preparing for the opportunity he was hoping to receive from the Redskins.

That is the kind of quiet commitment we need.

We don't need ego-filled braggarts like Marty and Spurrier.

Spurrier was famous for all these quotes about 'sunshine following the Gators' and that memorable one about 'it being a shame the Florida State library burned down' etc.....

but in the end it was Spurrier that got punked by the NFL not the other way around.

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I just need to know how much of that stems from being with Belichek. I know they've said Crennel has a major role up there. But that seemed contrived. It just "happened'. Kind of like Crennel told Belichek he wanted to be a head coach and Belichek said, "You know media type people, Crennel does everything here on defense."

Not saying that's it, but I worry about guys who are coaching under supposedly GREAT coaches. I worry they get much of their success from the top. I don't want the risk associated with another guy who you have no idea about as an NFL coach. But, maybe that's just me.

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I agree with Art, mostly. I think Fassel would have the most immediate impact: if Crennel gets off to an unsettled start, it could get ugly again. A guy like Mora might be able to pull a long haul, though, just because he's so young and wouldn't have as much expected of him immediately.

Honestly, couldn't you see Fassel winning nine games here next year? I sure can. Can't say he's the best candidate, but I think he'd get the most immediate results.


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I don't have a strong personal feeling about Fassel - but last year (2002) when the season appeared lost - it was like he willed the team to win and into the playoffs. Over the last number of years the gints won a lot of games without a huge amount of talent - like Kerry Collins at qb. In training camp this year, I remember the gints players were fighting a lot and Fassel said the next guy that throws a punch is out of the next game (or the rest of the preseason?).

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I will say this about Fassel's teams.

He's had some good years. But he's never had an EASY year it seems. A year where there isn't some seminal moment that leads to an improved team or just an average or worse team. I think this is emerging as a worry with me.

The Redskins are not a team that has dealt well with adversity recently. Under Norv, remarkably, the team always did its BEST when things were most troublesome. It was almost perverse in some ways. But lately this team just doesn't handle those key moments whether they are in IN games or in seasons.

I don't know how well that kind of life or death struggle for success every year that seems to happen under Fassel will work. Maybe I'm coming down off the Fassel bandwagon a little. Talking myself out of it :) Maybe I'm just afraid to pull the trigger :).

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Lets face it guys,

If Mortenson is right, and Fassel is our #1 choice. Then Fassel will be our next coach.

Dont buy into all this stuff with Ray Rhodes, thats just the minority hiring thingy. If Fassel is our #1 choice, and the interview goes well, then he's our guy. Snyder has never been turned down, especially when we're talking about salaries that dont count against the cap!

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There is also Green on the list.

He is sort of a wild card. Any offensive minded coach who has had a lot of success almost every year. Not a disciplinarian at all, and in fact very lose with players.

I don't really care about discipline, because in some cases it works, and in some cases it doesn't.

I'd rather stay away from Fassel. But at least in his case you know what you're getting, whether or not that is good or bad is up in the air.

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Art, I think you raise a very good point. Perhaps, though, some of that yearly crisis situation was driven the insane media/fan pressure of NY. It seemed that every single time the gints hit the smallest rough spot the WHOLE world demaded Fassel's immediate firing. He also kept things together for a long time with an average at best qb, a fumbling maniac rb, and mediocre olines. I guess the $64.000 question is did NY city create the crises every year or did Fassel?

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I'm torn on Fassel. On one hand, he's had some good seasons, but I've never been totally sold on him. There is ALWAYS adversity somewhere when Fassel is your head coach, and that's something we don't need right now.

The less drama the better for this organization, and Fassel is so dramatic he could be a Broadway star the second he decides coaching isn't for him.

And come on, that "I'm pushing all my chips to the center of the table" thing that he did was SO GAY! :)

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Originally posted by Art

But he's never had an EASY year it seems. A year where there isn't some seminal moment that leads to an improved team or just an average or worse team. I think this is emerging as a worry with me.

I don't know how well that kind of life or death struggle for success every year that seems to happen under Fassel will work. Maybe I'm coming down off the Fassel bandwagon a little. Talking myself out of it :) Maybe I'm just afraid to pull the trigger :).

That worries me, too. He is like the Wayne Fontes of the late 90s!

The last thing we need around here is more drama.

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Originally posted by FLSKINSFAN

Almost anybody is better than Ray Rhodes.

And you think Fassel is better than Rhodes? The same Fassel that lost to the Redskins. Ray Rhodes is probably one of the best candidates for the simple fact that he has had time to sit back and look at this whole coaching thing from a different perspective and learn on the mistakes of others. Not to mention the fact that he gets the most out of his defenses. Fassel is far worse for this team than Rhodes.

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