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Lovie Smith anyone


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There are three or four coordinators that should be at the top of our list, like Romeo Crennel, Lovie Smith, and Charlie Weis. They are ready for a head coaching job and we will see results in year one.

Problem is, we're thinking about courting three grade A retreads, one of whom hasn't even proven himself to be a decent defensive coordinator. :doh:

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What about Chan Gailey down at Georgia Tech as our next head coach.

Just playing, I was just looking for a way to relate this to GAtech, though I think Gailey is a definately qualified to be an NFL head coach.

Jimmy Johnson out of retirement, Denny Green, theres lots of big names out there and Im sure thats what Snyder will go for.

Is there a reason why I never hear Jim Johnson, the Eagles Dcord, mentioned for Head Coaching positions? Because I definately think he's qualified, he could get the most out of Trotter(if he's even a Redskin next year.)

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I don't care about the gayness of the names. All I care about is the percentage of the winning. Smith, Crennel, and Weis are probably all going to make decent HCs. One of them may even be great. Just as they are hitting their stride, we'll be firing Ray Rhodes and looking for yet another HC.:doh:

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Originally posted by Lone Star Skin Fan

What makes Lovie Smith a good HC candidate?

Had anyone heard of him a couple of years ago?

Are the Rams a dominant defense?

Hire him? NO WAY.

I think these are legitimate questions.

Do you guys know something I don't??

Had anyone really heard of Andy Reid before he went to Philly?


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Just because the Eagles' gamble worked, I don't think the Redskins should.

I don't believe he has really improved the Rams defense at all. It was bad before he came along and it is bad now. What?, they give up 25 fewer yards per game now? Give me a break.

The only reason his name is out there is because the NFL wants black head coaches.


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Lovie Smith is a disciple of Tony Dungy and Monte Kiffin. He helped Kiffin design the cover two in Tampa Bay. Problem for you guys is....him and McKay are tight and I have read numerous articles where he is almost garuanteed to be here...in Atlanta. I don't think cash is gonna be of importance to him, even if it is we have a Billionaire owner. Romeo Crennel would be my second choice though.:moon:

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