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Do we have the #5 pick for sure *


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1. San Diego 4-12 .504

2. Oakland 4-12 .516

3. Arizona 4-12 .543

4. New York Giants 4-12 .555

5. Washington!!!!! 5-11 .531

6. Detroit 5-11 .535

7. (t)Atlanta 5-11 .539

8. (t)Cleveland 5-11 .539

9. Jacksonville 5-11 .543

10. Houston 5-11 .570

11. Pittsburgh 6-10 .500

12. New York Jets 6-10 .527

13. Buffalo 6-10 .570

14. Chicago 7-9 .488

15. Tampa Bay 7-9 .508

16. San Francisco 7-9 .512

17. Cincinnati 8-8 .457

18. New Orleans 8-8 .500

19. Minnesota 9-7 .457

20. Miami 10-6 .512

21. (p)New England (from Baltimore) 10-6 .457

22. (p)Dallas 10-6 .461

23. (p)Seattle 10-6 .465

24. (p)Green Bay 10-6 .488

25. (p)Denver 10-6 .500

26. (p)Carolina 11-5 .445

27. (p)St. Louis 12-4 .434

28. (p)Tennessee 12-4 .473

29. (p)Indianapolis 12-4 .492

30. (p)Kansas City 13-3 .418

31. (p)Philadelphia 12-3 .477

32. (p)New England 14-2 .484

*(p) final draft position subject to playoff results

(t) indicates tie subject to coin flip

The official 2004 draft order at GBN.

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Why do you guys drop? The Giants move up one spot each round. They pick third in the second, second in the third, and first in the fourth. Why does it work this way? I thought once you are set at a spot, you are there all the rounds? Why haven't I noticed this before? I've been watching every draft since I can remember. Can anyone explain this to me?

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

Why do you guys drop? The Giants move up one spot each round. They pick third in the second, second in the third, and first in the fourth. Why does it work this way? I thought once you are set at a spot, you are there all the rounds? Why haven't I noticed this before? I've been watching every draft since I can remember. Can anyone explain this to me?

Its very simple. When teams have the same record, they are ordered via the SOS tiebreaker. In order to make things more equitable, the team that wins the SOS tiebreaker, and gets the first pick of that group, is moved to the back of the pack for round two, and every other team moves up. This continues for each round of the draft. If there are only two teams with the same record, this results in teams alternating picks in every other round.

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Originally posted by CrankyTodd

Its very simple. When teams have the same record, they are ordered via the SOS tiebreaker. In order to make things more equitable, the team that wins the SOS tiebreaker, and gets the first pick of that group, is moved to the back of the pack for round two, and every other team moves up. This continues for each round of the draft. If there are only two teams with the same record, this results in teams alternating picks in every other round.

CrankyTodd is the man. Well said so even I can understand it!

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Ball Coach Spurrier-

Could you move your sig. pic to tailgate daily babe or something..

I'm at work and always have to scroll past it real fast when reading a thread you have replied to.

Otherwise, I could care less.. Just makes things easier so I dont stir any waves in case someone accidently walks by.

Thx. DSF

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