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The Important Question.


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At the start of the year, I thought there was a good chance of the Skins and Eagles game settling the division title.... I never thought I would be correct in that thought, but in settling it between Dallas and Philly.

Now, I dont really care who wins the division since its not the Redskins. I will always want the Skins to win a game, even if means something good happening for Dallas. The fact is that Dallas does not have enough this year to make it far in the playoffs, so I dont really care if they win the division or not.

All I know is that it would feel mighty good to end the year with a win against the Eagles.....

Not that I really expect that to happen, but the fact that losing to the Eagles will make it impossible for the Pokes to win the division is just a nice little consolation prize.

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Originally posted by Bang

If the Redskins beat the Eagles, and the Cowboys win, they can win the division.

It's even worse than that, Bang.

They would (by beating the Saints on Sunday) not only win the division but also win the 2nd NFC seed and a BYE week.

My stomach turns at the thought.


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Originally posted by jbooma

If he knew him then why did he let him go. Tim is clearly better then the Eagle backups.

Don't agree with that one at all. He was let go because he wasn't better. He was neck and neck with Feeley two years ago, but Feeley consistently out-performed him in practice and in the pre-season game. There's no way he's a better QB than Detmer at this point in his career. Detmer may run the Eagles offense better than McNabb, as he's better at reading defenses and has a much quicker release.

Both Feeley and Detmer proved their worth last season, so TH had little chance of beating them out this past pre-season. The Eagles remain deep at QB.

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Originally posted by Blazers21

Both Feeley and Detmer proved their worth last season, so TH had little chance of beating them out this past pre-season. The Eagles remain deep at QB.

The Eagles King Jaworski said it, I take his word over anyone elses.

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My hate for the Eagles and McFagg has grown maybe even stronger or at least equal to the Cowboys. Since we are playing the Eagles, I desparately want to beat them simply for pride's sake. I certainly don't want them to have a bye for the playoffs, nor do I want Dallas to, but one of them will. It's a toss up, but at this point, I actually would prefer to let Dallas have the bye. They will get waxed in the playoffs anyways, too much pressure. As long as neither the Iggles or the Cowboys advance to the SuperBowl, I will be quite happy sitting on my ass watching the Superbowl this year, iin full Redskins attire drinking many cold beers.

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