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NY Giants likely done for the season

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I was hoping the NY Giants would win one more game, so that we could possibly move ahead of them in the draft order. But it looks like everyone on their team "is likely done for the season." :laugh:

Giants | Rivers Misses Practice - from www.KFFL.com

Wed, 17 Dec 2003 15:59:19 -0800

New York Giants TE Marcellus Rivers (knee) didn't practice Wednesday, Dec. 17, and is likely done for the season.

Giants | Petitgout Misses Practice - from www.KFFL.com

Wed, 17 Dec 2003 15:59:09 -0800

New York Giants OT Luke Petitgout (back) didn't practice Wednesday, Dec. 17, and is likely done for the season.

Giants | Hilliard Misses Practice - from www.KFFL.com

Wed, 17 Dec 2003 15:59:01 -0800

New York Giants WR Ike Hilliard (knee) didn't practice Wednesday, Dec. 17, and is likely done for the season.

Giants | Shockey Misses Practice - from www.KFFL.com

Wed, 17 Dec 2003 15:58:50 -0800

New York Giants TE Jeremy Shockey (knee) didn't practice Wednesday, Dec. 17, and is likely done for the season.

Giants | Collins Misses Practice - from www.KFFL.com

Wed, 17 Dec 2003 15:54:23 -0800

New York Giants QB Kerry Collins (ankle) didn't practice Wednesday, Dec. 17, and is likely done for the season.

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Cleveland, Jacksonville, Oakland, San Diego, Detroit, Atlanta, and Arizona. The Giants are either tied or 1 game ahead of all these teams for the top spot. I could see the Giants passing a couple of these teams to move up even further in the draft. Cleveland, Jacksonville, Oakland, and Detroit are all 4-10. I know the Giants aren't winning another game so any or all of them just have to win 1 game. That would put the Giants at number 3 unless San Diego wins one. The Giants would move ahead of them because of strength of schedule. Man, the Giants are going to be on the clock pretty quickly in April. And they could still be put on the clock in December. Just not what I expected when this season began. But hey, a new beginning.

What about the Skins? I read where Spurrier wants to make coaching changes. He wouldn't think of changing D coordinator, would he? What kind of changes is he talking about?

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Today on NFL Live, Sean Salisbury tried to pimp Jimmy Johnson for the Giants job. If Wannstedt gets fired in Miami, Johnson could reunite with his Super Bowl winning def and off coordinators. LOL What a division that would be if Johnson joined. Former Cowboys coaching great in New York, former Giants coaching great in Dallas, the Eagles and their recent dominance along with the Skins and Spurrier in his last year to get the fun and gun to work.

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we all knew they were done 7 weeks ago, all 3 of their corners are on injured reserve along with Sean Williams their SS plus half the offensive line, plus their starting QB andHilliard & Shockey wont play again this season,well apart from all that i think there in good shape

Hey tom which position do you think the giants will draft? im hearing from the ny press that both the Jets & Giants are looking at Sean Taylor

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Saw an interview last night on ESPN with Fassel.. said he intends to be back, probably next year... said this was the best move for him and the organization (as stated in the "Little Book of Coaching Quotes")

Said he pretty much forced the issue,, but in a non-forceful way,, went in and told the Giants FO that a change was needed for both, and no hard feelings, basically.

Said that he intended to be back as ONLY a head coach, no coordinator job will satisfy him.

I like Fassel. I think he's a good coach and I think he's a decent human being.

Basically Fassel did the same thing as Dan Reeves,, except with maturity and class. I think it's a credit to his character that even in this awful season, with his head in the noose and the trap door swinging open, he won't give up on his guys until the bitter end. I think that says a lot. In comparison, Dan Reeves knew he was a lame duck, and quit on his team.

Regardless of whether guys on the team wanted him gone or not, there's 53 guys there that he made a commitment to, and ev en though things have not worked out, he should have enough respect for THEM to see it thru to the end.

Credit Fassel for doing that.

If you were an NFL GM,, which one would YOU consider hiring?

I'd take Fassel in a second over Reeves, if for no other reason than what we saw displayed by both men this year.


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Id like Fassel as well... the guy has consistent shown he can win in December (except this year of course). Bringing the Gints to the SB was no small feat either. He has proven to be a good motivator and has consistently earned the respect of his players.

Reeves looks more tired and washed up every year... I would not want to see him coaching any team I cared about.

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